Release the Spyce BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC, MKV format. ~ 800 MB / EP.
Thanks to **Nekomoe kissaten** for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
The Blu-ray of Release the Spyce is average. In addition to a bit of banding, the main scenes show typical characteristics associated with 720p upscaling. Fixing these issues isn't particularly hard: descale the image, reconstruct the lines, then apply de-banding, and these should suffice. Halfway through writing the script, however, I found the OP was a different "art style" - literally throwing tons of heavy colour bands into my face. I had to slice them off and treat separately, only to find that there were more issues to come: different upscaling methods were mixed up in a few episodes from the second half of the season. Unwilling to give up the progress, I pushed myself to manually check and slice the scenes based on the frame-by-frame analysis result. The worst episode, was broken into a ridiculous number of 156 pieces. It almost made me wondering if I need my head examined. Finally made it to the SPs. The quality varies wildly, too. Some are good, but there are ones which are interlaced throughout, or only for a few scenes. All in all, for the sake of moe waifus here, I finished everything with absolutely zero compromises. That said, this project couldn't be more completed without your enjoyment. Wish you a pleasant time watching.
Thanks to our participating members:
Script: はかせ & 助手ちゃん
Encode: FO
Collate: 百江なぎさ
QC: 助手ちゃん & はかせ, Enola
Upload: Tom
Seed: Seeding members of VCB-Studio CDN (refer to our website for full list)
Thanks to all resource providers:
CD: {超平和バスターズ, kannagiumine, 甜不氵娜娜}@TSDM, anonymous@U2
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.
Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/1680.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/1680v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/2540.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/2540v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/2965.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/2965v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/7250.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/7250v.png)
[](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/8750.png) [](https://img.2222.moe/images/2020/04/03/8750v.png)
Comments - 6
VCB-Studio (uploader)