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[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin: Nine Songs of the Sky][01-90][Batch][AVC][GB][1080P]
2019-11-09 02:47 UTC
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File size:
31.4 GiB
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![][0] ![][1] **★番 剧 相 关 信 息★** **番剧名称**:天行九歌 / 秦时明月姐妹篇天行九歌 / Qin Shi Ming Yue: Tian Xing Jiu Ge / Qin's Moon: Nine Songs of the Moving Heavens / The Legend of Qin: Nine Songs of the Sky **类 型**:原创 / 国漫 / 玄幻 **集 数**:90 Episodes **剧情介绍**: 战国末年,七国最弱的韩国危若累卵,对外有强邻秦国步步紧逼,国内又有大将军姬无夜为首的“夜幕"几乎操控整个韩国。秦国大兵压境,韩国危在旦夕。此刻正是朝野上下一心、同仇敌忾之时,却发生了一件离奇诡谲的案件,大雨倾盆中军饷神秘消失,涉案之人先后死于非命。终案件落到了韩国相国之孙张良手中。韩非,这个别人眼中的纨绔子弟,竟自愿卷入这场权力的游戏之中。前路危险莫测,敌人强大而狡猾。公子韩非联手鬼谷传人卫庄,与张良、紫女等人组建 “流沙"组织,欲借法家的现实理论,以及对人性的深刻剖析,逐渐拨开层层迷雾。然而,危机之下暗藏更大漩涡...权力纷争下,他们将如何守护自己的天地? - - - **★为了能够顺利地观看,推荐大家使用以下播放器★** **Windows**:MPC-BE **MacOS**:IINA **iOS**:nPlayer **Android**:MX Player - - - **★下载分流推荐使用(严禁使用迅雷)★** **qBittorrent加强版【推荐此版本】** **qBittorrent普通版** **uTorrent** **BitCome** - - - **邮箱 ————国漫小分队** [0]: [1]:
File list
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][AVC][GB][1080P]
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][01][序章(上)][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(309.0 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][02][序章(下)][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(249.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][03][心之逆鳞(上)][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(324.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][04][心之逆鳞(下)[AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(335.8 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][05][囚徒困境][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(348.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][06][与虎谋皮][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(447.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][07][三姬分金][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(360.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][08][流沙无形][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(380.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][09][火雨玛瑙][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(371.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][10][暮色夜行][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(377.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][11][百越之箱][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(327.0 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][12][死之血誓][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(322.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][13][彼岸彼时][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(325.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][14][月下蝎影][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(343.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][15][剑毒衣香][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(350.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][16][皑皑血衣][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(314.9 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][17][烈狱墨杀][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(289.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][18][危城凶局][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(332.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][19][余烬死火][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(329.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][20][池鱼笼鸟][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(335.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][21][焰灵焚心][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(416.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][22][血色禁区][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(335.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][23][危墙之下][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(322.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][24][风过无痕][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(371.0 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][25][百鬼夜行][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(332.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][26][聚沙成塔][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(320.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][27][磷火之魅][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(354.9 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][28][赤眉龙蛇][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(315.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][29][火中取栗][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(343.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][30][示弱引虚][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(343.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][31][驱鬼噬心][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(332.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][32][王权问鼎][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(338.0 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][33][宫冷锁鳞][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(344.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][34][业火红莲][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(386.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][35][萧蔷云变][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(379.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][36][止静若惊][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(334.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][37][幻杀惑影][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(348.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][38][明珠垂暗][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(365.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][39][万蛊池莲][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(365.5 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][40][唇齿之隙][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(364.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][41][莲生无间][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(356.8 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][42][雪衣如血][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(369.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][43][玉冷莲霜][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(355.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][44][饮血灵蝶][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(369.8 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][45][晦朔相谋][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(348.5 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][46][情毒相生][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(381.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][47][林止风动][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(349.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][48][八面玲珑][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(319.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][49][不胜之胜][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(388.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][50][问剑天枢][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(377.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][51][一叶知秋][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(385.0 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][52][临渊而行][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(347.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][53][如梦如昔][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(365.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][54][一石四鸟][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(347.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][55][弃子造劫][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(326.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][56][掌中迷舞][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(359.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][57][夜火之夜][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(347.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][58][蝶影之谍][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(369.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][59][生逢死局][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(341.9 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][60][万籁俱寂][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(599.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][61][不周将倾][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(401.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][62][芒寒焰冷][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(388.9 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][63][余烬未竟][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(343.8 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][64][弈棋亦敌][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(414.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][65][血锁迷碑][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(345.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][66][悬丝猎魄][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(356.3 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][67][伊人纤梦][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(352.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][68][逝者誓者][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(367.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][69][情丝无情][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(376.5 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][70][合纵连横][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(376.8 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][71][策引千问][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(389.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][72][如日方升][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(359.8 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][73][赤心似练][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(365.8 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][74][莲步危局][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(353.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][75][祸起人为][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(366.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][76][凝脂柔荑][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(369.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][77][饕餮之徒][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(386.6 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][78][虎口如渊][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(325.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][79][他山之石][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(361.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][80][末路问道][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(376.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][81][信陵之抉][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(381.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][82][成败一搏][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(375.5 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][83][忘川如斯][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(367.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][84][浮云深渊][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(338.2 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][85][败者末途][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(332.7 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][86][欲静不止][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(380.5 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][87][杀伐之音][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(335.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][88][疑云瞰晓][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(329.1 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][89][迷局之阙][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(312.4 MiB)
[GM-Team][国漫][秦时明月之天行九歌][The Legend of Qin:Nine Songs of the Sky][90][与问天下][AVC][GB][1080P].mp4
(461.7 MiB)
Comments - 1
2019-11-09 13:03 UTC
Comments - 1