[U3-Project] 劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] II.lost butterfly」(完全生産限定版) [BDMV][Limited Edition][1080p AVC DTS-HDMA_5.1][Movie Vol.2][JP]

2019-08-21 03:33 UTC
File size:
45.6 GiB
Info hash:
### Please support the official release where possible. ### https://www.fate-sn.com/2nd/bddvd/ ### https://www.fatestaynightusa.com/blu-ray/ _________ #### Enjoy. This will be unseeded for a small amount of time (just leave it queued up in your client, no big deal!) while it seeds on other forum([skyeysnow](https://skyeysnow.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=6222)), first. _________ ![alt text](https://i.loli.net/2019/08/21/Olyj1XrcYAIGoxd.jpg "劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] II.lost butterfly」") ![alt text](https://i.loli.net/2019/08/21/BhTKMIcOGYkLtub.jpg "劇場版「Fate/stay night [Heaven's Feel] II.lost butterfly」") https://www.fate-sn.com/2nd/bddvd/ 発売日 2019年8月21日(水) 完全生産限定版BD 9,500円+(税) ANZX-14404~14406 通常版BD 5,800円+(税) ANSX-14404 通常版DVD 4,800円+(税) ANSB-14404 ``` Audio: Japanese DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1ch 48kHz 24bit / 2.0ch 48kHz 24bit Subtitles: English (PGS) / Japanese (PGS) ``` 【完全生産限定版特典】 ◆武内崇描き下ろしBOX ◆須藤友徳描き下ろしデジジャケット ◆オリジナルサウンドトラック ◆特典ディスク 【収録内容】スタッフ&キャスト登壇による ・初日プレミアイベント付き舞台挨拶[上映後・上映前] ・神戸舞台挨拶 ・特別興行“三陣営舞台挨拶” を収録 ※初日プレミアイベント付舞台挨拶[上映後]には、LIVEパートは収録されません。 ※商品の特典および仕様は予告なく変更になる場合がございます。 ◆スペシャルブックレット ◆イラストブック ※特典ディスクはDVDになります。 ※商品の特典および仕様は予告なく変更になる場合がございます。 ★本編ディスク仕様 ・字幕:日本語/英語収録 ・音声:2ch/5.1ch ★特典映像 ・PV・CM集 ★イントロダクション これは、手にした者の願いを叶えるという万能の願望機──「聖杯」をめぐる物語。 ヴィジュアルノベルゲーム『Fate/stay night』の最終ルート[Heaven’s Feel](通称・桜ルート)を全三部作で劇場版アニメ化。 アニメーション制作は2014年にTVアニメ版[Unlimited Blade Works]を手掛けたufotable。 キャラクターデザイン・作画監督として数々のTYPE-MOON作品のアニメ化を手掛けてきた須藤友徳が監督を務める。 2017年に公開された第一章「presage flower」は興行収入15億円を記録、98万人を動員するなど大きな話題になった。 そして2019年に公開された本作は興行収入16億円、動員数100万人など、前作を上回る記録を達成している。 運命の岐路で、第二章──「lost butterfly」が羽化を始める。 ★ストーリー 「俺の戦うべき相手は――まだこの街にいる」 少年は選んだ、自分の信念を。そして、少女を守ることを。 魔術師<マスター>と英霊<サーヴァント> が 願望機「聖杯」をめぐり戦う――「聖杯戦争」。 10年ぶりに冬木市で始まった戦争は、「聖杯戦争」の御三家と言われた 間桐家の当主・間桐臓硯の参戦により、歪み、捻じれ、拗れる。 臓硯はサーヴァントとして真アサシンを召喚。 正体不明の影が町を蠢き、次々とマスターとサーヴァントが倒れていった。 マスターとして戦いに加わっていた衛宮士郎もまた傷つき、 サーヴァントのセイバーを失ってしまう。 だが、士郎は間桐 桜を守るため、戦いから降りようとしなかった。 そんな士郎の身を案じる桜だが、彼女もまた、魔術師の宿命に捕らわれていく……。 「約束する。俺は――」 裏切らないと決めた、彼女だけは。 少年と少女の切なる願いは、黒い影に塗りつぶされる。 ★キャスト ・衛宮士郎:杉山紀彰 ・間桐 桜:下屋則子 ・間桐慎二:神谷浩史 ・セイバーオルタ:川澄綾子 ・遠坂 凛:植田佳奈 ・藤村大河:伊藤美紀 ・言峰綺礼:中田譲治 ・間桐臓硯:津嘉山正種 ・ギルガメッシュ:関智一 ・ライダー:浅川悠 ・真アサシン:稲田徹 ・アーチャー:諏訪部順一 ・イリヤスフィール・フォン・アインツベルン:門脇舞以 ★スタッフ ・原作:奈須きのこ/TYPE-MOON ・キャラクター原案:武内崇 ・監督:須藤友徳 ・キャラクターデザイン:須藤友徳、碇谷敦、田畑壽之 ・脚本:桧山彬(ufotable) ・美術監督:衛藤功二 ・撮影監督:寺尾優一 ・3D監督:西脇一樹 ・色彩設計:松岡美佳 ・編集:神野学 ・音楽:梶浦由記 ・制作プロデューサー:近藤光 ・アニメーション制作:ufotable ・配給:アニプレックス ★主題歌 Aimer 『I beg you』 ©TYPE-MOON・ufotable・FSNPC ©TYPE-MOON _________ **thanks Sakura&Saber@U3 bought the [JP-Blu-ray Limited Edition](https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B07R4TTB3M/)** **Enjoy !** _________ **U3-Telegram:** **https://t.me/U3_Project_BDPlan_Release** **U3-Anime Discord:** **https://discord.gg/fr3AEQA**

File list

  • 劇場版「Fate stay night [Heaven's Feel] II.lost butterfly」(完全生産限定版) [Blu-ray] -U3-Project
    • BD
      • BDMV
        • BACKUP
          • CLIPINF
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            • 00001.clpi (26.8 KiB)
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            • 00007.clpi (488 Bytes)
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            • 00001.mpls (252 Bytes)
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            • 00003.mpls (240 Bytes)
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            • 00005.mpls (240 Bytes)
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          • 00007.clpi (488 Bytes)
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          • 00011.clpi (936 Bytes)
          • 00012.clpi (292 Bytes)
          • 00013.clpi (292 Bytes)
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        • META
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          • 00001.mpls (252 Bytes)
          • 00002.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00003.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00004.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00005.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00006.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00007.mpls (240 Bytes)
          • 00010.mpls (4.4 KiB)
        • STREAM
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          • 00001.m2ts (19.2 GiB)
          • 00002.m2ts (38.8 MiB)
          • 00003.m2ts (399.6 MiB)
          • 00004.m2ts (154.4 MiB)
          • 00005.m2ts (463.5 MiB)
          • 00006.m2ts (77.5 MiB)
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          • 00011.m2ts (333.5 MiB)
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        • MovieObject.bdmv (1010 Bytes)
        • index.bdmv (192 Bytes)
        • BACKUP
          • id.bdmv (104 Bytes)
        • id.bdmv (104 Bytes)
    • CD
      • Fate,stay night [Heaven's Feel] II. lost butterfly Original Soundtrack
        • 01 - avant-title.flac (10.0 MiB)
        • 02 - you have to choose your future.flac (9.7 MiB)
        • 03 - small talk, with my brother.flac (2.6 MiB)
        • 04 - in the passing train.flac (2.5 MiB)
        • 05 - hurring to the library.flac (4.5 MiB)
        • 06 - you shouldn't have come here all alone.flac (5.2 MiB)
        • 07 - something I can do.flac (4.0 MiB)
        • 08 - she is her Hero.flac (2.6 MiB)
        • 09 - what she was hiding.flac (7.5 MiB)
        • 10 - the butterfly emerge.flac (20.0 MiB)
        • 11 - she's made up her mind.flac (5.5 MiB)
        • 12 - he still can't choose his future.flac (6.5 MiB)
        • 13 - let's go home together.flac (6.9 MiB)
        • 14 - I will be her Hero.flac (4.0 MiB)
        • 15 - what he has believed.flac (10.1 MiB)
        • 16 - there is a crack.flac (6.2 MiB)
        • 17 - he goes, she goes.flac (3.7 MiB)
        • 18 - the outbreak of war.flac (13.5 MiB)
        • 19 - she rules the battlefield.flac (17.0 MiB)
        • 20 - come on, make your move.flac (7.9 MiB)
        • 21 - He comes back again and again.flac (17.9 MiB)
        • 22 - what else, we can do.flac (8.3 MiB)
        • 23 - despair and hope.flac (16.3 MiB)
        • 24 - petals and butterfly.flac (19.9 MiB)
        • 25 - in a gentle world.flac (8.6 MiB)
        • 26 - my stomach is rumbling!.flac (6.8 MiB)
        • 27 - some sweet candies.flac (8.4 MiB)
        • 28 - and another dinner.flac (11.8 MiB)
        • 29 - spreading disaster.flac (5.4 MiB)
        • 30 - gloomy tension.flac (5.9 MiB)
        • 31 - bad dream, sad future.flac (3.9 MiB)
        • 32 - an invitation from the old man.flac (3.2 MiB)
        • 33 - can you save her.flac (13.7 MiB)
        • 34 - the song we once sang.flac (8.5 MiB)
        • 35 - a tiny flower in my dream.flac (4.9 MiB)
        • 36 - I will face my fate.flac (7.9 MiB)
        • 37 - the lost butterfly.flac (10.5 MiB)
        • Fate,stay night [Heaven's Feel] II. lost butterfly Original Soundtrack.cue (7.9 KiB)
        • Yuki Kajiura - Fate,stay night [Heaven's Feel] II. lost butterfly Original Soundtrack.log (37.0 KiB)
        • Yuki Kajiura - Fate,stay night [Heaven's Feel] II. lost butterfly Original Soundtrack.m3u8 (3.0 KiB)
    • DVD
Do you plan to do an encoded 1080p version?
Are U-3 Project anywhere near uploading the ISO for Seitokai Yakuindomo Volume 18's iso? Episode 24.
is there animation material?
Best RAW release. Thanks a ton!
thank you :) you're so amazing :)
Sankyuu for BD Remux :)
Jesus mother fucking christ...these OFFICIAL SUBS, are fucking DISGUSTING! What son of a bitch was put in charge of translating this? The UBW official subs were great, but this is an abomination, even worse than the cam rip subs!!! D:<
this is my first time i download this kind of version how i can play the movie? do i need to burn it or i can just use any player
@symxxx You can use any player. No need to burn it
@symxxx use VLC media player or mpc-hc and open the BDMV folder with that player. It will then play like a real blu-ray disc. Or you can right click on the BDMV folder and click "show package contents", then go to the STREAM folder and you can play the files individually too.
WHERE ARE THE FANSUBS AT?!?!?! Can someone save us from these fuck awful official subs???!!! D:<
I don't think it's playing right, I got the video to play with mpc-hc, but it only plays the movie, I can't seem to get to a menu or the extra to play like a bluray
Not sure if this is the right place for this but, I made some subs for Heaven's Feel Lost Butterfly. New Fonts. New Translations, Re-timed. Ending Song Translated into English, etc. I worked really hard on it, and it's my first time subbing. So I hope you guys enjoy it! https://www.mediafire.com/file/kfu7oj1nn7m6gad/%5BRabidWulfe%5D_Lost_Butterfly_Heaven%27s_Feel_Subs.ass/file
@Faffywaffletv Why do you and others keep talking about how bad the subs are? Do you speak Japanese or how are you judging whether theyre good or not? For people who only speaking English, how are we supposed to know if theyre good or not... we just care about having some kind of translation. If you do speak Japanese then wtf do you care about the subs anyway
@nahlij 'For people who only speak English, how are we supposed to know if they are good or not'. Dude...are you being serious? Even if you only know English, anyone with half a brain and average IQ can tell whether the subs that they read are good or bad regardless of what the audio language is. You judge base on the context of scenes, the emotions being conveyed, and again, common sense, when you read the subs out to yourself, does it sound like how somebody would actually talk in real life. A lot of that for the official subs are just fucked up and makes little sense. Example: https://i.imgur.com/GzvSp93.jpg like....LMFAO, who the fuck talks like that??!! These subs are SHIT! If you are one of those impatient people who don't care for the accuracy and quality of the subs but just want to understand whatever you are given, that's your choice, you are only going to potentially ruin getting the best possible experience out of watching the movie with great subs to makes all the scenes more effective, than watching one with crap subs which dumbs down how a scene should feel to you watching it.
@FaffywaffleTV You make a valid argument. That screenshot you posted lmao... could have just been "I'll get help" or "I'll get medical help" at least..... med??? lol
@FaffywaffleTV what are your choice subs for Fate UBW and Fate Zero? I only have the PGS those too...
Fan-fuckingtastic-this the way to watch this superbly animated movie, just as raw and un"re-encoded" as it comes off the bluray!!
Fan-fuckingtastic-this the way to watch this superbly animated movie, just as raw and un"re-encoded" as it comes off the bluray!!
excuse me… whether that cover picture is on the file list? what spesific file name then?
Thanks for sharing