If my BitTorrent does not seed properly, please use my direct download…
Direct download/watch online: [Click here](https://unpakacid-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/oliviaokta_unpak_ac_id/EeIT_VBjEmBHkX4wOlUEpVUBHj_FQTNAVvOd9-Us2BIXUQ?e=BJ95KN)
My timed japsub: [Click here](https://doranobi.fansub.id/japsub/575.srt)
Image preview:
![alt text](https://image.prntscr.com/image/BeE30gycQyKAciI7Zyp-aw.jpg "575")
If you wanna use my RAWs, please put a credit :)
File list
[DNFI-Raw] Doraemon (ドラえもん) 575 RAW (2019.10.26) EX [720p x264].mp4 (295.5 MiB)
You can delete channel logos (which in itself is a mistake) but you can't deinterlace correctly and because of that the video has goshting or blend. If you still have TS, you should encoding better and keep logo.
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