[Severian]Tenki no Ko (Weathering with You)(Final Fix)[1080p]

2020-05-05 16:39
No information.
File size:
5.1 GiB
Info hash:

So with time comes progress! This is the final fix that will be done until the BD version comes out…
Sources are [obs sucks] for the video & audio, and the Eng subs are by Hina (@LnlyHikikomori). The Dutch hardcoded subs have been blended as best as possible with the surrounding pixels…

####Fixes Include#####
25->23.976 FPS (Standard frame rate for a cinematic film)
Audio repitched
HC subs scrubbed and inpainting was done to give it a natural “almost perfect” look.
Two-pass filter was used as to only affect HC subs region. Hence no non-HC-sub related artefacts
Music lyrics were removed from the English sub file (Eng subs were softcoded in) so hopefully scenes will become less cluttered and easier to read

All in all, hopefully this will be enjoyable to watch. This is Severian, thank you for your patronage.

Sorry the screenshots are not showing, there are four sample images found here (https://ibb.co/02w8RNN https://ibb.co/PcXg7jN https://ibb.co/LPW92VV https://ibb.co/FH3s7xz)
Two are without the Eng subs and two with.

File list

  • Tenki no Ko (Weathering with You)[1080p].mp4 (5.1 GiB)

Fantastic from what I’ve seen so far great job

aspect ratio is still distorted and the colors seem off

people really can’t wait a few weeks for the BD huh

the only good thing about this movie are the visuals, so this is more pointless than you might think

why bother yourself with this shitty movie anyway ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@Severian how did you synchronize with this raw? Here the caption is not beating at all, neither by frames nor by time. To be sure you have to synchronize line by line …

people really can’t wait a few weeks for the BD huh

some pervS even watching camrips these days
and CR webdls with 128kbps AAC ?

nothing beats a ohys raws when it comes to quality

Amazing work! (And what are these tasteless kids on the comments)

Is the subtitles there or not yet?

Thank you for taking on board the stuff I mentioned in the last upload. I shall download this after I finish work today and watch on my well deserved weekend off.

Can anyone attest for how it is now? I.e artefacts etc where they shouldn’t be? How watchable is it?

Thanks OP, just finished watching it :)

Pretty impressive sub erasing.

How did you remove those subtitles? It is quite impressive. Can you tell me more?

why can’t I see subtitles? it has no subtitle file



Great job!
Can someone re-encode this to a lower file size? 5GB is too much for my limited internet.

Severian (uploader)


@AoiOdin2113 It’s a pleasure, hope you enjoy it.

@AngelGoku00 & @Megumin7777 the subs are softcoded, your video players should detect them. If not, try to manually enable the subs in the players’ option menus. If all else fails here the sub file is available here http://www.mediafire.com/file/6nc3we9cwj5nkmw/input.ass/file and will be available for the next 14 days…

@psycrax take a look at OpenCV’s inpainting functions. The Fast Marching method and a version of the Navier-Stokes eq are available. The first method was used for this film. A defined rectangular aperture was manually set around the text area and an RGB range finder for both semi-white and semi-black pixels was used to create the mask to be inpainted. Some dilation to enlarge the initial mask (just to make sure it covers everything) then the inpainting and viola!

So much better, no issues with artefacts in the scenes that had them before. Thank you.

what players do you recommend @Severian

Severian (uploader)


@AoiOdin2113 glad you approve, was worth uploading this fixed version!

@AngelGoku00 it depends on your OS but the best bets are VLC, Potplayer, and personal favourite MPV (side note** MPV may probably work best since its engine is FFMPEG and the encoding was done with the same software)

Thank you Severian, Now I can finally watch this movie with the little brother (I already saw it when it came out in theatres).

Email me at: charlotteislove@outlook.com
I can def help you out!

This movie need to be watched only on Blu-ray quality trust me.

What about the story compared to makotos previous works?

and CR webdls with 128kbps AAC

Except it’s enough?

Which date the BD of this movie is going to be released?

Just gave it a test run,
FYI to those who are questioning; subtitles need to be manually turned on. If for whatever reason you don’t have it still, download link in the comments above.

(for first time viewers reading comments) If you haven’t already researched, this is a screen recording not source. Quality is respectable you can still see the animation with all its greatness but picture quality is slightly better on my 1080p screen vs my 1440p screen. 1440p screen shows more unsharpness. Audio quality source is fine, bass from the subwoofer is not distored and raindrops can be heard in full quality from the tweeters.

I am a huge high quality preferred person and I find this to be acceptable… I have no idea how are these people are complaining about this release who has done you all a favour… Please ignore all these bad comments. At the end of the day, its your choice if you want to watch the highest quality webrip or wait for the blu-ray release. Some very ungreatful opinions are being shared here and are not helpful to other people seeking information about this torrent…

Severian (uploader)


@Thanwa Thanks for that! It’s really appreciated when others see the hard work put into projects like this… And for some may even make or break whether they will continue to re-encode material in the future (Cerberus is an example of such circumstances https://nyaa.si/view/1239078#comments) So for everyone’s benefit, “constructive” criticism should be done with respect and obviously the material should be viewed before making any notion of what to comment on this site for all to see. All in all though, most comments seem more positive and grateful. So thank you all! Hopefully any future projects will garner a similar standing.

Only 17 days and 7 hours and 35 minutes for the bluray release.

Gonna wait for BD version, can’t stand the blur box in the entire movie, it makes me wanna destroy my tv.

Very, very impressive. This is pretty much the technique I’ve been trying to apply for the last few days, but have been unable to due to issues getting OpenCV to work on my system.

Really cool to see! Nice work.

Don’t have subs?

@Zappa look harder
@MAAKUBE Yes, but if you can’t stand the blur wait for the bluray release or alternatively
Some guy posted it on facebook, it has no background blur but the quality is a bit shitty since its on facebook, please do tell me if you find the source

@AnonymousChicken111 lmao it’s just severian’s release

if you look carefully you still see blur

Bunch of fucking desperate pathetic faggots. If you poor fucks who didn’t get a chance to watch it in theatres for whatever reasons have waited pretty much 1 year for the BD release, why the fuck would you settle for this piece of shit and lose your Weathering With You virginity this way instead of wait 2 MORE FUCKING DAYS for the BD…2 fucking days…

what does final mix mean, is this a directors cut?