Out of all the existing file versions currently available on the internet,these should easily produce the clearest image for this anime overall.
( I tested around 25 or so other file versions of this anime )
I also added the clearest ova’s / specials i could find.
This torrent is focused on overall quality at reasonable torrent size.
The files have good subs,with op/ed translation.
Great for long term storage.
Language : Japanese.
Subs : English.
Comments - 7
Sanks !
Why the hell are the subs in French? >_> I had to go to subs.com.ru to grab the proper subs.
dark21 (uploader)
Look for something like, and check : " prefer external subtitles over embedded subtitles " in your player
There are english subs in there 100%
Thanks for retimed subs file and OVA!
Major props to your dedication of checking out so many versions to bring the best for us, dark21. Thank you!
Yeah, especially like there are only 3 different version of subs for this - HS, DDY and LY.