I liked this song so I KFX’d, there’s not much else to say other than that the translation’s most likely garbage, feel free to submit a proper one if it bothers you.
-> https://github.com/Myaanee/anime_opeds/tree/master/Koisuru Asteroid/ED02
Preview: https://streamable.com/08xlm
EDIT Post finishing this: I noticed https://nyaa.si/view/1225533 did a release, they have no kfx but a better translation, I won’t just use theirs (unless they say it’s fine) but you can of course replace it with their English text yourself.
Comments - 9
Translation isn’t an important part of the fansubbing process anyway.
Asibior (uploader)
I made it purely to have herkz at least once in my life comment on 1 random torrent I upload, now I can die in peace.
Not all songs need KFX. you can look at GJM releases for examples.
In terms of fitting, the font choice isn’t all that great. It feels too strict/solid which breaks the user’s “immersion” into the song/episode.
Font wise, I would for for a more cursive font for romaji, kanji and translation… and to make them smaller, because I think its really too big :P
Been doing KFX for a while and I personally feel this KFX won’t fit either into the song, it has too much movement/motion, for these kind of EDs/OPs its best to have subtle movements and/or slow transitions.
Sorry if it is all negatives but I hope you can take it as constructive feedback.
Disclaimer: I did not work on the Butter Release directly but provided QC feedback for signs and KFX.
GJM Discord is a nice place to start if your unsure about things.
Asibior (uploader)
@Shinon All feedback is appreciated, I never did KFX for others, only for myself. So I’ve always focused purely on my personal preferences (ironically most of the negative things you listed I like granted I used font’s that fit the show more than the song), size wise I guess smaller would’ve worked too.
There’s a reason I made it, because I just love karaoke subs and seeing them moving, so for me, every single OP/ED needs them.
That’s fine too. Personally for me & also personal preference, I try to go with the flow of the song in question, or with the events that are on the screen.
Take me advice from me with a grain of salt, because the way I do KFX is apparently weird by other people’s standards.
EDIT: lmao herkz \/ , still stalling any commie releases? Also, OK Boomer.
lol weebs
Asibior (uploader)
@Shinon Most of the KFXs I’ve looked at over the years differ wildly in style and in how they fit to the songs/episodes/shows anyway, look at all the DDY ones.
kdfss’ Nourin OP is to this date still one of my fav’s, its so fun to watch and had quite some creative ideas.(although what sold it to me was probably just the knock knock part)
You’re very welcome to use our translation! You can find the lyrics and the source ASS file in our GitHub repo. We had intended to add romaji with KFX but had conflicting sources at the time, so we decided to wait until official lyrics were out before committing to anything and will hopefully be adding it in the batch along with other fixes. I believe the full song will be out on March 25.
Asibior (uploader)
@Butter thanks! Yes, the album is out on 2020.03.25