One Punch Man (2015) [kuchikirukia]

2019-06-30 22:51
No information.
File size:
9.3 GiB
Info hash:

You guys were sucking down too much of my bandwidth so I did my own 720p encode to replace the 1080p Beatrice-Raws remux I did before.
This is 41% of the size and probably close enough.

Source vs encode (upscaled with madVR):

File list

  • One Punch Man (2015) [kuchikirukia]
    • 01. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (677.8 MiB)
    • 02. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (776.4 MiB)
    • 03. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (601.8 MiB)
    • 04. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (564.3 MiB)
    • 05. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (554.1 MiB)
    • 06. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (543.8 MiB)
    • 07. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (609.3 MiB)
    • 08. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (723.7 MiB)
    • 09. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (723.0 MiB)
    • 10. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (482.0 MiB)
    • 11. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (741.3 MiB)
    • 12. One Punch Man [BD 720p Hi10P AAC][kuchikirukia].mkv (956.2 MiB)
    • NCED (for ordered chapters).mkv (43.6 MiB)
    • NCOP (for ordered chapters).mkv (85.8 MiB)
    • OVA1.mkv (226.7 MiB)
    • OVA2.mkv (203.3 MiB)
    • OVA3.mkv (251.8 MiB)
    • OVA4.mkv (234.0 MiB)
    • OVA5.mkv (264.8 MiB)
    • OVA6.mkv (229.0 MiB)

kuchikirukia (uploader)


I had no issue with them.

lol imagine thinking kuchi cares about using good subs

hey at least it’s not Dmon “I didn’t even check whether bunny girl senpai had any fansubs” Hiro

kuchikirukia (uploader)


Better than being the wrong word order with terrible localizations and no honorifics.
There was nothing in these subs to irk me, as every other line of Commie does.

wrong word order? what does that even mean?

kuchikirukia (uploader)


“What does that even mean, wrong word order?”

^^ You translate things in the opposite order they’re said.

yeah, almost like japanese and english have a different word orders or something

implying I (or anyone tbh) was suggesting Commie as “the” alternative

complaining about word order being wrong in non-Sally subs when Sally consistently uses “Class A” even as an adjective

^^ You translate things in the opposite order they’re said.

It’s been a while since I heard such an uninformed and frankly bad opinion about translation.

If you can’t speak English, you don’t get to have an opinion on English translation/localization.

kuchikirukia (uploader)


yeah, almost like japanese and english have a different word orders or something

"Nii-san, daijoubu?"
If it’s Commie you can bet your ass it’s going to be translated as, “Are you all right, brother,” instead of “Brother, are you all right?”

not sure what your problem is with that. they mean exactly the same thing.

also the better translation with the appropriate visual context provided is “Hey, are you okay?”

kuchikirukia (uploader)


not sure what your problem is with that. they mean exactly the same thing.

You understand that there is audio that comes with these things, right? We don’t mute the sound and just read the subtitles.
When you mix up the order, what is being read does not match what is heard. This is annoying. Instead of following along smoothly you need to stop for a beat to translate it yourself. If the subs are leaving me to translate what I’m hearing it defeats the purpose of having subtitles.

You aren’t a translator and likely speak near-zero Japanese. Stop pretending you need to “translate” anything.

i mean it never matches what you hear because the audio is in japanese and the subtitles are in english. and if you can understand the audio, why do you even need subtitles if they just distract you?

Wow! someone wants a 1:1 translation. Damn!

After about 15 years of about 8 hours a day of watching this type of crap , I don’t speak Japanese (a word that I don’t like to use because the people it refers to use a different word) but I can fully understand @kuchikirukia’s comment “There was nothing in these subs to irk me” as part of a subbing process should reflect a bit on what is heard . There is also the famous quote “I totally disagree with what he has to say , but I will defend to the death his right to say it” , which is a principle many more people need to learn .
Subs that fit with what is heard and the things @kuchikirukia complains about vs how some people chose to do things out of “correctness” – I support @kuchikirukia

Either watching trash sub or learning nothing for fifteen years; I don’t know which is much harder to bear.

Will I ever see someone properly screenshotting a source/encode and use a legit screenshot comparison site to actually show the real difference in the material… >doubt

kuchikirukia (uploader)


Just download them, open as layers, and compare at 800x.

@Abunja , I presume that comment may have been directed at me ! It is not that I have not picked up enough understanding to appreciated how terribly irksome some groups subtitling can be in both incorrect translation and mangled word order in comparison to what is being said , I just have not garnered enough vocabulary nor grammar to learn to fully comprehend the spoken language . I know Japanese sentence structure is different to English and I do expect some flexibility in subtitle presentation , it is just that some groups seem to do a better job in some people’s personal opinion .

“Nii-san, daijoubu?” If it’s Commie you can bet your ass it’s going to be translated as, “Are you all right, brother,” instead of “Brother, are you all right?”

I’m not a fan of heavy-handed localizations, but this is one of the dumbest comments I have ever read.



These comments are pain

@Father_Snurb If we’re talking about opinions and experiences, this is what I learned from watching these past few years:

  1. It’s impossible to get a 100% correct translation;
  2. 1:1 or word-for-word translation is a stupid idea; and
  3. Familiar Japanese words are not always translated into subs. This is what I believe you find irksome, but trust me. If you understand the context really well, you’ll never find it annoying.

PS. If you look at it, my list are all of the same thing, generally.

wrong word order

kuchi, i generally agree with your ideals but this is possibly one of the dumbest things i have ever read regarding translation. i generally don’t agree with heavy localization, but translation is not really as simple as “the words are in this order, translate them one by one and it’ll be readable.” your take on this just seems naive and like others have said, someone who clearly doesn’t understand what translation actually entails.

also, the best subs for this show are probably cthuko.

@Abunja your comments:-

  1. yes
  2. yes
  3. fair enough . Translators should always rely on concepts when making their decisions/choices .
    However, the reason I prefer native dub to English dub (apart from most North American voice actors seem GENERALLY incapable of acting with their voices) is for the tones , intonation and where word placement stresses the original intention of the original script , something subbing groups do in their work to differing degrees .Which is why people prefer one group over another as a personal choice which should , and must , be respected !!! Always be prepared to agree to disagree with someone !!

The other thing is where something like what occurs in JoJo Golden Wind and in GoodJobMedia’s most excellently awesome handling of Index III .Irksome subs ? It is up to individual determination .

also, the best subs for this show are probably cthuko.

zang made improvements to cthuko, and I made improvements to zang

You don’t have time to make fansubs but have time for this??? Shame on you brothers and sisters:)

They are continuing the Kametsu tradition.

I completely agree with you about wrong word order. I drives me nuts in Atelier games. These people are sadly unintelligent and their mental capacity can’t handle that wrong word order horrible and makes subs even more localised.

“wrong word order” … JESUS CHRIST do you really expect both japanese and english to align perfectly together so that the translator actually subs word by word !!
and both “brother, you ok ?”, and “you ok brother ?” means literally the same thing, even though the first one blend in more naturally.