shiteatersubs presents Dr. Slump & Arale-chan episode 078 in Japanese with English subtitles.
Translated & Timed by: GANGO
Edited by: shiteaterbubibinman
Quality Consultant: Nanto
Thanks to GANGO for his help with timing and translating this episode. It’s been over a year in the making, this thing. Thanks so much for your help! Please check him out at his fansub site for more classic anime:
Thanks very, very much to Nanto for his contributions. If you watch this episode and think, oh my, the subs sure look great! — we have Nanto to thank for that. Visit him if you will at his amazing fansub site for more extremely professional looking subs:
“Peasuke and Hiyoko go on a date. Arale wants to go too, but Peasuke says no. So when Peasuke loses Hiyoko’s favorite book, Alice in Wonderland, Arale finds it and has an idea to use the Fairy Tale Machine, a machine Senbei created to enter the world of a fairy tale book, so she can take everyone on a date in Wonderland!”
Comments - 2
thank you very much
Continue eps 79 english subs sir…
Still waiting it .
Thank you.
This classic Nime is amazing