Minutemen-Excelsior & XRA9 ripped these from CMX. All credit to them.
Took me 10 seconds to find the DDL, 1 minute to download the whole volume and 30 seconds to put it in a folder and upload everything to Nyaa.
So think twice when you hear some [uploader](https://nyaa.si/user/tempest21) spouting bullshit like ["i sPenD A LoT Of TIMe pUTTING THEsE upLoAds toGEthEr."](https://nyaa.si/view/1165260#com-6)  when all he did was just downloading and reuploading stuff he found elsewhere. The actual hard job was done by the rippers, they spent time and money to make these releases possible.
Please point out if there's anything wrong with this release. I'm open to feedback, unlike [a certain uploader](https://nyaa.si/user/tempest21) out there with an inflated ego.
File list
Transparent Light Blue (2019) (digital) (Minutemen-Excelsior+XRA9).cbz (458.4 MiB)
You went through all this effort, just to call someone out, but you can't even directly quote their name..? Why bother stirring an unnecessary controversy? It feels like you're trying a little too hard to one up the other uploader.
@Suzumiya64:  Most of his uploads are perfect, but guy got too proud of himself he started seeing every feedback as an attack to his "effort". I wouldn't call spending less than 5 minutes "effort" though. Just trying to prove a point that downloading stuff from one place and reuploading to another are easy and effortless things to do so there's no need to act all high and mighty about it.
 And btw I read Harry Potter so I like that way of referring someone.
@KOWBOY:  Just like a certain uploader, yup.
@KOWBOY: OMG how dare you call me cheap? [It’S hit anD RuN ComMeNtiNG mEMbERs LiKE YOU wHo hAvE FOrceD me TO cUt BACk ON MY UPlOaDinG. iT JUST gETS TIrEsome HAvInG SomeONe comPLAIn aboUt me uPLoaDInG sOMEThiNg ratHER ThAn SayiNG “tHanK yoU FOr poSTIng tHiS”](https://nyaa.si/view/1165612#com-4) 
Just kidding, I'm not that particular uploader. 'course I’m cheap, didn’t even spend a penny. I’m not asking for any “thank you” either, unlike a certain uploader.
Comments - 12
Anonymous1234 (uploader)
Anonymous1234 (uploader)
Anonymous1234 (uploader)
Anonymous1234 (uploader)