The concept of this title, the latest in the series to depict a new “Atelier” world, is “True-to-life youths that develop together, even if just a little bit”.
It is the story of a girl and her friends who are about to become adults, discovering what is most important to them.
To depict the story of the main characters discovering things they’ve never seen before, we’ve created fields with natural shadows that allow you to feel the breath of the world. Graphics have been further enhanced, allowing for a world of daily-life and adventure to be depicted in a new way.
■ Advanced “Synthesis” system & "Location Points"
The “Synthesis” system in which players combine materials to create items has been revamped.
Now, in addition to being able to understand the effects of synthesis visually, the system allows you to enjoy the experience of developing recipes more than ever before.
Also, we’ve included “Location Points” that players can create through synthesis!
■ Use different items to gather new materials!
When “Gathering” the necessary materials for synthesis, the items you receive change depending on the tools you use to gather them, so it will be easier to obtain the items you want.
■ Intense Battles
With a combination of turn-based command battle and real time elements, enjoy intense battles where the choices you make determine the outcome! It is a system that will allow you to sense the feeling of strengthening bonds with your friends more than ever.
The Main Character Is Ryza, An Ordinary Girl.
Tired of boring village life, she escapes the village to gather with her good friends in a secret location to talk of their dreams and plan thrilling adventures.
One day, the determined Ryza and company decide to head for the forbidden “island across the shore” as their first exploration trip.
Together with the alchemist and other friends they meet there, they have a “summer adventure” that they will never forget.
Steam / US Website / Manual
Game data from, plus crack from CODEX. All of the launch-day DLC should be working as well.
If you want Japanese instead of English, change “Language=english” to “Language=japanese” in steam_emu.ini.
8 Nov 2019 patch: ZIP (543 MB). Make sure to delete Atelier_Ryza.cdx from the game directory.
Haven’t had time to play the above patch yet. The executable changed with that patch, and I didn’t see the crack out for it yet, so I removed the DRM from that one myself. Let me know if anything is broken.
And since it’s been requested, I’ll probably post the other Atelier games on Steam on here in the near future.
If for some reason you still want it, here’s the patch released on 1 Nov 2019:!jNQnRa7S!zkinBXfTrK2P2Ln-Gpg3AJOvCiyeDf58eUQHN099Qyo
Comments - 32
Legit? Hopefully somebody can upload another without placing it into a zip.
Thanks, playing it now. Extracting the 8.7 GB comes to 14.1 GB.
Wish they would of included mouse functionalities. Dev gave a post
Hope it don’t take 4 ever. In the meantime
Shader mod
It will take a few sec to load it each execution.
CTRL + F1 for the ReShade menu within the game to turn off or adjust settings such as Tonemap, Vibrance levels, etc
Scroll Lock to turn effects on/off.
01 Original
02 ReShade
Graphical tweak (dunno if can mix/match)
To go fullscreen mode (instead of Window mode even at 1920x1080p and up) go to your Documents\KoeiTecmo/Atelier Ryza and open Setting.ini and look for “[Window] Fullscreen=0” change it to “Fullscreen=1” and save that’s it.
Here you can also change your keyboard command as well besides the Atelier_Ryza_Env.exe and Atelier_Ryza_Launcher.exe.
Thanks for the update anon.
Dev on the Nov 1 post (the latter link) also wrote this
^ This "
To go fullscreen mode (instead of Window mode even at 1920x1080p and up) go to your Documents\KoeiTecmo/Atelier Ryza and open Setting.ini and look for “[Window] Fullscreen=0” change it to “Fullscreen=1” and save that’s it.
"Is unnecessary, just run
to change fullscreen, resolution and controller/gamepad options.Shaun
Are the other Atelier games that are currently available on Steam going to be uploaded here? Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey and Atelier Lulua ~The Scion of Arland~ and a few others that haven’t been uploaded by anyone yet besides the other two games that are already on Nyaa.
@Shaun Thanks. Haven’t tried what you wrote but when I wrote that for some reason it would not go fullscreen at my end and remained in window mode even when I triggered it to fullscreen mode. I used all 3 .exe on this file and nothing.
@anon There’s an update Nov 8, 2019 patch available anon if you don’t mind updating your DL.
No issues here. Thanks for the Nov 8 patch had to use the zip one.
Holy smokes please add these if you don’t mind when they become available and the tshirt too unless it’s already here?
I don’t know what happened. I extracted all files from the torrent I got this error, now I can’t even get past through “Press any button to start”,
also everytime I saved my configuration on the Env.exe or Launcher.exe, It never got saved. Help please?
Also, error when launching Ryza:
Try running the game as Administrator. Failing that, run CHKDSK, because it’s saying it can’t create the folder it stores save data in.
Make sure you’re extracting it outside of either Program Files folders (you’ll run into permission issues otherwise), like extract it to a drives root directory like D:\ which is where I extracted it to and it plays fine.
Note I’m not running it as Administrator, not really necessary unless you have UAC on which I don’t.
Already tried running as Administrator.
Run CHKDSK, no error found.
I already put Ryza on D:, still cannot create SystemData.
Do you have all of the updates installed? Also I don’t even have a folder called SystemData at all (it’s not supposed to be trying to make it anyways) so I have no clue why it’s trying to make a folder like that, it never made one for me and it plays without issues, also save data is stored in
because of the crack.Also make sure you’re running
and not the launcher when trying to play it. I can runAtelier_Ryza_Env.exe
just fine without issues.Also this is in the description:
"8 Nov 2019 patch: Patcher (68 MB) or if for some reason that doesn’t work for you, ZIP (543 MB).
If you use the ZIP, make sure to delete Atelier_Ryza.cdx from the game directory.
"I’m actually wondering if the download for you got corrupted in some way.
@Shiori I had that issue when I experienced a blue screen crash going fullscreen. Somehow my save settings in My Documents got corrupted and would not save my settings. Had to delete it and run a fresh new save redoing my mouse settings and all that again and it worked no issue tho I am kinda fearful of it corrupting again since I’m on a Ryzen. Maybe the game don’t like that CPU or something I dunno. You could try that or move that folder to see if that’s the cause of it not saving.
Update your zipping program if you haven’t as it does sound like yours got corrupted. I didn’t run it under admin myself played just fine.
It shouldn’t be saving anything in the My Documents folder, due to the CODEX crack it is saved in the area I mentioned above, the
file has this information.noZA_
That’s what the games does at my end, image.
I also have it in the system: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Steam\CODEX\1121560
Looks like I wasn’t the only one that was having issues with fullscreen mode
Switch and PS4 seem to got a DLC update
Hopefully I’ll be able to play this in depth after I finish up the game I’m playing.
Finally fixed the problem, my friend turned off my antivirus and it worked, Thank you.
orz I should of known something like that was the cause, smh. But yeah when playing any games from now on turn off or better add an exception on your anti-virus program.
My problem now is the text ingame is scrambled, what problem is this now?
Edit: Something like this :
You’re right it does store the save data there though in my case since I’m on Windows 10 it is called Documents though I wasn’t expecting it to save under KoeiTecmo (it’s why the error Shiori was getting confused me though it does make the folder SystemData under Atelier Ryza), all 3 Atelier games (that I got via Nyaa) save there plus Blue Reflection though I never had an issue with it not being able to make the folder.
@Shiori No idea what’s up with that.
Found the problem.
The patcher went error in the middle, gonna download the 500MB one since it broke the game for me.
Thank you for answering though!
I chose to use the zip file update myself instead of bothering with the patcher, make sure you delete the Atelier_Ryza.cdx file.
Any reason why game won’t work for me? I’m stuck on the loading screen (the one with the emblem in the right corner)
I am also stuck at the loading screen :'v
Both of yall just writing that doesn’t help at all. All I can think of is try it under admin if that ain’t it see if you did the patches correctly by first running the game with no patches and see if it works then use the Nov 8 zip file patch (not the exe) as there’s been a thread about longer loading time with that patch but nothing about it not loading. Also as always check if you got DirectX installed correctly via Microsoft.
Also see if deleting the KoeiTecmo folder in your document folder helps. Make a backup of this folder often cuz it tends to get corrupted if say a crash of the game, etc leaving you having to start the game all over again.
Sorry. I was not able to state the problem clearly. The game load up and KoeiTecmo logo appear and then intro start playing. After that the loading screen appear and I got stuck at that loading screen.
I am running the unpatched version as a test and I am running with the administrator. I will try to unzip the file to see if that will work. If not, I will try to redownload zip file. Thanks for giving some time for the case.
I found the problem. It’s because the file path that I extracted the game takes some to load so it is effecting the game. I changed the file location and the game load up without any problem.
Glad you got it working with a simple fix. Maybe that’s what L_O_111 needs to do also.
Could be. That’s why I shared how manage to fix it. Hope L_O_111 's problem is fixed soon
Nov 19 ver 1.01 patch
Mines has no sound to it. Why is that?
Nvm, I got the sound on it.
Thanks, I downloaded it when the torrent was published.
Finished the game with zero trouble.