Out of all the existing file versions currently available on the internet,these should produce the clearest image for this anime overall.
( i tested around 20 or so other file versions of this anime )
This torrent is focused on overall quality at reasonable torrent size.
The files have good subs,with op/ed translation
Great for long term storage.
Language : Japanese.
Subs : English.
Comments - 9
Thanks for retiming it to Moozzi2!
Why the subs are in a separate folder instead of being muxed in?
Subs are off after op plays. Haven’t been re-timed properly for BD. EP 1 seems fine (no op) but can confirm there needs to be roughly a 500ms delay added after op on episodes 2 and 3 and assuming probably the rest. Thanks though!
Also fonts where not added as attachments so your losing a lot of the styling unless the viewer already has them installed.
@MiasmaSea, thanks for the heads-up. I’ll pass.
After 10 mins 40 secs in episode 7 subs are about 2 seconds off. Did you even watch these after retiming them man? Laughing my ass off right now.
dark21 (uploader)
@MiasmaSea Wrong,i checked with and without attachment added and it made 0 difference to styling in this anime or any other,ill check the timing,and see if there are problems
Are you for real though ? No, i haven’t completely watched this series again after i done the retimming lmao,i have other things to do,you weeb with to much time on your hands
dark21 (uploader)
@MiasmaSea I looked at ep 2/3 and they seem fine to me,ill assume that you’re talking about subs persisting longer on screen,i remember trying something like that but it would have delayed the subs,and the subs were massively delayed as they were back then ( 2 sec average ),but i will admit that ep 7 does have a substantial delay which ill fix one day,if there still is a delay close to 2 sec after min 10;40,for context i imagine the original delay was close to 3-4 secs before i retimmed them
dark21 (uploader)
@D44 Thats an extra pain in the ass that i have no reason to take,i would need even more time to make these batches and for me it makes no difference to the viewing experience,this sub format already works well enough for me