| --- | --- |
|Timing, TS, Edit|gsk_
This was tricky to encode because we had to deal with bad linearts and heavy aliasing. And on top of that, a lot of lovely banding. Filterchain consisted on chroma shift, rescale, hard antialiasing with compensative sharpening and debanding while being careful to recover details. Unlike my previous uploads for this, I timed everything from scratch, used the Typesetting of [LaSerieEvento](https://nyaa.si/?f=0&c=0_0&q=LaSerieEvento) and edited it as necessary. Songs translation by **Soul.** KFX taken from [EternalAnimes](https://nyaa.si/user/EternalAnimes?f=0&c=0_0&q=boku). Script is pretty much untouched, editing is limited to fixing awful line breakers and few miscellaneous edits.
**A special thanks to Soul for helping me translating the songs, basheer_nami for his extensive QC and Vardë for his encodes**
**I highly recommended you use [mpv player](https://mpv.io/installation/)**
Please consider seeding at least with a ratio of 1. Thank you.
Enjoy Studying!!! \ (•◡•) /
TV/BD video differences:
[Episode 1](https://slowpics.org/comparison/0843b589-1214-461f-9cd9-c8d5e85f3f27) | [Episode 2](https://slow.pics/c/gXB0LgvJ)
Comments - 5
gsk_ (uploader)