I'm still new to this so please give me tips and suggestions.
Source: Horriblesubs (Japanese Audio, Video and Subs)
Source: Kaidubs (English Audio)
Passthrough from source.
Channels: Stereo
Codec: AAC
Modified to give the full ED and OP
Channels: Stereo
Codec: AAC
Source: Passthrough from Horriblesubs release (Official Translation).
No song subs
If you like it I would highly appreciate it if you seed it my internet connection isn’t that great.
Everything from episode 4 and onwards should be the same as my previous releases.
Episode 1-3 were reencoded (using the original video, not a reencode over my reencode) to use Constant Quality 22 instead of what they were.
For episode 1 I redid the audio so the syncing should be better.
Comments - 2
you can make sign and song subtitle yourself very easily, in anime they use .ass format which give them ability to make custom style in the subtitle, like style 1 for text , style two for songs, you app like subtitle edit , to identify what is what, you can delete the main text using subtitle edit but that take a lot of time, just write a script that find tags in main subtitle and remove it and keep the rest of the text , I have a python script to do that if you want it,I can post it on pastebin for you
Thank You :)