So yeah, season 3. This season deals with the 7th spirit, the creation of the 8th, and Shido's overload. Not much to say about the contents of the show.
So instead let's talk about JC Staff. They sure knocked it out of the park this time. They knocked it so hard it went around the world and hit them in the back of the head, leaving them in a puddle of their own piss. This season is a MESS. The animation, what little there is, is terrible. The plot was hacked to pieces with huge chunks of it missing. People pull powers out of their ass because the parts where that power was either introduced or foreshadowed was cut. At the cherry on top: last episode is one WHOLE volume of the LN, with everything important that happened in that volume cut for time. Spoiler: while Shido was OP, he actually did some things that matter a lot for the next arc. JC Staff fucked up, just how they fucked up Index 3 (if you haven't read the LN you will have no clue as to what the hell is going on) and One Punch Man S2 (the animation and pacing were garbage). And this season they are doing FOUR shows: Accelerator, Machikado Mazoku, Okaasan wa Suki desu ka? and Danmachi S2. Can't wait to see the QUALITY. Fuck you JS Staff, you used to be great.
Dark_Pride: Not really.
kaiserstar1: Lol, not what I meant. Once Shido went berserk, he was supposed to do something important. I think he still did it off screen.
gsk_: I don't get it.
Hey @DmonHiro (sorry if I spammed you with this question, just have no clue if you saw it on other places), can you reseed your Rio - Rainbow Gate torrents?
yeah, it felt like it should of ended back on episode 11, they should of saved the events in ep 12 for maybe a movie version or saved it for a potential 4th season.
Eh I have seen worse plus I am not looking for functional story in harem anime...I mean the whole harem thing kinda kills any good story potinail dead so enjoy the ride or train wreck, whatever floats your boat.
>Fuck you JS Staff, you used to be great.
Just pointing out here that JC Staff made the Tsukihime anime, which is so bad people still keep up the meme of pretending it doesn't exist. But we must not let that meme blind us into actually forgetting about that shitshow and thinking it's only recently that JC Staff is making massive fuck ups
> But we must not let that meme blind us into actually forgetting about that shitshow and thinking it’s only recently that JC Staff is making massive fuck ups
You haven't seen anything yet ma boi!

I don't know if you take requests, but it'd be great if you could do a release of Katanagatari with subs sourced from the NIS release. The BD PGS subs arent well formatted, so on a computer they are too small, so .ass subs with a good size would be great.
I don't take requests. The only times it seemed like I do is because the request lined up with what I was going to release anyway. As a general rule I don't release old shows that already have a 720p BD available, regardless of the subs.
Jusango I think only season 1 got that due to all the rushing around it managed to get some extra content that I guess they could not fit into the TV release.
Bit by bit they are simplifying and speeding up the Blu ray process but some shows are so by a hair schedule wise they have to do more work to make the blu rays worth 100$ a shot.
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DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)
DmonHiro (uploader)