Out of all the existing file versions currently available on the internet,these should easily produce the clearest image for this anime overall. ( also color corrected )
( I tested around 20-30 or so other file versions of this anime )
This torrent is focused on overall quality at reasonable torrent size.
The files have good uncensensored subs,with op/ed translation.
Great for long term storage.
Language : Japanese.
Subs : English.
Comments - 7
Video and Sub Source?
^probably raws from https://nyaa.si/view/803769
at least it’s not moozzi
Choose one
Are you the infamous “pixel peeper” btw? where the f do you even find 30 different sources
Ghost of yanex/yandex or whatever his name was?
@Yozart Thanks for the info.
At least he didn’t use Moozzi this time.
@dark21 But really 30 sources lol please provide me 30 sources I would like to test it once as well.
dark21 (uploader)
@Tanteiouji In between 20 and 30 sources,not precisely 30,i dont bother keeping track,the bulk of my downloads come from nyaa most of the time,besides that i try to download from horriblesubs,anime kayo/kaizoku (tough its kind of pointless to download from kayo kaizoku most of the time ),beatrice raws,shakay fansubs,aniRena,filelist,scenefz,noobsubs,fffsubs,dmntsf,at mirror. But i rarely find something worthwhile on these sites,i also leave my torrents a good half a week at least until i start eliminating files from all the torrents i downloaded,leave all your torrents on for 3-4 days and you will end up lots of downloaded files like i do
dark21 (uploader)
@Tanteiouji As an extreme case,believe me or not,and i know that many of you wont,i had to leave this torrent from which i got the files to download for almost 2 months,damn thing got stuck at 97% for almost 2 months