English subbed 1080p+ Bilibili rip of the Japanese version of the second half of the Girls’ Frontline mini-anime, Madness Chapter (Kyouran-hen). Since it’s a rip from Bilibili, it still contains the Bilibili logo and CN hardsubs. If at any point a cleaner, higher quality release of the JP version surfaces, feel free to rip the subs and transplant it there.
Comments - 6
Shame that those damn idiots issued takedowns against the channel. I get that they’re enforcing their IP, but considering their advertising circumstances and and taking into account there isn’t even any official western sources to watch them from, seeing those pop up in related videos is basically the only way I even found out about the damn game. They’re even free on Bilibili, albeit you need a Chinese VPN or live there.
couldn’t agree more, imo its really foolish to burn bridges with the fans like that esp. when mica team isn’t rly known for being adherent to copyright laws themselves… plus the game is already pretty niche as u said. better to leave things in the grey zone it was basically free advertisement deadass
Beri (uploader)
Haha, I greatly appreciate the sentiment fellas. But to tell you guys the truth, I was always expecting something like that to happen from the very beginning, so I never really cared about it. Like you said @Stacial, it’s their intellectual property and subsequently that means they can do whatever they see fit with it. When it comes to material like that, this sort of thing will always be a ticking time bomb.
But yeah, since there hasn’t been any official western channel to watch these on, all I had ever wanted to accomplish with the YT uploads was to share these funny shorts with like-minded fans of the game on an easily-accessible platform, and perhaps shill the game a bit in the same manner, but that’s more or a less as a side effect since it seemed to have garnered quite a lot of views in a relatively short amount of time. With that in mind, I’m grateful that I was able to have the opportunity to continue operating like that for that long in the first place.
glad ur taking it well but i still think their decision is stupid as hell. I am not sure what in hell they think they can accomplish by reducing their exposure deliberately…u never monetized right? and they were chinese video anime so its weird.
Beri (uploader)
Nope, never enabled monetization on any of the uploads, even on the more original ones I produced (not like there’d be much of a point there). Here’s something you might find interesting though, only the JP videos were marked and claimed by ドールズフロントライン【公式】, the Japanese provider. None of the CN dubbed videos got a strike. I suspect this is because they don’t want other factors cutting into their BD sales once that actually releases next month.