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[HorribleSubs] Rifle is Beautiful - 09 [720p].mkv (141.5 MiB)
I just spotted something weird in this episode... Not a translation mistake, but a script error by the studio... the final score of the Chidori High girl was 626.3 or something like that, and afterward the girls are sitting around and one of them complements her on getting a score of 629, saying that last year the best score was 625 ... so... something odd happened... the voice actor's script didn't match the animation studio's notes, or something 0_0
The next episode it's reversed. They show her score as 629.0 in text on a phone, but they say she got 626, or at least the subs say 626.
Later, they show a combined score of 1235.3 which is you subtract the 609 Hime got, you get 626.3 so I would say that is the official score, and the 629s are just mistakes.
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