FLAC ver.: [#1229713](https://nyaa.si/view/1229713) ≠ More Zombie Land Saga music [#search](https://nyaa.si/user/noZA_?f=0&c=0_0&q=Zombie+Land+Saga)
Release Date: Aug 28, 2019
VGMdb: https://vgmdb.net/album/87274
MAL: https://myanimelist.net/anime/37976/Zombieland_Saga
**`qAAC cVBR 512 Quality 96, 44.1 kHz, 2 channels`**
01 Death Metal Shock デスメタルショック 1:42
02 Zombie Panic ゾンビパニック 1:52
03 Adabana Necromancy 徒花ネクロマンシー (Fruitless Necromancy) (TVsize) 1:31
04 Good Morning Saga グッドモーニング サガ 2:10
05 Am I dead? わたし死んでるんですよね? 1:25
06 Zombie on Stage ゾンビ オン ステージ 1:18
07 Shouting Cry 阿鼻叫喚 1:28
08 Resentment in my chest 悔しさを胸に 1:49
09 I'll do it from the top! てっぺんとってやる! 2:13
10 With my friends! 仲間とともに 2:04
11 Windy Beginnings 始まりの風 0:44
12 FranChouChou フランシュシュ 1:51
13 I'm not being honest 素直になれなくて 1:43
14 Deep Sadness 悲しみ深く 1:54
15 Because I'm an Idol だってアイドルだから 1:34
16 Going to the next stage 次のステージへ 2:18
17 High Tension Man ハイテンションな男 1:27
18 House of Zombies ゾンビの館 2:06
19 What's going on? どうなってるの? 1:40
20 New day 新しい一日 1:56
21 Happy Memories 幸せな思い出 1:50
22 Greetings 夜露死苦 2:06
23 Running Carnage 修羅を走る 1:47
24 The road to fate 運命への道 1:34
25 Friends... 友よ... 2:12
26 Let's Go Idols! アイドルで行こう! 2:09
27 Shinning Eyes 輝く瞳 1:57
28 Old-fashioned woman 昔かたぎの女 2:14
29 Losing Light 光を見失って 1:43
30 Lonely Night 淋しい夜 2:13
31 If you were here 君がいてくれたら 2:47
32 The fighting spirit burning in my chest 胸に灯る闘志 2:11
33 Not giving up at all ぜったいに見捨ててやらん 1:46
34 Hikari e 光へ (To the light) (TVsize) 1:31
35 The Best Stage 最高のステージ 2:41
36 Legendary Women 伝説の女たち 1:49
37 ZOMBIE LAND SAGA ゾンビランドサガ 2:10
###### ※ M-03 - Opening Theme / FranChouChou [[Minamoto Sakura](https://myanimelist.net/character/164576/Sakura_Minamoto), [Nikaido Saki](https://myanimelist.net/character/164577/Saki_Nikaidou), [Mizuno Ai](https://myanimelist.net/character/164578/Ai_Mizuno), [Konno Junko](https://myanimelist.net/character/164579/Junko_Konno), [Yuugiri](https://myanimelist.net/character/164580/Yuugiri), [Hoshikawa Lily](https://myanimelist.net/character/164581/Lily_Hoshikawa) (cv. [Hondo Kaede](https://myanimelist.net/people/38659/Kaede_Hondo), [Tano Asami](https://myanimelist.net/people/12666/Asami_Tano), [Taneda Risa](https://myanimelist.net/people/16135/Risa_Taneda), [Kawase Maki](https://myanimelist.net/people/46800/Maki_Kawase), [Kinugawa Rika](https://myanimelist.net/people/40034/Rika_Kinugawa), [Tanaka Minami](https://myanimelist.net/people/24265/Minami_Tanaka))]
###### ※ M-34 - Ending Theme / FranChouChou [[Minamoto Sakura](https://myanimelist.net/character/164576/Sakura_Minamoto), [Nikaido Saki](https://myanimelist.net/character/164577/Saki_Nikaidou), [Mizuno Ai](https://myanimelist.net/character/164578/Ai_Mizuno), [Konno Junko](https://myanimelist.net/character/164579/Junko_Konno), [Yuugiri](https://myanimelist.net/character/164580/Yuugiri), [Hoshikawa Lily](https://myanimelist.net/character/164581/Lily_Hoshikawa) (cv. [Hondo Kaede](https://myanimelist.net/people/38659/Kaede_Hondo), [Tano Asami](https://myanimelist.net/people/12666/Asami_Tano), [Taneda Risa](https://myanimelist.net/people/16135/Risa_Taneda), [Kawase Maki](https://myanimelist.net/people/46800/Maki_Kawase), [Kinugawa Rika](https://myanimelist.net/people/40034/Rika_Kinugawa), [Tanaka Minami](https://myanimelist.net/people/24265/Minami_Tanaka))]
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