Nora : The Last Chronicle of Devildom by Kazunari Kakei, all nine books in English.
I did not create the jpg files although I did create the pdfs (1 per book).
I hope no mistakes were made as this is the first torrent I make, in an effort to make more people discover this really nice manga, as rare as it is now.
If you wish to ask me anything about it, please email me here : tgmdr at outlook dot com
Comments - 9
I thought this was Nora by Mikuriya, Satomi
Thanks for providing these “Nora” works though!
tuilespaprika (uploader)
Didn’t even know these existed !
Thanks for the mal link, didn’t think about that.
As youre here, I strongly advise you to try out the first volume, as I did further research about it I came across only good reviews from people regretting the manga is so hard to find !
Did not know other people liked it, I thought it wasn’t that good because its rare and not talked about
you completely messed up, making these pdf’s and not cbz.
tuilespaprika (uploader)
I made what was useful to me…
But the point of leaving the jpgs is that you can do whatever you want with it !
Want to make a cbz ?
Easy thing, every page should be in the right folder and in the right order, making this an easy task.
Are these the official volumes from Viz? Or what I meant to say is, are they digital rips from Viz? Just wondering, I already had the scans from the physical copy, just wondering if this was otherwise.
tuilespaprika (uploader)
I really have no idea, though they seem to be scans from a physical copy.
First time trying to torrent manga. The other manga downloaded fine, but i cant seem to download this particular manga. Please help explain…
If someone is still around, please seed! I’ve had this stuck at 75% for weeks…
tuilespaprika (uploader)
Sorry, did not see that comment.
I have been seeding for a few weeks and do not plan to stop anytime soon.