This is a mHD or MiniHD encode. I compile video and subs and then encode them to a smaller file size while keeping it watchable. I give the links so everyone knows what comes from where.
So if you want to keep 198.7 GB version of the the same thing you can just download everything from the links and then mux them.
But I can assure you if your aim is just to watch then this is all the HD you need.
Comments - 12
how come you say you take the source from them but the size of your files are so low?
Cerberus (uploader)
This is a mHD or MiniHD encode. I compile video and subs and then encode them to a smaller file size while keeping it watchable. I give the links so everyone knows what comes from where.
So if you want to keep 198.7 GB version of the the same thing you can just download everything from the links and then mux them.
But I can assure you if your aim is just to watch then this is all the HD you need.
Amazing Quality with an Amazing size. Thank you so much for this upload :)
That’s some low bitrate. Hope it doesn’t go all blocky on fast motion complex scenes. I’ll give it a go, thanks
Seems ok. Not noticed any macroblocking so its high enough. Good work amigo
Cerberus (uploader)
That’s the idea bro.
My HDD crashed and I lost my Definitive Leijiverse archive. I hope someday you make a Leijiverse batch.
I love this show, especially the first season. Thanks.
Great work, Thank you :)