[PSP] Never7 -The End of Infinity- [English Patched, Update v0.2]

2020-02-15 23:59 UTC
File size:
1.2 GiB
Info hash:
![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/9fXBLz68/c.png) **Original title**: Never7 -The End of Infinity- **Genre**: Visual Novel **Length**: Long (30 - 50 hours) **Year**: Japan 2000-12-21, Japan(PSP) 2009-03-12, English Patch 2020-02-06 **Developer**: KID & Regista **Publisher**: CyberFront **Language**: English **Voice**: Japanese **Translation Patch**: [jv110](https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-never7-the-end-of-infinity-psp-english-translation.557697/) **Description**: You play as Makoto, a student who never attends the lectures at the school. As a punishment, you have to attend an extra seminar on an island with other classmates. However, when you arrive on the island, strange things start happening. A girl is found dead on April 6th, with a small bell in her hand. Immediately after that, you found yourself in the bed and see the date - April 1st! Was the vision of the girl just a dream, or do you possess a power to predict events? This is what you will have to find out, as a series of strange deaths make your seminar much more suspenseful than you have thought. **Important**: 1. "This is a port of the English translation for Never7 to the PSP version. It translates the entire game, as well as the TIPS. There are some minor script changes, but it's pretty much the same." 2. Notes: - If using PPSSPP, disable "System -> Fast memory", which causes bugs and crashes on Infinity games - The PSP screen is 16:9, but while the graphics are zoomed in, they're not actually cropped. Use analog stick up and down to see the rest of the screen if you need 3. Compared to PC version: - Nice backlog, you can replay voices and rewind the game - Quick saves, automatically created on every choice and scene - Remade video cutscenes, and new opening and ending themes - Nicer presentation with cool menus - The cool menus include several settings, like volume and text speed - Save in Append Stories - In-game TIPS - Title screen music is Beginning of Infinity instead of Once more... - No rainbow text box - Missing the PSX Epilogue Source: https://gbatemp.net/threads/release-never7-the-end-of-infinity-psp-english-translation.557697/ **!!!** Upadate v0.2: - Fix many important script errors - New XMB icon and sound, thanks u/ilubandroid **!!!** Tested on 6.39 PRO-B10 and PPSSPP v1.7.4 and working. **Screenshots**: ![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/kgJ8mzTD/ULJM05433-00000.png) ![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/Z5wNKHQH/ULJM05433-00002.png) ![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/8C3rL5Nr/ULJM05433-00003.png) ![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/CLHD9SHW/ULJM05433-00004.png) ![alt text](https://i.postimg.cc/nLMDs7bJ/ULJM05433-00005.png)

File list

  • Never7 -The End of Infinity-.iso (1.2 GiB)
Very good, but the options aren*t translated. I don't have a problem with it but it feels incomplete. Fun game.
Could you upload Danganronpa PSP English-patched? Thanks for this release.
Hmm what to do, I'm enjoying re-reading PSP ver. of Ever17 now, but I didn't like Remember11, should I try Never7 or no...