some sharpen
denoise,(you can do debanding in mpv/mpc player set reading to deband=yes,deband-iterations=4,deband-threshold=50,deband-range=6,deband-grain=56)
it would fix up most of the debanding.also you can use madvr.
might descale iito 720p version .who knows.
also i slept at middle of night while waiting for this completion.(
\download it if ya want else don’t spread poison here or stop other doing or no next week release*thou owo have released it before hand).
if there is anything wrong with send the ss on discrd i will remove this release.
Comments - 5
BJX (uploader)
11 seconds ago
tf my server is reaching like 4 GBps lol
edit 1- HEVC will be completed in 1.5 hours)
15 mins in there is some lag between dialouge and subs for the first 20 sec.
BJX (uploader)
I see imma fix it in the hevc release ??
BJX (uploader)
Need translators thou or other might(like me) drop it
i love 720p becaues only plays on my phone