This is my completed collection of 3D Kanojo Real Girl. It is compatible with the hamatv plex metadata agent, and the absolute series scanner. If you use those you should be able to just drag and drop.
This is a remake of OxyMux’s torrent. I transcoded it to 265 10 bit, with Opus Audio to reduce file size. Please give credit to OxyMux. All I’m doing is uploading my personal collection.
[OxyMux] 3D Kanojo Real Girl S1+S2 [BD 1080p] [Dual Audio] [Multi-Subs]
Comments - 11
good to see new encoder here Few TIPS here hope you find it useful
Try to make your video source JPBD(good rip is fine too not 250mb file) if not available then USBD or UKBD, worst case use web sources
if you make dual audio torrent do not forget Sign and song subtitle
do not forget about chapters too
An1meC0llector (uploader)
@Ravarage Thanks for the tips :) at the moment i am just going to be uploading my personal collections from my media server, Hench the small files sizes. I personally prefer H.265 for the small file sizes, since i dont notice a different in video/audio quality. i figured i could upload the ones i’ve transcoded to fit my preferences for those who also have said preferences. I have thought ripping my own blue rays in the future though :)
@An1meC0llector I understand that, that is the same reason I upload, I encode it for myself and share it with the internet, but since I am doing the encoding why not make better torrent, this way I have better anime, and more people be happier, like the say the more the merrier, keep up the good work
An1meC0llector (uploader)
@Ravarage Thanks for the advice! I have some of your torrents. I really like you releases. So it made me really happy to see you leave me some advice. Deciding to upload was a spur of the moment thing. I was looking through the few shows i have reorganized and optimized for my server, and figured i might as well make it public since i put so much work into gathering (and transcoding when needed to fit my preferences) as much from a show as possible. I plan to upload my seven deadly sins collection soon but I’m still missing a few specials that i cant seem to find anywhere (Revival of the Commandments -Prologue-, and SP 12.5 (New Years Special) ) And i want my releases to have as much of the show as possible.
@An1meC0llector thank you,and I download this torrent and you done a great job , keep it up
thank you
Thank you! <3
But the naming could have been better; for example “s1 2018”, “s2 2019” and you could get rid of the abomination/bloatware extra dubbing - this way you could save even more space! :)
@An1meC0llector Audio bitrate and it’s Stereo or Surroundings?
Seed Please!!!
just wanted to point out, for anyone unaware, that the folders were misnamed. Season 1 was listed second, with “[2019 Winter]” in the title, while Season 2 was listed first with “[2018 Spring]” in the title.
these titles were put on the opposite folders, since the second folder was episodes from 2018 (Season 1).
if i hadn’t noticed the filenames said s2 in them, i was totally about to watch the first folder first, since it had the older date!