[PSP] Remember11 -The Age of Infinity- [English Patched, v2.1]

2019-07-01 22:25 UTC
File size:
1.6 GiB
Info hash:
![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/9mcq4y7b5/107307_front.png) **Original title**: Remember11 -The Age of Infinity- **Genre**: Visual Novel **Length**: Medium (10 - 30 hours) **Year**: PSP Japan 2009-04-16, English Patch v2.1 2019-01-16 **Developer**: KID **Language**: English **Voice**: Japanese **Translation Patch**: [dreambottle](https://github.com/dreambottle/R11-psp-english/releases) **Description**: Fuyukawa Kokoro, a third-year sociology major, boards a plane bound for Hokkaido to meet a research subject in the Specified Psychiatric Hospital for Isolation and Aegis, or SPHIA. For unknown reasons, her plane crashes in the mountains in the middle of a snowstorm. Of the 31 passengers, only she, Kusuda Yuni, Yomogi Seiji, and Mayuzumi Lin survive unharmed. Unable to establish communication with the outside world due to the fierce snowstorm, the four decide to take shelter in an empty cabin and wait until the storm passes. Yukidoh Satoru, a graduate student in the field of quantum physics, falls from the SPHIA clock tower. He later awakens with some memory loss and the realization that someone is out to kill him. Unable to leave the SPHIA facility due to a snowstorm, Satoru's only chance at living is to find that person among the three other residents (or perhaps the hidden culprit) of SPHIA. Shortly after, Kokoro and Satoru realize that they are somehow exchanging bodies and Yuni appears to be at both of their locations... **Important**: 1. Release Notes: - Version 2.1 -(critical) Fixed a game-breaking crash in the end of the first chapter, which sneaked into the previous patch. -Added translation of the paragraph in TIP093 (Satoru), which was missing in the PC version of the game. -Kudos to Arsym, creator of [Remember11 EXPLAINED](https://adayem.wordpress.com/remember11-explained/), and "Rokumei City" Discord community for their help with spotting the issue and translating the missing part of the Satoru TIP. - Version 2.0 (avoid this version, it crashes in the end of the first chapter) -Fixed all crashes in TIPS! Don't be paranoid about opening every other tip any more! -Enhanced digit glyphs in the game font. Digits 2-9 will now look just as crisp, as the rest of the characters. ("0" and "1" were ok since v1.0beta) -Decreased spacing for whitespace and comma. Text will be a little bit more dense now. -The scene text preprocessing script was rewritten, which should fix minor inconsistencies in text formatting. - Version 1.0b -All in-game texts work. -Translated most essential menus. -Important! TIPS are translated, but some of them may crash the game! (Reason: screen buffer overflow, game can display max 480 characters at a time.) -Modified latin letters and punctuation in the game font to be brighter and sharper, tweaked the width, but still look like the original one. -Hack for line breaks: lines will not break before latin letters, punctuation and some other symbols. **!!!** Tested on 6.39 PRO-B10 and working. **Screenshots**: ![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/jr6sgs0ht/screen00000.png) ![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/7rva9guwx/screen00001.png) ![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/3k53egiv5/screen00002.png) ![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/upi1yyp35/screen00003.png) ![alt text](https://s6.postimg.cc/hb4z2xif5/screen00004.png)

File list

  • Remember11-eng-v2.1.iso (1.6 GiB)


Does the text go out of the text box?

superelmo (uploader)

Didn't notice anything like that, but I only played the first 30 min. on PSP. It should be as in the screenshots. Are you playing on emulator?
Wow a new update? Thanks for the English Patched :)
Also, I don't want to bother you with your old releases, but is it possible if you can seed this? Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's Portable: The Battle of Aces https://nyaa.si/view/1075301 PSP] Neon Genesis Evangelion: Girlfriend of Steel 2nd https://nyaa.si/view/867683 I really appreciate all your shares :)

superelmo (uploader)

Done, I think. :)
Thanks! I managed to dl everything! You are the best!
Hmm... Could I play this VN using PPSSPP in my Smartphone?
Does this work on PPSSPP or only on the PSP console?