#### **If the torrent is dead, download all files [here](https://archive.org/details/dbz-movie-01-13-toei-bd-synced-to-funimation-dvd-team-mirolo)**

Dragon Ball THE MOVIES lossless Blu-ray tracks precisely synced to Funimation Ultimate Uncut Editon (DBZ movies 1-3) + Single DVD movies (DBZ movies 4-13) with Audacity.
Note that you can get rid of one of the two channels (left/right doesn't matter) for every movies except Dragon Ball 4 and Dragon Ball Z 13 which are in stereo).

**_A huge thank to AnimeMaakuo and the Anonymous user here for sharing their Broadcast Audio tracks, to JySzE for his fixed encoding that allowed us to improve delays accuracy, and to everyone that helped directly or not_**
Thank you again! Synced audio files are my favorite since I have the videos already and don’t want to waste space or have to extract the audio from a video.
I guess I should have stated that in a more general way which is what I meant by what I said. I just meant that I would rather the audio only so that I don’t have to download a lower quality rip to just end up having to extract the audio from it and erase the video. Whether or not I currently have the video, I only save ISO’s, Video_TS folders, and BDMV folders. Any other videos I save are because there is no DVD or Blu-ray release of that particular video.
For movies 4-13 I was actually in the middle of downloading them and was at around 60% when around 2 months ago my motherboard died. I ordered the proper soldering equipment and will hopefully be able to fix the motherboard by the end of the month. The following link is for the torrent I was downloading. The download was at a trickling rate, but there was a seed that was showing up and giving such a small amount randomly. I was sure it would finish in another 2 months. I hope it is still going when I get my other computer running again. Otherwise I’m sure eventually someone will upload them again. Here is the link.
I see you already found the following nyaa link 4 days ago https://nyaa.si/view/962574
I don’t think I was able to download it. But if by some miracle I did I will let you know. But I cannot access that internal desktop hard drive until I hopefully fix my broken motherboard since it is the only desktop computer I have. It may be a long time especially if I cannot fix my motherboard.
I don’t have the ultimate uncut version of movies 1-3, but I’m sure eventually they will pop up, maybe soon since this torrent was released.
If I get them I will give you the link or upload them.
Well I actually got the ultimate uncut editions off another site here and it seems to be a ISO with just a russian dub added
If you want the others I can link them. But thanks anyway man i appreciate it
Thanks for the link. I’ll be downloading it for now until I can get an untouched version since I may never get another chance to have that video. But I wonder if the video was compressed or altered in any way when the Russian audio track was added.
Please post the other 2 links since that website doesn’t label the movies to say whether it is the Ultimate Uncut version or not.
Also there is still a chance that I have the singles DVDs from the second link I gave. I only said it would be a miracle as to not get your hopes up. Again it could be a long time before I find out. I suggest to let both torrents that I linked to run in your torrent client for a few months. Seeders can come back if they see leechers there. It can be surprising what leaving a dead torrent running for a few months can do. Plus when I get my computer running, you will automatically get what I have from those 2 torrents. I will look for you leaving a comment on another torrents webpage and let you know there when my computer is working again. Unless you want to leave your email address here for me.
Here is DBZ Movie 2 seems do be from the same person who added the Russian dub
And I'll have to look for DBZ movie 3 again I'm not too sure what I searched to end up finding it but I'll link it when I do
Okay here is Movie 3 http://www.xiacili.com/info/7199283.html
Dont know if you want this aswell but here is movie 6
@Gnosis, Thank you! I did find movie 3 by using the search but I couldn’t tell if it was the right one. I couldn’t find movie 2 though. I appreciate the links to these altered versions with russian audio very much since I may never be able to get unaltered versions.
If anyone else has the ISO’s or Video_TS folders for the 3 Ultimate Uncut Movies that are unaltered, please don’t hesitate to upload a torrent of them to nyaa or post a link here for everyone who is downloading this audio.
There you go I uploaded it to someone at 99.4% by the time I looked at the % they had. I will keep uploading for a couple of days just in case that wasn’t you. But if you get this message within the next 3 days, let me know you got it. That was so little that I feel like I didn’t do anything, but it really sucks to be stuck at that percentage. I have a completely unrelated torrent stuck at 99.9% for a year now which has no chance of ever finishing, and the seeder just stopped all of a sudden when I was that close to finishing a 5GB torrent. It was something unique that I can’t get anywhere else.
ya I can’t always check all comments on all torrents every day but usually within a week I check back for new responses to my last comment. I will remove this torrent from comments I have to check back with if there are no new related comments to my last comment after something more than a week. Also don't quit so soon. Seeders can come back, which I can say is the case with Impakt's torrents. If it doesn't inconvenience you, you should let torrents run for a couple of months. Eventually the uploader may see the leechers and seed again.
It would be good to leave a comment here when you are done so I know I can stop seeding. Although it looks like the person I uploaded to is still seeding as well as another 2 seeders now.
I actually help people out here and there when there are 0 seeds. And I will always do what I say I will do. So also don’t doubt that I will check back on those torrents when I get access to that hard drive.
There is acually a torrent that was dead for a while that I am seeding now and for the next couple of months since I am so grateful to finally have gotten it after 2 months of a seeder appearing for 1 to 3 hours a day at and extremely slow speed that would vary at less than 100kb/s. If you don’t have it you may be interested. Now is the time to download since some people are at 50% and there are currently 4 leechers that come and go. I cannot upload while I am working and my upload speed is not that fast especially when I am downloading a torrent, but you will get it far faster than I did. Here is the link https://nyaa.si/view/1139811
Also I am looking for someone who has the GT individual discs from the same uploader (N12) as the torrent I am seeding. If I can get the GT torrent, I will continue seeding it for at least a few months. Here is the link to that which is completely dead now https://nyaa.si/view/1140048
Thanks man and yes I am finished and will seed for a few days aswell and as for the links I really appreciate it it's just that I am content with the dragon boxes for now hahaha
Comments - 20
Team-Mirolo (uploader)