Bleach v66-v67 (2016) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire) (VIZ)

2020-03-21 14:27 UTC
No information.
File size:
355.6 MiB
Info hash:
Seems like no one shared those two volumes here yet. v01-v65 [here](, v68-74 [here]( or [here]( Not gonna bother with a batch since they are still seeded. Wash your hands, read Bleach at home. Bye

File list

Bleach is back baby
THANKS SOOOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!! I thought it was completely dead from the face of the internet. I searched for these files like a mad man, I knew they existed but I never found a alive source. But here you are my "Hero" / "Savior", giving hope in times of trouble......(I don't wanna say what the trouble is "sensitive matter", but guys be safe.......don't forget to use protection....LOL that sounds awfully off-putting) THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!
i want to add fire here, yes bleach is back baby, read this manga alone.
Bleach's special 20th Anniversary presentation (which was originally scheduled to debut during the now canceled AnimeJapan 2020 event) had a lot of great announcements for fans of Tite Kubo's Bleach. Not only was it confirmed that Bleach's anime would be coming back with an adaptation of the Thousand-Year Blood War arc, but it was also confirmed during the presentation that Kubo's one-shot Burn The Witch would be his next full serializiation in Shueisha's Weekly Shonen Jump. But those weren't the end of the surprises as it was announced that Burn the Witch would be getting an anime adaptation too.
I was looking for these last nighttttttt. Thank youuuu. Can you share any other bleach related stuff? I'm obsessed
[Bleach v66 (2016) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire).cbz](!wSwHRQwS!Hz5U9TqAacv1ATn8ncMtBmwLhBAw5d6XAp-puFbuPvk) **60.5 MB** [Bleach v67 (2016) (Digital) (LostNerevarine-Empire).cbz](!VSolmaxT!eWT_9Z-LeXP_HzH-k1cjvtbd4uzmiZ9AQQV5z9QSel8) **63.3 MB** I have re-encoded v68-v74 ***[here](*** This is my effort to promote ***WebP*** format in a #savemybandwidth movement. The quality is ***NEARLY identical*** from original. YACreader and Sumatrapdf is able to read these cbz. I have not tested other comic reader but I will assume they are up to date with image format technologies. I have re-encoded the source with [ImageMagick]( with the follow batch command line parameters. ``` for /R %%f in (*.jpg, *.png) DO ( magick -quality 50 -define thread-level=4 -define webp:method=6 "%%f" "%%~pf%%~nf.webp" ) ``` If anyone plans to convert their bleach 01-74 viz library to webp and upload it. Please message me. I'm in dire need of it :)
Is it possible for you to reupload Bleach Volume 45? It's missing page 160.
thanks for the upload
Literary created my account seconds ago to request these. Ive been scouring the internet for the passed 5 months to find these. I found this exact name but couldn't find the actual files. Thank you for helping me complete my bleach collection, its been aggravating my OCD.
does anyone has the torrent for the 3-in-1 VIZ editions?