حرصت أن تكون الإصدارات في هذه التجميعة أفضل الموجود من ناحية الترجمة والجودة، ولذا إن وجدت أعمال بعض المترجمين المعروفين بكثرة سهوهم فهذا لأني لم
أجد إصدارًا أفضل لتلك الحلقة قبل إصدار التورنت، ولحسن الحظ كل الحلقات المهمة حصلت على ترجمات جيدة، أما بالنسبة للمفاضلة بين الجودة والترجمة فقد
تمت على حساب حكمي الخاص، أتمنى تقدير وجود جميع أفلام كونان ال 22 بجودة 1080 بي في مكان واحد لأول مرة (الفيلم ال 23 لم تنتهِ ترجمته ولكن سيكون من
السهل إيجاد روابط تحميله بعد ترجمته بحكم أنه جديد).
If you’re looking for raws then this torrent isn’t for you, as “most” mkv releases here are either hardsubbed or hard typesetted.
Comments - 12
It’s 2020 and we still using Bitcomet
Padding files from BitComet, Oh my! -_-
Garoo (uploader)
Some CRCs in file names are incorrect. The good news is you don’t need them with torrent.
احا؟ أنت بتهزر
Are you seriously just justifying the wrong crc32 in names with this lame excuse for 5ara’s sake??
Now can you imagine the issues you’re doing to rational normal people who uses crc32 to check their files after drives/servers migrations!? Just don’t add them if they’re wrong!
Garoo (uploader)
@mohamedh Ok bro avoid this torrent I hate whiners the CRC32s were auto-generated in file names and they where correct for the files I checked but I didn’t check every single file like entitled losers like you expect me to do
Imagine spending months working on collecting, editing, resubbing and seeding multiple terabytes for this torrent using your home connection to find people whine about secondary stuff that 0.01% of people care about, oh my…
Man I was so sad, cause every year I’m on a mission to find the most retarded human being to ever exist, and you got my attention… Congratulations man!
شكرا على المجهود
يعطيك العافية جهد جبار
all movies have the wrong year on them. for example first movie was released on 1997 and not 1996. any reason why?
"every single file like entitled losers " , " 0.01% of people care about"
No one said you did not do any effort, but still imagine how annoying it was when we ran our CRC checking script on our servers, it kept giving errors we spent ours trying to track down corrupted files, only to find out that there was nothing wrong at our end. Also, even if 0.01% of people check crc32, that does not mean those 0.1 are losers. only 2 humans founded Apple, It does not mean they’re retarded/losers. Only few people were prophets for religions, it does not mean they’re retarded/losers. small percentage does not mean losers. I can give a lot of counter-examples :) Using things as they’re intended to be does not mean I’m a loser. More importantly, while I appreciate your months and terabytes, it takes just takes 10 minutes of manual work to find a command and run it for a crc32 fix for the entire anime. If you believe crc32 is useless it takes no more than 5 minutes to remove it for the entire anime and save people trouble… if you don’t know you can do batch operations and are running a check on each episode separately then don’t whine about wasting effort and working hard if you don’t work smart.
@Azozy5643, I don’t remember offending you in person, I criticized an “act”, you replied by offending a person, umm, ok thanks glad I saved you time and you found what you’re looking for. Also a friendly advice, if you really spend time yearly finding the most retarded human, spend that time fixing the CRC32 or doing something more useful.
@tdsii, do not complain, he spent years and effort doing this, so It justifies every single mistake. if you spot an error you’re not allowed to complain cuz apparently that’s not something you can do here.
Garoo (uploader)
@tdsii No reason. It was a mistake and you have my apologies.
@mohamedh Wow, your tone changed. While I know of the many mistakes made in this torrent and have acknowledged that there has to be some in the readme file (e.g. at least one episode was credited to the wrong fansubber, which’s the most crucial of all mistakes), I do not welcome criticism made by unknown people using offensive language such as yourself. So, you can cry all you want, honestly. But do not think I care about what you have to say, entitled loser.
Can you please upload this to MEGA? download speed is so slow.