[ドラゴンボールGT OP & ED] DRAGON BALL GT - Hits Promocionales [Flac] [Chile/American Spanish] [1998]

2020-02-25 22:40 UTC
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File size:
195.2 MiB
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これはチリでリリスしたアルバムのシングルバージョン。アルバムの名前は「DRAGON BALL GT - Hits Promocionales」、曲たちはスペイン語である(南アメリカの)。歌集でいる曲以外にTVサイズのインストも含まれます。このリリースは南米と北米のテレビダブより前に現れた、だからこれはアメリカの第一致のバージョン。 ーーーーーー Promotional CD cut of a later released album. Released in 1998 on Chile, 「DRAGON BALL GT - Hits Promocionales」contains commercial versions of the Opening and Ending for the series, a cover of the American opening, instrumental versions of the opening and closing songs along with a Argentinean remix of the 2nd Z series opening. This CD was the first release of GT series tematic songs, also, it was released even before the series were dubbed on both North & South American territory, so it has different lyrics to the later localized TV version. ALBUM INFORMATION: Original name: ドラゴンボールGT-プロモーションヒット / DRAGON BALL GT - Hits Promocionales. Composers: Various. Release date: 1998. Catalog number: MID-38137. Publisher: Warner Music Chile S.A. Comments: Commercial release of the latin american adaptations. Sung in Spanish. AUDIO INFORMATION: Format: FLAC Channels: 2 Bits per sample: 24 Sample rate: 48000 Hz Compression level: FLAC, level 8 Origin: WEB Download.

File list

  • 1998. Dragon Ball GT - Hits Promocionales
    • 1. DAN DAN 心魅かれてく.flac (42.1 MiB)
    • 2. ひとりじゃない.flac (39.9 MiB)
    • 3. Rock the Dragon.flac (15.7 MiB)
    • 4. DAN DAN 心魅かれてく (TV サイズ カラオケ).flac (25.1 MiB)
    • 5. ひとりじゃない (TV サイズ カラオケ).flac (22.6 MiB)
    • 6. WE GOTTA POWER (アルゼンチンのREMIX).flac (46.8 MiB)
    • folder.png (2.8 MiB)
Thanks. Listening to the three scores made me wish Chile had its own dub so they could have made their own OP/ED covers.
Please seed this https://nyaa.si/view/1022658