Serial Experiments Lain (US VHS) (en dub)

2020-04-11 20:55 UTC
No information.
File size:
14.1 GiB
Info hash:
This is the US VHS release of Serial Experiments Lain. It's English Dub only. Unless you plan on watching this on a CRT or something, don't download this, find a BD. The four files contain all 13 episodes of the show. Each file seems to be a rip of one of the four tapes that the show was released on. The video is uncompressed, probably to retain every single grain of vhs tape goodness for the sake of authenticity. This is not the vhs version with the Spanish hardsubs, though it does seem to have English hardsubs on the ED. I would happily credit whoever it was that ripped the show, except I have no idea who it was. I randomly found this treasure (trash to others, perhaps) on the internet and decided to share it. I took no part in making it. Please seed, since I won't be keeping it for too long.

File list

  • Lain_VHS
    • 'Deus' RAW.mpg (3.3 GiB)
    • 'Knights' RAW.mpg (3.2 GiB)
    • 'Navi' RAW.mpg (4.3 GiB)
    • 'Reset' RAW.mpg (3.2 GiB)


Wow, I was actually looking for a vhs rip without hardsubs like 2 days ago. Thanks! Will seed.
To recreate the experience, I'm gonna send you $30 per tape and sneak a beer out of my old man's fridge
Really interesting find! Thanks!
wow, this rules. thanks
Blast from the past! I still got two original VHS of Lain subtitled. And some old VHS fansubs of it.... Thanks for sharing this!
cool find, will seed
Yes, this was what got me into anime 20years ago haha Thank you Thank you Thank you <('-'<)(>'-')> Quarantine Dance
ayo, did Tomo give this to ya?
Guys please seed
this is such a great upload. thanks!
thank you so much for keeping this up i downloaded it andthen lost it in a pc crash