[PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 14 (WEB 720p AAC) [482CEAC2].mkv

2019-07-18 14:41
File size:
287.1 MiB
Info hash:

EDIT: the show’s on break again. 15 won’t air until 7/31

Drop Mars etc

MPV is the only player we support. No support will be given for any other player. If something else happens to work, great. If it doesn’t, it’s not our problem.


Recruiting competent translators to save more anime. Contact KoolKidsK on IRC or KoolKidsK#8146 on discord if interested.

XDCC available on IRC when k3 finally goes to sleep and wakes up

TL: Myaamori
TLC: kumo8
Edit: Lann
Timing: Alen
Song Styling: colgatto
“Typesetting”: Myaamori (lol)
Encode: KoolKidsK
QC: QQwerty

File list

  • [PAS] Carole & Tuesday - 14 (WEB 720p AAC) [482CEAC2].mkv (287.1 MiB)

Thank you as always!

Gonna watch both last week’s and this one’s back to back since I got back from a con trip. Been looking forward to this a ton. Thanks!

“can i create something about good values and hope while i’m being taken over by fear?” from Watanabes twitter in light of the recent tragedy

Thanks for this. I come here everyday hoping to see Penguins on a Highway that speak to me in proper English, but I always end up hearing “Onii-chan, I’ll hang you” instead every time. Please save Onii-chan soon. Please!

PA-Subs (uploader)


@DoktorWeiss hopefully real soon!

I just saw the update on your site and I’m salivating profusely now. I’ve been wanting to watch this film for so long and now the time is almost here. Thanks for the work done.