Title: 誰にも言えない
Title (romaji): Dare ni mo Ienai
Also known as: I Cannot Tell Anybody / The Secret
Format: Renzoku
Genre: Thriller
Episodes: 12
Viewership ratings: 23.8
Broadcast network: TBS
Broadcast period: 1993-Jul-19 to 1993-Sep-17
Just married, Shingo and Kanako move into a new apartment. It ends up that Kanako’s ex-boyfriend Mario lives in the same apartment. Shingo has no idea about the past relationship between Mario and Kanako. Mario begins to create a hostile situation for Kanako; the intentions are unclear whether he is still interested in her, or he’s just scaring her for kicks.
This is the drama that more likely typecasted Sano Shiro, as he usually plays characters who are mentally unstable. —groink
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