Dragon Ball Z 90s FANSUBS 122-199 [VHS-RIP]

2019-11-22 14:24 UTC
File size:
47.9 GiB
Info hash:
Re-Upload of the previous torrent because some files were corrupted. Experience Dragon Ball like old fans did in the 90s before Funimation got the license for an official English release. Hardcore funny translations with swearing translated by S. Baldric, Animelabs and more, enjoy, part 2 coming very soon Future uploads Dragon Ball Z Fansubs 200-291 Dragon Ball Z Fansubs Movies & Specials Dragon Ball GT Fansubs(not Complete) Complete Toonami UK Broadcast Was planning to upload these long ago, but my drive died and I lost the interest to record everything over again. Anyway, luckily I found a solution to recover all the files from my defected drive, so enjoy ^^

File list

  • Fansubs 122-199
    • DragonBallZ 122-123 animelabs.mp4 (870.6 MiB)
    • DragonBallZ 124-125 Animelabs.mp4 (823.7 MiB)
    • DragonBallZ 126-127 Animelabs.mp4 (767.4 MiB)
    • DragonBallZ 128-129 Animelabs.mp4 (775.1 MiB)
    • DragonBallZ 130-132 Animelabs.mp4 (1.0 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 133-136(white) (Ctenosaur).mp4 (1.6 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 141-143 Animelabs.mp4 (1.0 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 141-146 Gray Tape.mp4 (2.0 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 144 -146 ( HQ) Animelabs.mp4 (1022.1 MiB)
    • DragonBallZ 144- 146 Animelabs.avi (8.2 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 147 -149 ( R) Zero Tolerance).mp4 (1.0 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 147-152 gray.mp4 (2.0 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 150 -152 animelabs.m4v (2.5 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 153-158 grey.mp4 (2.0 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 159 -164-1.m4v (4.8 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 159-160.mp4 (1.0 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 161 -162.avi (1.1 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 163-164.mp4 (1.1 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 178 -181(white) (An A.V.P)(1).mp4 (1.7 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 178-181cd.avi (989.7 MiB)
    • DragonBallZ 183 - 185(red) sub unknown.mp4 (1.2 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 183- 185(white) (Baldric).mp4 (1.1 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 186 - 188(red) Baldric.mp4 (1.1 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 186-188(white) Baldric.mp4 (1.2 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 189 - 191(red) unknown.mp4 (1.2 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 189-191(white) (Baldric).mp4 (1.3 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 192-195.m4v (4.0 GiB)
    • DragonBallZ 196-197.mp4 (383.7 MiB)
    • DragonBallZ 198-199.mp4 (390.3 MiB)
    • Read file.txt (109 Bytes)
yo I'm hype for the toonami UK broadcast. The later parts of that dub intrigue the hell out of me.
`Experience Dragon Ball like old fans did in the 90s before Funimation got the license for an official English release.` Well, fans in U.S. because other Western countries had their own dubs with the score untouched. Although, Canada got it partially with the original score which had its dub also aired in U.K. • Blue Water dub for Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball GT (original musical score) • Saban dub for Dragon Ball Z (01-53, score by Ron Wasserman) • Westwood dub for Dragon Ball Z (109-276, recycled music from Monster Rancher, Mega Man and Magic Knight RayEarth). • Pioneer dub for Dragon Ball Z Movies (01-03 with the original score, but M3 had a TV cut featuring the Ron Wasserman score) Shuki Levy was credited for all of the DBZ Saban music even though he hadn't composed it. On the other hand, DBZ FUNi's Bruce Faulconer did, but there were three other composers who were part of the Faulconer Productions score though most Faulconer fans don't even know about it.
This is an amazing release! Keeping it for historical purposes! Please upload any more that you have!
MrShinmaru, I'm so happy you re-uploaded this and fixed that corrupted file. Thank you for all the time you spent transferring these videos and uploading them to share with us! I'm curious though, do you have any episodes from before episode 122? I've always wanted to see these fansubs versions of these episodes from before there were any english dubs. My friend (who introduced me to DBZ in the 90's when the Ocean dub was first on TV) had told me about how he had to order vhs tapes with english subtitles by mail when he first watched DBZ since there was no english dub yet. He said that someone was adding subtitles to the videos and selling vhs tapes. These videos must be what he was talking about. These seem to be from the TV broadcast, since some of the videos have bits of commercials, and are probably from before there were any home releases. One video had credits that showed the subtitles were made in 1994. The website that the last 2 videos were ordered from is shown in the video. Here is a link from waybackmachine.org if anyone cares to see it. http://web.archive.org/web/20020122113029/http://24stardragonball.bigstep.com:80/ These videos range between watchable & just so bad it hurts to watch. But the subtitles are amazing! This is definitely great for historical purposes. I can't compare to other subtitles since I have not yet watched DBZ with subtitles, but the video for episodes 133-136 at 34m23s to 35m52s seems very accurate as if it were a direct translation without any censorship in the translation. It helped give the scene a dark feeling as well as watching it in Japanese. Other subtitles are funny like in the video for episodes 130-132 at 14m24s to 14m54s, and I wonder if that is a close translation. It seems that the swearing may just be the style of the translator rather than an accurate part of the translation since there is a lot of swearing where some of it seems unnecessary. It would be nice if someone could comment on how these subtitles compare to other english subtitles.
Thanks Shinmaru & check out the following mrbean: https://www.kanzenshuu.com/rumor/fansub-dialog/ https://girigirisekaikyokugen.wordpress.com/
MadSpecialist, thank you so much for those links!!! The kanzenshuu link is exactly what I needed so I can back up that info along with these videos. The second link took a bit of time to find what was there, but I am now speechless. Your help is so very much appreciated, and is posted in great place for everyone to see who is interested in this torrent. I look forward to the rest of MrShinMaru’s uploads.
@MrShinmaru I have a few questions about how you named some of these files that I hope you can answer for me. I have renamed the files to include the full names of these tapes, but I need to know the answers to the following questions to complete the info in the files names. Question 1: Some of the file names are labeled "White" or "Grey" or "Red". Are these all referring to the color of the VHS tape (as is suggested by one of the file names that includes the word tape "Grey tape"), or does the color refer to the color of the box that the tape came in? or could some of the colors be referring to a CD rather than VHS tape? or do the colors mean something else? Question 2: I have to label these as "VHS tape" or "CD". Can you tell me if the video for Episodes 178-181cd is definitely the only one that came from a CD? and are the rest of them from VHS tapes, or is it possible any others came from CD and were just not labeled CD? and is it a VCD? Question 3: The file name for the video for Episodes 147-149 has what looks like 2 extra characters that you may have put there by mistake which is "R)". Does the R mean anything? or did you leave it there by mistake? Question 4: I might as well ask, please confirm that the 2 or 3 extra characters at the end of the file names for the following 2 videos are just a mistake that shouldn't be there. "-1" at the end of the file name of the video for Episodes 159-164 "(1)" at the end of the file name of the video for Episodes 178 -181(white) Question 5: There are 4 videos that include episodes 159-164. One has all the episodes, and the other 3 have 2 episodes each. This is the only set of duplicate episodes that look like they have the exact same quality. Are these from the same VHS tape? I was looking to erase the duplicate copy if they are from the same Tape. The separated videos are a smaller combined size than the video with all episodes. Is there any sort of difference that may give a reason to keep the separated smaller videos?

MrShinmaru (uploader)

@mrbean 1. Yes Red Grey White is referring to the color of the box that the tape came in. It was just a reference for me so i know what came from where 2. VHS, only the last two 300mb files are not VHS just low quality files from vcd. 178-181cd is also vhs rip that was stored on a cd 3. R is for Red 4. The "1" in 159-164 and 178-181 is because there was already a corrupted recording with the same title in that folder Hope this helps^^
MrShinmaru, thank you so much for your answers! I want to preserve all the information about these videos that is available. I still wonder why the video for episodes 159-164 has a copy of those episodes split into 3 videos since they seem to be the same exact quality, and if the 3 videos are from the same VHS tape as the video with all 6 episodes. But I'm very happy with your answers and I will just watch those 4 videos and compare them carefully to see if it is necessary to keep the duplicates. One last Question: I expect that you don't remember exactly, but can you tell me the year when you purchased each video, or at least an estimate of a possible year or a range of possible years? If you felt like including where you purchased each video, that would be interesting to know. The only video that I was able to find information on the year was for the video "DragonBallZ 178 -181(white) (An A.V.P)(1).mp4" which states at the end of each episode, for example at 48m59s and 1h37m48s that it is from 1994. One of the commercials at 1h39m10s shows that the video was recorded sometime before 12/11/1993. But I would still be interested to know when it was purchased. Request 1: Also for your future releases, it would be good if you could include in the file names or in the information at the top of the torrent page to say for each video if they are from VHS or VCD, and to say what year or range of years each video was most likely purchased. Anything you can remember would be appreciated. Again if you felt like including where you purchased each video, that would be interesting to know. Request 2: It would be really nice if you could find the time one day to scan the boxes and vhs tapes and vcd's, or even just take pictures, and include that with one of your next uploads.
I would have a great request if anyone could resume uploading this torrent because it is dead now. Noone is uploading those Fansubs Episodes anymore and I would love to get them. I would really appreciate if someone enabled upload. By the way I have many DBZ Fansub VHS Tapes in my house if someone is interested in trading with Episodes. I'm experienced Fan of 90's Fansub DBZ Episodes. Thank you in advance.
Someone was seeding this torrent today's morning but I didn't manage to download 100% of those DBZ Fansubs Episodes. Could you continue uploading this torrent please?
FreezaSama92, I will be seeding this in 15 minutes. I had to temporarily copy the files to another hard drive in order to seed to you since I renamed each file. I may have to turn off my computer soon since I may be working, but I will start seeding again after that at around 3am until 4pm tomorrow, or until you are finished downloading. I don't have the best upload speed at 1.2mb/s. Please seed this for as long as you can. It won’t hurt since there are no other people downloading other than you and someone else. But it would be nice to help others in the future who want this. If you are not seeding when you finish, please at least leave a message to tell me you have completed the download so I can erase the copy I made of these files.
mrbean, Thank you and I will keep my PC turned on during this night and tommorow night. If you help me by seeding I will be helping others by seeding it too in the future as long as it's necessary.
mrbean, I got connected with you on torrent 30 minutes ago but I lost the connection with you quickly. I was downloading with 2mb/sec speed. Did you just go to work and did you have to turn off your computer?
Sorry I have not started seeding yet, that was someone else. I had a problem when rechecking the files before being able to start the torrent. I will start seeding in another 15 minutes. Sorry I was writing some comments and didn't realize so much time passed.
Ok no problem, just let me know when you start to seed the torrent. I'm going to sleep soon because I live in middle Europe and I will keep my computer turned on for a whole night. Thanks again for helping me. I am going to repay you by sending few of my Fansub DBZ VHS Tapes from my collection that I copied to the hard disk by a video grabber. Here you can see my collection if you are interested. https://imgur.com/izcH2Wf https://imgur.com/FXHXd4i https://imgur.com/DhQgDZM https://imgur.com/G3SSPrf https://imgur.com/gRYHfxh https://imgur.com/OkyOUwl https://imgur.com/CUdPqqc
I started seeding when you left the last comment. It seems that nobody is seeding because there is someone by the address of who is taking absolutely all the bandwidth and is staying at 0%. I had this problem with another torrent recently where someone at 0% was uploading the same packet to me constantly and it was always corrupted, and they were taking badwidth from someone else I was downloading from and making my download slower on top of that. It seemed that was some sort of a fake leecher that was trying to waste bandwidth, and I don't understand it. Both of us had to block that IP address. So I am blocking the above IP address now so that the person who is at 54.7% (which I am guessing is you) can download this. This IP address I blocked was also uploading 40kb/s to me which I assume is an increadibly large amount of requests. It should be between 1 and 5 kb/s download for requests, and not a constant rate. There is definitely an abusive leecher that is trying to ruin this torrent for some reason. So everyone should block that person at IP or do what everyone else is doing which is just to avoid seeding this torrent until that IP address finally dissappears. Just search google for how to block an IP address using your torrent program. But please do not ever block valid leachers and make sure if you ever block someone, it is for a valid reason. Actually the person at 54.7% is still only downloading at 10kbps. Can you tell me if this is you? You say you were going to sleep soon, so I expect your computer may be off now. But let me know if you are getting this torrent and at what speed. I doubt the IP address which I blocked is you, but if it is, I will not upload to someone who continually says 0% after hours of uploading to them at 1 mb/s. In this case I would suggest to change your torrent program so it shows your percentage. If you need a suggestion, try Utorrent. Let me know when you are finished, or if you are not getting any download.
I am very interested in everything in your collection. It would be nice if you could upload a torrent to nyaa, or just post a link for everyone to download in these comments after you are finished downloading this torrent.
Also the pictures you uploaded are very nice to have as a reference to the videos you have. I don’t want to ask too much of you, but if it wouldn’t be too much trouble, it would be really great if you could scan the boxes and tapes, or just take single pictures of each Tape separately. Preferably Front, Back and Side of the box, and maybe the tape as well if there is anything on it, If you are able to do this and you decide pictures, please make sure there is no shiny glare on the box and no fingers in the picture. Although most people would appreciate the scans more. But since I doubt anyone would be printing out scans for this, pictures may be easier for you to do and just as good if they are framed properly and good quality without glare. I wouldn't normally ask for this, but these videos are not a common thing to find, and there are so many different releases of these that you would be the only source for pictures or scans that I could be sure match your particular videos.
Hi I just woke up and I downloaded 91.4% of this torrent. Unfortunately is my IP and torrent said that I was downloading with 1mb/sec before I went to sleep and I kept my computer turned on for whole night. I was already sleeping when you talked to me because it was 3AM in my country. I use Utorrent and I don't know what's wrong with my torrent program. Can you unblock me and allow me to finish downloading please? It will take a while because I'm at 91.4%.
IP is mine so I had to change my IP number by using VPN to finish downloading this torrent because I'm blocked by you. I have just finished downloading now but please all who blocked me, unblock my real IP because there will be incoming new downloads "Dragon Ball Z Fansubs 200-291" in future and you wanted me to upload my Fansubs Episodes from VHS Tapes. I'll try to fix my problems with Utorrent too. I saw the person with 54.7% yesterday and it wasn't me it was some guy from the USA.
FreezaSama92, sorry I just woke up right now. I would have unblocked your ip if I weren’t sleeping. I have unblocked your IP now. I’m happy you finished downloading. I suspect other people stopping seeding this because they saw the same as I did and didn’t want to waste their bandwidth. I tried searching google to find an answer to your problem, but I couldn’t find anything about the percentage not updating with uTorrent when it should be updating. Only things about fake leechers at 0%. There seems to be a problem with the connection with your uTorrent to the nyaa tracker that doesn’t want to update the % for some reason. Maybe it was just this torrent. I use uTorrent, but it actually has developed so many bugs lately that its a headache to use. I looked for another torrent program a while ago and decided on qBittorrent. But I haven’t tried it yet. Maybe that program will work better for you, or maybe you could ask someone in the uTorrent forum to help you with this issue. To test it you would have to have 2 computers and connect one with a vpn. Try seeing if you can replicate this problem, then try to fix it by using qBittorrent or another program. Then you will be able to state if there is a problem specifically with uTorrent if you want to ask for help in the uTorrent forum. I’m sorry for the trouble with your IP address and that I said to block it. I wasn’t quite sure about it, which is why I asked, but I shouldn’t have told people to block it. This wasn’t the same problem as I had before with another torrent when someone at 0% was uploading to me at around 1mb/s and was uploading the same piece over and over that was always corrupted, which I was able to see in the logs and in the pieces tab. That was a valid reason to block the person. This was not. PLEASE NOBODY BLOCK THE IP ADDRESS THAT I POSTED IN ONE OF MY ABOVE COMMENTS. I WAS WRONG.
FreezaSama92, if you need a seeder for any of the future fansubs torrents that will be uploaded in the future by MrShimaru, just leave a comment. I can’t promise I will be there to read it if it is a long time after the torrent is uploaded, but if I see it I will help. If I don’t see your comment, try searching for another torrent that I am currently leaving comments with and ask me on that torrent comment page. But make sure to check MrShinmaru’s torrents every few days by clicking on his user name and bookmarking that page. That way you will be sure to get it before there are no more seeds. It’s always best to catch the torrent on the same day of the upload. I always check nyaa every day for new dragon ball torrents. Also please leave a comment on this torrent page or one of MrShinmaru's future fansubs torrents page with a link to your torrent whenever it is that you upload your torrent.
mrbean, Thank you very much for sending me those Episodes which I missed into my collection! I didn't have whole Androids Saga when Trunks arrived on Earth on my Fansub VHS Tapes before. However I promised you to send few of my Fansubs DBZ Episodes from VHS Tapes as a prize. I'm going to upload them on google's drive so please check this website in 1-2 days later. I'm going to post a link to download them so MrShiramu can upload them with torrent. I will also show you what kind of professional VCR I do use to copy Episodes from VHS Tapes on my hard drive. It's model Samsung SV-5000W. It has Super VHS Playback on NTSC 3.58 if the Tape is compatible with S-VHS plus it has ART Function which improves the colors and sharpness. This VCR Player also shows if the VHS Tape has been recorded in Hi-Fi 100% Stereo sound. To be honest I don't know how to start uploading the torrent that's why I'm going to send link via google's drive. Do you have Discord or Facebook? I would prefer to talk there instead of posting here.
This is how my Samsung SV-5000W VCR works. Look at the stereo Hi-Fi Sound level. I can make a quick clip how my VCR plays the DBZ Fansubs VHS Tapes. https://imgur.com/6O0xGIh
It's nice to see you care about the quality of the transfer from VCR. I'm curious now how they look. I know they aren't good quality on the VHS tape, but I'm wondering if transferring them with a good VCR will help. I don't use discord or facebook, but I have tried connecting once to someone on discord and it was easy, but I couldn't post until I was accepted or something, so that didn't happen. If you give me your discord info I will connect to that and talk with you there. Otherwise you can try emailing me at mrbean444(at)protonmail(dot)com I just found that email service. I use their free VPN since it is unlimited and the bandwidth for me is at full speed, but you cannot download torrents with it. I suggest to make an email account with them and connect to a VPN before making the email account. I suggest this email because it not only is the only email service I could find that allows signing up through a VPN, but it is also encrypted, and if we are both using this email service, then we will have end to end encryption. Not even the people who run this email service have the ability to see our emails. Encryption is not necessary but nice. I feel the need for a VPN though.
FreezaSama92, if you sent me an email I haven't received it. It is a new email address and I suppose it is possible that there is a problem receiving emails. Please leave me a message here to say that you have emailed me whenever it is that you email me. It's also much easier for me to check this webpage rather than logging into that email address every day if your going to take some time to email me.
mrbean, I'm sorry but I was partying with friends over the last days. I have not sent you an e-mail yet and if there are no problems I would prefer to talk on this webpage though. I am already starting to send Fansub Episodes 232-235 from Majin Buu Saga from a VHS Tape to a Google's Drive. I will let you know when I finish sending and I will share the link with you here.
mrbean, I've just finished uploading the Fansub VHS Tape with Episodes 232-235 to Google's Drive. Episodes are ready to download. I had to compress the files to "rar" because the files were too big but they kept the original quality. I think there should not be any problems with download link but please let me know if the download link is working correctly. Download Link Fansubs Episodes 232-235: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1NpJ5PEBgdDi-Wfna7sB9ZAfSZwUvm8FI Edit: I just sent you an e-mail a while ago to inform you. Did you receive an e-mail from me today? The Fansub VHS Tape comes from Ctenosaur Videos.
Thanks for the link! It was able to download it. I also got your email. I looked at the videos, and it is interesting to see what the video looks like from what I know should be a descent quality transfer of the VHS tape, but just a horrible quality of video that was on the VHS tape to being with. I’m not complaining about the video. I’m aware that this is how it is supposed to look. The transfer seems to be good even though it is hard to tell due to the low quality video on the VHS tape. However there is a problem with the audio. You have boosted the audio to such a high level that it is distorted and it is not enjoyable to listen to. It is actually the loudest video I have ever played by far on my laptop speakers. It was insanely loud. The problem is that you have boosted the audio to a higher degree than what you should have with the audio amplifier built into your VCR. So the audio level sent to the computer while recording was too high which distorted the audio permanently. You can hear this all the way through the recording, examples of the most highly distored parts would be the last 3 seconds of singing from the opening song in Episode 232, and the begining of the first commercial after that. But it is all very hard to listen too. My ears just can’t enjoy any part of the audio. (continued in the next comment)
I took a 6 month college level intensive course in computer assisted sound design which also covered audio and midi recording to ADAT and directly to a computer as well as post recording processes. So I was able to see in the picture of your VCR that the audio levels are way past the green (or white in the pic of your VCR). You should be making sure it is as high in the green/white as safely possible, but also never going into the yellow or red. It is clear that you are way into the red between +5 and +10 db which is also most likely not even the loudest part of the audio track. You should stay as close as safely possible or below 0db (zero decible) when recording. Anything higher will start to distort the audio. Going higher than 0db during playback is different than when recording and must be avoided at all costs when recording. Also you should be going through the entire video while watching the audio level to make sure it never goes past the green/white, and when it does, even for a fraction of a second, lower it and start the recording over from the begining at that new level. Luckily it seems what may be the loudest part would be what I mentioned at the end of the opening song for Episode 232 and the begining of the first commercial. So Just keep it completely in the green/white for those 2 minutes while playing it to set the proper level before recording. But keep your eyes on the level during the entire recording. Boosting the level as much as possible is not as important as avoiding going into the yellow or red. Audio cannot be fixed to remove any distortion once it is recorded in the yellow or red. In contrast, if audio is recorded at a lower than desired level, it can be boosted to a higher level after is has been recorded with a process called Normalizing which analyzes the audio and boosts it evenly so that the loudest part of the full audio length is boosted to 0db. Always record as close as you can to 0db without any chance of going over during the entire duration of the audio track.
I forgot though to ask why you split the video into 2 files cutting it right in the middle of Episode 234. If you redo the recordings could you also make sure to either record it all to one file, or if you have to split it for some reason, could you try to split it at a point between 2 of the episodes rather than in the middle of an episode. Thank you for the time you spent recording this and uploading them so I can get them. I’m keeping them for now. But if you spend the time recording all of your 90s sub videos with the proper audio levels, please let me know. I have something much greater than that to offer you in exchange. No rush, even if I hear from you in a year. I have way too much to download right now and to organize in the mean time. You have my email. But I do have a copy of all the pictures you posted, so my offer is in exchange for every single one of your videos recorded with the proper audio levels.
I would love to get the entire series like this, it makes me feel super nostalgic.
Is there anything worthy about this DB GT bootleg tape from my childhood? I got it from a asian store in 1997 I would say. https://imgur.com/oi9BUOc https://imgur.com/7PHbB6h
Could I get a seed? I would also like to send you some of my personal fansub collection
Can someone please reseed this?
Please seed. I am in need of DragonBallZ 150 -152 animelabs.m4v Thanks!
DragonBallZ 150 -152 animelabs.m4v is Zero Tolerance not Anime Labs. Ctenosaur is ZT not AL...
DragonBallZ 147-152 gray.mp4 is also Zero Tolerance. Why not label these? DragonBallZ 161 -162.avi is Zero Tolerance DragonBallZ 163-164.mp4 is Zero Tolerance DragonBallZ 178-181cd.avi is Games & James DragonBallZ 159-160.mp4 Also most of these are in the wrong aspect ratio...
DragonBallZ 153-158 grey.mp4 is Zero Tolerance DragonBallZ 183 - 185(red) sub unknown.mp4 is S. Baldric
DragonBallZ 141-146 Gray Tape.mp4 - First 3 eps are by Pulp Anime which is Anime Labs and last 3 eps are Anime Labs. DragonBallZ 189 - 191(red) unknown.mp4 is S. Baldric
DragonBallZ 159 -164-1.m4v is Zero Tolerance DragonBallZ 192-195.m4v is RZ Productions
Did more of this get uploaded?
Can this get seeded?