[DmonHiro] Seishun Buta Yarou Wa Bunny Girl Senpai No Yume Wo Minai (BD, 720p, v2)

2019-11-16 15:55
File size:
5.6 GiB
Info hash:


Puberty syndrome. A mysterious illness/phenomenon that takes many forms. The effect are different for each individual, but they are always tied to the psychological issues of the person. One day Azusagawa Sakuta sees a beautiful girl wearing a bunny girl costume just walking around the library. The odd thing is that nobody else can see her. She is Sakurajima Mai, and she suffers from puberty syndrome. It makes her invisible to people. Sakuta has to figure out what caused this in her before everyone in the world looses the ability to perceive her.

Basically, this is Bakemonogatari without the monsters. It’s wordy, it’s complex… and I love it. The characters are very well written and their problems are relatable. The humor isn’t bad either. Be warned, if you came here only for the fanservice you will be disappointed. I’m not saying there’s none, but it’s not Bakemonogatari levels.Subtitles for the show are from Vivid, while the audio dramas are from MPT, used here with their permission (since I also used their video).

PS: The previous version is nuked. It was completely fucked. Audio was fucked, subs were fucked.

File list

  • [DmonHiro] Seishun Buta Yarou Wa Bunny Girl Senpai No Yume Wo Minai (BD, 720p, v2)
    • Audio Drama
      • Drama 01 - Inside The Heart.mkv (26.8 MiB)
      • Drama 02 - Break Time.mkv (47.6 MiB)
      • Drama 03 - A Day In The Club.mkv (25.1 MiB)
      • Drama 04 - House Sitting.mkv (30.0 MiB)
      • Drama 05 - Emergency Sister Conference.mkv (35.8 MiB)
    • Bluray Extras
      • Clean Ending 1.mkv (21.6 MiB)
      • Clean Ending 2.mkv (18.0 MiB)
      • Clean Ending 3.mkv (18.3 MiB)
      • Clean Ending 4.mkv (21.3 MiB)
      • Clean Ending 5.mkv (18.4 MiB)
      • Clean Opening.mkv (45.8 MiB)
    • Bluray Scans
      • Volume 1
        • 1 Front Cover.jpg (5.4 MiB)
        • 2 Full Cover.jpg (11.4 MiB)
        • 3 Label.jpg (3.7 MiB)
        • 4 Bluray.jpg (935.7 KiB)
        • 5 Special CD.jpg (1.2 MiB)
        • 6 Menu.jpg (566.5 KiB)
        • 7 Leaflet.jpg (7.2 MiB)
        • 8 Illustration.jpg (3.1 MiB)
      • Volume 2
        • Illustrations
          • Illustration 00.jpg (14.8 MiB)
          • Illustration 01.jpg (16.2 MiB)
          • Illustration 02.jpg (15.5 MiB)
          • Illustration 03.jpg (18.4 MiB)
          • Illustration 04.jpg (14.5 MiB)
          • Illustration 05.jpg (16.0 MiB)
          • Illustration 06.jpg (15.4 MiB)
          • Illustration 07.jpg (17.6 MiB)
          • Illustration 08.jpg (17.0 MiB)
          • Illustration 09.jpg (17.2 MiB)
          • Illustration 10.jpg (16.1 MiB)
          • Illustration 11.jpg (17.3 MiB)
          • Illustration 12.jpg (15.4 MiB)
          • Illustration 13.jpg (14.2 MiB)
          • Illustration 14.jpg (12.3 MiB)
          • Illustration 15.jpg (19.7 MiB)
          • Illustration 16.jpg (13.8 MiB)
          • Illustration 17.jpg (18.9 MiB)
          • Illustration 18.jpg (13.5 MiB)
        • 1 Front Cover.jpg (17.6 MiB)
        • 2 Full Cover.jpg (37.4 MiB)
        • 3 Label.jpg (11.0 MiB)
        • 4 Bluray.jpg (2.9 MiB)
        • 5 Special CD.jpg (3.4 MiB)
        • 6 Menu.jpg (621.1 KiB)
        • 7 Leaflet.jpg (19.2 MiB)
        • 8 Illustration.jpg (11.2 MiB)
      • Volume 3
        • 1 Full Cover.jpg (2.9 MiB)
        • 2 Illustration.jpg (989.6 KiB)
        • 3 Menu.jpg (217.4 KiB)
      • Volume 4
        • 1 Full Cover.jpg (3.2 MiB)
        • 2 Illustration.jpg (1.1 MiB)
        • 3 Menu.jpg (259.4 KiB)
      • Volume 5
        • 1 Full Cover.jpg (2.6 MiB)
        • 2 Illustration.jpg (1.1 MiB)
        • 3 Menu A.jpg (202.2 KiB)
        • 4 Menu B.jpg (200.1 KiB)
        • 5 Box A.jpg (1.3 MiB)
        • 6 Box B.jpg (1.3 MiB)
        • 7 Box C.jpg (1.2 MiB)
    • 01 - Senpai Is A Bunny Girl.ass (203.5 KiB)
    • 01 - Senpai Is A Bunny Girl.mkv (468.0 MiB)
    • 02 - First Dates Are Always Chaotic.ass (201.2 KiB)
    • 02 - First Dates Are Always Chaotic.mkv (399.1 MiB)
    • 03 - A World Without You Alone.ass (201.0 KiB)
    • 03 - A World Without You Alone.mkv (404.0 MiB)
    • 04 - No Tomorrow For Pigs.ass (213.3 KiB)
    • 04 - No Tomorrow For Pigs.mkv (328.6 MiB)
    • 05 - Wishing You All The Lies In The World.ass (304.4 KiB)
    • 05 - Wishing You All The Lies In The World.mkv (350.1 MiB)
    • 06 - This World You Chose.ass (193.8 KiB)
    • 06 - This World You Chose.mkv (417.4 MiB)
    • 07 - Youth Is A Paradox.ass (219.1 KiB)
    • 07 - Youth Is A Paradox.mkv (307.7 MiB)
    • 08 - Let The Rain Wash Everything Anew.ass (268.8 KiB)
    • 08 - Let The Rain Wash Everything Anew.mkv (363.4 MiB)
    • 09 - Sister Panic.ass (203.2 KiB)
    • 09 - Sister Panic.mkv (347.9 MiB)
    • 10 - Complex Contangulation.ass (443.6 KiB)
    • 10 - Complex Contangulation.mkv (413.9 MiB)
    • 11 - Kaede Quest.ass (709.6 KiB)
    • 11 - Kaede Quest.mkv (376.6 MiB)
    • 12 - Living The Continuation Of An Endless Dream.ass (374.2 KiB)
    • 12 - Living The Continuation Of An Endless Dream.mkv (425.6 MiB)
    • 13 - The Dawn After An Endless Night.ass (220.5 KiB)
    • 13 - The Dawn After An Endless Night.mkv (370.0 MiB)

“subs were fucked”

They still are in this torrent. Learn to use proper internal softsubs, like everyone else does.


Can anyone please upload BD for Ulysses: Jeanne d’Arc to Renkin no Kishi?

DmonHiro (uploader)


You know what, Montmorency? FINE!
But I don’t have BDMVs for that so I’ll make you some subs for [VCB-Studio] Ulysses Jeanne d’Arc to Renkin no Kishi [Ma10p_1080p]'s raws using Erai-Raws subs. So go download those raws and wait.

^Any BD version would be much appreciated! I could only find censored TV version.

Dias-Flac San learn to use courtesy and have some respect when you post or dont bother.

great work, thanks for updating this. Patiently awaiting for the movie …

Bit of a rant, but I really don’t understand why some subbers insist on using “Teenage Pig” instead of the official “Rascal” in the title cards for this show. Since when did literal translations of the title become a thing? I can see it for the dialogue, but for the title?

Also, going off the above screenshot, what happened to the “Senpai” in “… Bunny Girl Senpai”?

DmonHiro (uploader)


Because in Japanese “rascal” and “teenage pig” have completely different meanings, and the Japanese clearly says “buta yarou”. So teenage pig is the correct translation even though in English it doesn’t mean what it’s supposed to. So it’s not wrong per se.

As for the Senpai… we don’t have that in English.

PS: What exactly WAS censored in the Jeanne anime?

I believe senpai means senior. In english conversation we just don’t say it as such.

Thank you for the subs, DmonHiro! I noticed when watching the TV version that some scenes were censored with black bars, I will compare which ones when I finish downloading BD version. 38% at the moment. Can’t wait to re-watch Ulysses!! This was my favorite anime of 2018!

  • Farts on Dias_Flac

DmonHiro (uploader)


Well, glad you like it. Just put the subs in the same folder as those raws and it will work.

“So teenage pig is the correct translation”

We don’t translate literally, “rascal” is the official and correct translation to use here.

DmonHiro (uploader)


Just because it is “correct” does not mean that it is “right”.

You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to be able to use that line.

I prefer “teenage pig” because it brings to mind someone who is a teenager and may be horny/gross as a pig. A “rascal” can mean someone cheeky or mischievous , but in a more affectionate way.

Isn’t the MC exactly that though? Cheeky or mischievous, but everyone loves him anyways? “Teenage pig” to me sounds like someone like Makoto from School Days, but hey you do you.

I think the bias of wanting to use that line was more important then keeping in tune of reflecting the title with how the MC is which you pointed out yourself.

A “rascal” can mean someone cheeky or mischievous , but in a more affectionate way.

@Ahegao That’s unfair cuz depending which Makoto you talking about it can vary. In the anime he tried to make it right in the end

Because memes and autism > actual translation, welcome to the fansubbing community!

Especially since we can’t even mux subtitles into our shows here (just throw them on pastebin or something, seriously.)

Granted, it was Vivid who first started using the literal “Seishun Buta”, unless DmonHiro is a part of Vivid?

Another thing, is pig often written as “ブタ” in katakana? If the author intended for a literal meaning, shouldn’t the Japanese be “青春豚” or “青春ぶた”?

DmonHiro (uploader)


I think using karakana instead of hiragana means not to take it literally in this case. As in, he’s not literally a pig.

then why do all the memesub translations use the word “pig” not only in the title but the dialogue too?


DmonHiro (uploader)


Honestly, because in English it sounds dumb to call someone a rascal all the time.

@ DmonHiro - I was afraid of this and I apologize for hijacking your post. This is one of my favorite shows and I just found it jarring to see Teenage Pig in the title cards, especially since 青春 actually means “youth”, or to a lesser extent, “youthful” or “young”. Vivid had it all wrong, as a more literal translation would be like “Young Pig Rascal” … unless 青春ブタ野郎 is some Japanese colloquialism/slang I’m unaware of … :-)

Unfortunately the all the good fansubs have this translation, so several months ago I finally bit the bullet and made my own sub modifications to all the OP title cards and mid show title cards to show “Rascal”. Otherwise, there isn’t any actual dialogue, other than the girls calling him a pig (buta) at the end of each episode.

Again, apologies and keep up the great work!

Bakemonogatari was shit, even if it was dubbed I still wouldn’t watch it… this is a hell lot better… thanks for the share

Black bars? Wtf? Can anyone tell me which scenes were changed? I saw the normal tv broadcast version on animepahe, yet there were no black bars

Not that anyone here probably gives a damn, but went ahead and brought the AOA version and might up if anyone wants or its not up by the time get the bd.