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it’s finally ogre
A message from the editor:
Hard to believe it’s been 7 years since 2012, back when I agreed to take over editing on a rough-looking but interesting new musical anime. It was only like the third show I edited so everything was pretty new to me at the time, but season 1 was probably the most fun I ever had fansubbing, and back then I had no idea how big the show would eventually get. It’s been a wild ride. Thank you to our translators, who’ve been there from the start, our timer/typesetter and songs guy, who joined a little later but have been just as dedicated, and the various encoders we’ve had along the way. Couldn’t have done it without you. And thanks to you for sticking with us the whole way. And most importantly, thank you, Symphogear.
Now that it’s finally over, this seems like a good time to announce my retirement from—haha, just kidding.
See you around.
A message from the timer/typesetter/sometimes songs guy:
Hard to believe it’s been 4 years since 2015, back when I agreed to take over timing/typesetting on a rough-looking but interesting third-season of a musical anime. It was only like the fiftieth show I timed/typeset, so everything wasn’t that new to me at the time, but season 3 was probably the least fun I had fansubbing this show because fuck elfnein, and back then I didn’t know she would be a recurring character. It’s been a wild ride. Thank you to our translators, who’ve been there from the very start, our editor, who was also there at the start, and the various encoders we’ve had along the way (except L). Couldn’t have done it without you. And thanks to you for sticking with us the whole way… unless you watched CR when we fell behind. Fuck you then. Oh, and I guess thank you Symphogear for giving us Kirika pole dancing.
Now that it’s finally over, this seems like a good time to announce Cross Ange BDs will be released on—haha, just kidding.
A message from some guy who only encoded like 5 episodes:
fuck you s
A message from the S1-2 timer and S3-5 song styler:
Symphogear was the first show I worked on having joined part way through season 1 as the timer and at the time I had no idea what I’d signed myself up for. Working with this team, and on this show in particular, for the past 7 years has been an amazing experience I’ll never forget. From the time X had to politely educate me on why China Cat is not an acceptable song font, to the time S covered the majority of S4 for me, I couldn’t ask for a better group of friends & coworkers. A big thanks to all you viewers as well, it’s been a joy sharing the enthusiasm throughout the years, and I hope that my attempts to add character to the subs came through in a beneficial way. Finally thanks to Symphogear and its creators for giving us such a wonderful show and reminding us to hold a determination to fist.
Now that it’s finally over, I can use this free-time to re-sub all of Symphogear for the blu-ra—haha, just kidding.
Comments - 19
Thanks for the Heavenrend, fellas
Speak of the devil~
thanks skiddiks
Thanks! <3
thanks for the copypasta messages :)
It was an absolute blast to watch Symphogear from its’ early beginnings to this epic finale. Me and my group of friends owe much to you all for working on this wonderful series. On behalf of all of us, thank you for keeping up with this series.
i love all of you. thank you
Absolute mad lads.
I’ve been watching from the beginning, thanks for everything
Shame on you h for not being part of this…
Danke guys. Now, all I wished for is buying all the BDs and all the recent music albums as always as a thanks to the creator.
Thanks for providing us with such quality, kappa (jk) lol. Never fail to impress.
Just an idea, if you guys ever wanted to batch everyting from 2012 til now, that would be pretty sick. Maybe after BDs, wink wink.
Sanks for Symphogear gays!
Thanks guys. Its amazing to see subs that feature actual grammar and not random typetrash like CR>