[HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 04 [720p].mkv

2019-07-28 16:11
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266.2 MiB
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  • [HorribleSubs] Vinland Saga - 04 [720p].mkv (266.2 MiB)

thank you :-)

I had made a comment in one of the ep torrents that first showed up of this anime … that it was NOT very accurate historically … I stand by that comment … and I did some further digging in to the historical mistakes and any historical accuracy that might be shown in the anime or the manga … is Vinland Saga complete garbage historically … no … it DOES have some serious errors though
for the manga I use the omnibus edition vol 1 which is covered in the first few ep’s
v01 pg 165 … ROFLMAO … CPR over 1000 yrs ago ! ? ! ? ! ? (shown in anime, Thors revives the slave they find buried in the snow) … or the arrow in Thors shoulder that magically disappears by the time he hits the water (around 3 min into the 1st ep) … or his swimming while wearing chainmail (IRL that would NEVER happen, actual chainmail is WAAAAAAYYYYY too heavy)

v01 pg 131 … is the start of the anime … at start of anime it shows Thors at the battle of Hjorungavagr in 987 … @ 6:20 into the 1st ep it shows the year as 1002
Thors might possibly be based on the actual historical character Thorkell the Tall, who was in fact a Jomsviking leader, and who was in the Battle of Battle of Hjörungavágr … though the actual character also took part in a later major battle, the Battle of Swold in the year 1000

v01 pg 161 … Lief Erikson mentions viking king “Harald” (as to why many left Norway and went to Iceland) … it was Harald Fairhair (850-932 AD)

v01 pg 230 …it shows Lief Erikson mentioning “Wendland”, where is “Wendland” ? … original name for region “Vendland”, it was not called “Wendland” until around 1700 … The term Vendland was used for the regions east of Lübeck, however, by the Scandinavian peoples since at least before the turn of the 10th Century. … the people of that region were Polabian (slavic/proto-Polish)

… who are the “Jomsvikings” … no actual conclusive proof that they existed … it is suspected that their home base was an island (Wolin) off the coast of modern day Poland

@ Razeth
… what ? … you cant handle anything resembling an intelligent conversation … you have to laugh at it because you cant understand anything higher than what is usually taught in GRADE SCHOOL currently in most of the modern western world

… thank you for the compliment :-) … your “LMAO” at my posts, shows your complete lack of anything resembling a “real” education, and shows that my “old school” education is vastly beyond yours :-)

Dude it’s just a fiction based on history. Do you think 1 trained guy could beat multiple trained guys with 1 hit each without taking any damage?

@ dec05eba
… I know it is fiction … why do you think I did not discuss anything about the fighting and how “heroes” can do the completely impossible

I too did throughout check up. There seems to be too many errors or misinterpretations. Im just trying to go with the flow for this one.

Mr. “my education is better then yours” needs to take a chill pill.

@ Tsunade-Sama … yeah … this IS a pretty kick ass anime, with some interesting twists … and when looked at as “just a story” is pretty decent

Chill Pill

Laughing in Nobunaga voice in every Anime and Manga based on historical events.

… what ? … you cant handle anything resembling an intelligent conversation … you have to laugh at it because you cant understand anything higher than what is usually taught in GRADE SCHOOL currently in most of the modern western world

Nah dude I can’t handle your ellipses.

@komugi No one claimed that’s it’s historically accurate lol. it’s a fictional story that’s inspired by some historical events. now stop spamming pls.

Tf happened here lol

@komugi The author isn’t trying to be completely historically accurate as that’s not always guaranteed to be good entertainment https://youtu.be/j7Zq61NxkzI?t=305
Though he and the anime staff do indeed try to be pretty accurate nontheless, something that cannot be said about most other works. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBTCPWe83f4

anime, manga
historical accuracy

pick one

Historically accurate isekai.

picked one.

Arent you like 50 komugi? You should be spending your time more productivly

Why… does… he… talk… like… this…?

The wiki master rules.

It’s a lot better than something like Vikings tv shows which is insanely more popular than this and this doesn’t completely shit on history and Viking culture in general

Ishigami-san did a REALLY good job screaming all of those "I’ll kill you"s. Very impressive!

@yungboss I read somewhere here in nyaa that komugi himself said he graduated high school in the 70’s so probably the same age as my father now…and my father’s retired so a lot of free time left to spend much ado about anime or not. Anyways he’s an old man, it’s like those grandmas that make a big fuss over free coupons or some small things. Old people are just that amusing.

I wonder how @komugi feels about the fact that ancient Icelanders are speaking JAPANESE, now that’s a helluva historical inaccuracy.

and dropped … all comments about historical accuracy aside … this is god awful BOOOOOORRRRRRIIIIINNNNG

@komugi for someone as old as my father you do sound like a 12 year old. Do most people that get to your age act like they are in a state of regression? like the 40 year old arsonist that burned kyoani building just because he thought they plagiarized his work without proof…If so then I’d rather die in my 30’s than be like old people. I’m pretty sure modern people like us wouldn’t even reach our ages right now if we are in the era of these so called vikings. They’d fuck both us up for being whiny cunts.

Sounds like Komugi just took an arrow to the knee.