[LookMomIFansubbed] Beastars - 05 [720p].mkv

2019-11-07 05:57 UTC
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342.3 MiB
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Raw from Erai-raws ![alt text](https://i.imgur.com/4VjRYrU.jpg)

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  • [LookMomIFansubbed] Beastars - 05 [720p].mkv (342.3 MiB)
Pretty much the same as my subs, again. Your subs are a little bit better than mine for some lines, and a little bit worse in others in my opinion (due to syntax choice, not translation errors). But overall I think we're both as good as PAS and there's no need for everybody to wait for only them, but it is what it is.
it's actually kind of pathetic how much you whine that people don't download your subs instead of PAS
I'm sorry that my whopping 2 posts about PAS disturbed you so much, herkz. Even though my first post complimented PAS. I was just trying to say that LookMom did a good job subtitling that's nearly on par with a pro team. Is that a problem for you?
Is there a particular reason why you picked Beastars? Why pick something that is already being done by a better team in a timely manner? There are tons of other new/old anime that needs saving. If you're as good as you say, then it would be greatly appreciated if you could work on them.
@kinalk9101 What anime needs saving? Fansubbing for anime died because there are so many official timely translations. This show is getting fansubbed because netflix usually doesn't release weekly. I think you have no idea what you are talking about. Also people will do projects they are interested in. There is no harm in other people doing translation for a show. @herkz You have your favored group and that is fine. Just stick to it. Also no need for you to be so rude. Mind your wording. @Rakushun @LookMa Keep doing what you are doing if you feel like it and don't let unreasonable people dissuade you from it.
@juststupid278 Official translations don't have typesetting and are often riddled with mistranslations. Fansubs provide better translations, better encode, good typesetting (sometimes used in unexpected ways or simply to make it look better). Every now and then, a show/movie comes out with no subtitles at all. So you have that also. Saying fansubs are dead while you're on nyaa commenting on a fansub. Yeah, I think you have no idea what you're talking about.
Fansubs are indeed dead (compared to what our scene used to be in 2011 and before) and it's because most anime suck now lol Also, Crunchyroll and others hired a lot of our good translators and the others got nice jobs and moved on. We very rarely get new recruits these days, at least compared to what it used to be when I started in 2011. In fact, most of who's keeping this hobby alive have been in the hobby since at least 2013 and it's fairly accurate to say every group has most of same staff and the tag just depends on who's leading the project. Everyone's with everyone these days, and that's great imo. Our scene's the most connected to itself than it's ever been, it feels, and we all help each other out. Fansubbing being dead had a few good things come out of it, at least. After taking a long hiatus in 2014, I came back into anime and fansubbing in like 2017 and after seeing the shit being made these days, it's no wonder our hobby's dead. I feel anime just gets worse and worse with each season that goes on. Good anime is rare, especially good anime that could benefit from all the work that goes into an original translation.
@PA-Subs it feels like you are going through the 'old was better' period, you can still find gold if you look hard enough like this https://myanimelist.net/anime/38935/Miru_Tights or https://myanimelist.net/anime/37021/Iya_na_Kao_sare_nagara_Opantsu_Misete_Moraitai Edit: I was half joking and half serious there.
Those both look terrible and it's not just me. It's basically the entire current fansubbing scene. Groups look through everything airing both before air and after air and decide if they like it enough to sub or not. If it wasn't subbed then, it was most likely because nobody wanted to do it, or because there wasn't enough people who wanted to do it.
>Fansubs provide better translations, better encode, good typesetting (sometimes used in unexpected ways or simply to make it look better). yes, but somehow i don't think that applies to people like the uploader and Rakushun who clearly have never fansubbed before this, so it's pointless to ask them if those are things you care about. like in this case both of them are using untouched netflix video, so "better encode" definitely doesn't apply.
Thanks to anyone that is subbing it, you all do a great job. Honestly just understanding what is going on is more then enough.
Your boner for what you deem as absolute perfection is kind of pathetic, herkz. If you want to stick with PAS you can, but you don't need to put other perfectly good translations down. Have you ever even subtitled anything? Do you even know Japanese? Also, I used to subtitle Hoshi no Kirby episodes years ago.
@Rakushun don't bother trying to argue, he's a regular shitposter and has been for years
@Rakushun what Supa said. Herkz is just an autist that just tries to make a stupid scene everywhere he/she can, presumably for attention. You'll see them writing these dumb comments all the time on Nyaa. Please just ignore them, and continue what you're doing. Also I am of the belief that Herkz is a major subber for Commie (and has always been known to be one of the absolute worst there)... Which I think should tell you plenty about the quality of their own work hahaha.
herkz may seem like a shitposter to the unintelligent, but if you pay attention to what he says, often times it's not wrong.
>Your boner for what you deem as absolute perfection is kind of pathetic, herkz. good strawman but i didn't say shit about perfection. try not exaggerating my position in the future. >If you want to stick with PAS you can, but you don’t need to put other perfectly good translations down. i don't watch this anime, so i have no preference for subs. btw, the only one who said the translation is good is you, and you're not exactly unbiased. >Have you ever even subtitled anything? Do you even know Japanese? Also, I used to subtitle Hoshi no Kirby episodes years ago. i've subbed about 2,000 episodes of anime at this point, so you could say i have some experience.
So wait, you bitch about encoding and say that I've "clearly never fansubbed before" for...a show you don't actually watch? Also I have no reason to compliment this guys fansubs unless I was being honest. I don't gain anything by saying that somebody elses subs are fine. PAS makes good subs too. I never said PAS is bad, so I don't know where you're getting this "not unbiased" crap from. There's something wrong with you.
>So wait, you bitch about encoding and say that I’ve “clearly never fansubbed before” for…a show you don’t actually watch? damn almost like it's possible to tell without watching. like with encoding, i can literally just look at the filesize and see you didn't re-encode the video even though you really, really should. >Also I have no reason to compliment this guys fansubs unless I was being honest. I don’t gain anything by saying that somebody elses subs are fine. you said they were good like your subs ("But overall I think we’re both as good as PAS") >I never said PAS is bad, so I don’t know where you’re getting this “not unbiased” crap from. There’s something wrong with you. you saying your subs are good is called bias. it means that opinion is nearly worthless. why is this so hard to understand?
Rakushun lives in herkz head rent free
"You can't say that somebody's subs are similar to yours in quality, that's bias!!" The other comments were right, this guy really is a troll. A bad one.
Fuck off herkz. Seriously. There's literally no reason to discourage any fansubber these days. Goddamn.
Amen. Don't discourage any new subbers, because we can use all the new talent we can get. Nobody starts out great. It takes time. If it's a crappy version, then just get a better one once it its available. No need to bitch, moan and complain. No one is making you download anything.
i generally think commie subs are good but i feel more and more discouraged from downloading them because herkz is actually probably the most fucking toxic person i have ever met on the internet and i really don't want to be supporting him in any way shape or form also holy shit why the fuck are you all so up in arms about this, some guy decided to spend his free time subbing an anime he likes, fucking crucify him right????? jesus christ dont any of you have anything better to care about you absolute fucking losers
I'm sitting here in the background reading all this & all I can think is "what was Rakushun first/second comment that's been deleted because it's sure not there anymore??" LOL
First Post: Rakushun - 1 day 7 hours 53 minutes 7 seconds ago (edited) Pretty much the same as my subs, again. Your subs are a little bit better than mine for some lines, and a little bit worse in others in my opinion (due to syntax choice, not translation errors). But overall I think we’re both as good as PAS and there’s no need for everybody to wait for only them, but it is what it is. Second Post: herkz - 1 day 7 hours 19 minutes 55 seconds ago it’s actually kind of pathetic how much you whine that people don’t download your subs instead of PAS. Third Post: Rakushun - 1 day 7 hours 7 minutes 34 seconds ago (edited) I’m sorry that my whopping 2 posts about PAS disturbed you so much, herkz. Even though my first post complimented PAS. I was just trying to say that LookMom did a good job subtitling that’s nearly on par with a pro team. Is that a problem for you?.....You mean your "whopping 1 post about PAS"?? Otherwise there is a deleted post by you (Rakushun) that I can only assume was "worse" than the post I can see that tbh I can't inturpret as anything other than low key throwing shade at a "more popular / established subber/group". Just saying....
It's in another torrent page stupid.
So much nitpicking, it almost hurts
Lmfao, oh yea I hear ya...I was just simply asking a basic question, but yea let that fucking ignorance & illiteracy flow. I mean absolutely, I'm the "stupid" one that decided to chop up a "single conversation" and spread it across 2 pages as if it was a single fluid conversation & be so up their own ass with butt hurt defensiveness that they can't even conceive the fact that someone would have to be psychic to know that the first part of the conversation is on a completely different page. It's really pathetic that you seem to have sunk to instinctively lashing out at almost every question someone asks no matter how simple or neutral....but I guess that's what happens when "the community" beats someone down like they owe them money in the comments section, after said person blatantly throws shade at another group & still has to have "defenders" come run defense for them as if they "dindu nuffin". My question is answered though (inability to articulate fluidly online / in forum) so I good. You should probably take a real breather & get some salve for all that pounding instead of wasting your time and getting all rectal swoled responding to this comment....
Is this where I download the furry anime
> it’s because most anime suck now lol i don't really think shows were really better then, you just forget about the bad ones quickly
Thanks for the giant shitpost, you lot.
Since when nyaa.si was this toxic ? All i can see are comments about fansub this and fansub that... Why not do constructive critics instead of attacking each other and trying to justify your opinion with shit arguments ? In the end of the day all of you are acting like kids, both the trolls and the ones giving them attention. .
The worst part is that I'm pretty sure that nobody here is actually trolling. Everyone is being serious lmfao
did k3 just steal my fansubbing is dead cus anime is bad he needs to get his own material