Out of all the existing file versions currently available on the internet,these should produce the clearest image for this anime overall.
( I tested around 20 or so other file versions of this anime per season season )
This torrent is focused on overall quality at reasonable torrent size.
I added the best subs i could find to the seasons that either did not use the best subtitles available or did not have any subtitles to begin with,
and made some other slight improvements here and there .
Language : Japanese.
Subs : English.
Audio : FLAC .
Video : 1080p .
And before you’re asking i dont think ill also do www.working any time soon,
since it’s completely unrelated with the first 3 seasons.
And lastly please seed for as long as you can if you like the batch.
Season 1 screenshots :
Season 2 screenshots :
Season 3 screenshots :
Comments - 10
www.Working? Its only 3 seasons was there an ova spin off or something or do you mean Blends? LOL
dark21 (uploader)
@ZippyDSMlee :
www.Working is technically the forth season of this show, it has 13 episodes,the general theme of it is the same with the other 3 seasons but is has a completely different cast of characters,its like gun gale online in SAO,its a spin off of the main show,check here https://myanimelist.net/anime/33094/WWWWorking
dark21 (uploader)
You’re welcome
dark21 AH never saw it and al the season names are so samey I could nto find any info on it LOL.
No opening and ending?
Thank you!
The subs are okay, but really missing the OP and ED for this one. Still great torrent tho.
Oh no… Well, I guess to some looks good, but imo it looks awful and/or morphs too much from the original art
before moozzi2
after moozzi2
(source from one his uploads)
Some softening sharpening filtering. (tbh i dont know the proper term, but yea). You can see the idea of how it can do bad than good, but I guess that’s up to your guys’ pref
Regarding the OP & ED of season 1, you can obtain them from the following upload and then place them in the same folder as that of season 1. This should allow the episodes to have OPs & EDs.