Hey guys and gals, this torrent PACK contains the COMPLETE “Ghost in the Shell” COLLECTION including pretty much ALL of the “Extras”, “Shorts” (Tachikomatic days), Specials, and SO on! ALL of the MAIN stuff (minus the extras and such) is in DUAL Audio (English AND Japanese) and everything was encoded from HIGH-Quality BLU-Ray sources, too! This pack is Far SUPERIOR than the “720p” iteration of it that I released back in 2016!!!
This is all this PACK (in 1080p Resolution) contains:
a. Movies (1995-2008):
1a. Ghost in the Shell 1.0 (1995)
1b. Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (2008)
2a. Ghost in the Shell 2 - Innocence (2004)
b. TV Series - STAND Alone Complex (2002-06):
1a. 1st Gig (2002-03)
1b. OVA - Laughing Man (2005)
1c. 1st Gig Shorts - Tachikomatic Days (S01)
2a. 2nd Gig (2004-05)
2b. OVA - Individual Eleven (2006)
2c. 2nd Gig Shorts - Tachikomatic Days (S02)
2d. SAC Specials
3. End Movie - Solid State Society (2006)
c. ARISE - OVA Films, Alternative Architecture, and The NEW Movie (2013-15):
Plot Synopsis:
Ghost in the Shell 1.0 (1995) - “A cyborg policewoman and her partner hunt a mysterious and powerful hacker called the Puppet Master.”
Ghost in the Shell 2.0 (2008) - “A hacker known as the Puppet Master is hunted by a female cyborg cop and her partner. This film is a revised version of Ghost in the Shell (1995).”
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence (2004) - “In the year 2032, Batô, a cyborg detective for the anti-terrorist unit Public Security Section 9, investigates the case of a female robot–one created solely for sexual pleasure–who slaughtered her owner.”
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex S.A.C. (2002-05) - “The futuristic adventures of a female cyborg counter intelligence agent and her support team.”
Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. - Laughing Man (2005 OVA) - “A compilation movie featuring scenes from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex.”
Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. - Individual Eleven (2006 OVA) - “The year is 2030 and an influx of refuges have effortlessly transformed themselves into a terrorist organization known as the Individual Eleven. With a sadistic intent of mass destruction, will they triumph in victory or discover the gloomy pitfalls of defeat?”
Ghost in the Shell: S.A.C. - Solid State Society (2006 OVA) - “A.D. 2034. It has been two years since Motoko Kusanagi left Section 9. Togusa is now the new leader of the team, that has considerably increased its appointed personnel. The expanded new Section 9 confronts a rash of complicated incidents, and investigations reveal that an ultra-wizard hacker nicknamed the “Puppet Master” is behind the entire series of events.”
Ghost in the SHell: ARISE, Arise: Alternative Architecture, and The NEW Movie (2013-15) - "A TV anime version of Ghost in the Shell: Arise. The first eight episodes are an edited version of the four movies while the last two features a new arc called "Pyrophoric Cult. The plot involves the “Fire Starter” virus explored previously, and introduces the new character Pyromania. The episode will have ties to the upcoming film.
In the year 2027, a year following the end of the non-nuclear World War IV, a bomb has gone off in Newport City, killing a major arms dealer who may have ties with the mysterious 501 Organization. Public Security official Daisuke Aramaki hires full-body cyber prosthesis user and hacker extraordinaire, Motoko Kusanagi, to investigate."
Name (Title): GHOST in the SHELL (1995-2015): Movies (1.0, 2.0, 2: Innocence), Complete STAND Alone Complex S.A.C. (1st-2nd Gigs, Laughing Man, Individual Eleven, Solid State Society, Tachikoma Days), ARISE Series (Border 1, 2, 3, 4, Alternative Architecture 09-10, NEW Movie), EXTRAS - 1080p DUAL Audio x264.
Category Type: Anime, Movies, TV Series.
Length (Duration): Varies by Movie, Series, or OVA.
Year(s): 1995-2015.
Starring: The “Major” (Motoko Kusanagi), Batou, Togusa, Saito, Tachikoma, etc…
Genre(s): Sci-Fi, Action, Thriller, Crime, Mystery, Suspense, Comedy, etc…
Resolution: 1080p for EVERYTHING (but a few of the Extras and such)!
Rip Type (Source): BluRay Sources for EVERYTHING:
a. [philosophy-raws][Ghost in the Shell][Movie1.0&2.0+SP][1080p 10bit][Dual Audio]
b. [philosophy-raws][Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence][Movie+SP][BDRIP][1080p 10bit][Dual audio]
c. [philosophy-raws&VCB-Studio] Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX/攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX 10bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin]
d. [VCB-S&philosophy-raws][Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex][OVA×3+Movie2D&3D+SP][BDRIP][1080p 10bit][Dual audio]
e. [OZC]Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. Tachikomatic Days Episodes 1-13 Batch Blu-ray Dual Audio
f. [OZC]Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. Tachikomatic Days Episodes 14-26 Batch Blu-ray Dual Audio
g. Ghost in the Shell S.A.C. 2nd GIG Tachikoma na Hibi (1-26) [1080p] (Dual Audio JAP ENG - Subs ENG)
h. Ghost_in_the_Shell_Arise_(BD_1080p_Hi10_FLAC)[Dual-Audio][Kametsu]
i. [Commie] Ghost in the Shell Arise Alternative Architecture [BD 1080p AAC]
j. [Kametsu] Ghost in the Shell - The New Movie (2015) v2 (BD 1080p Hi10 FLAC) [Dual-Audio] [ABCF12E0].mkv
Codec Type: x264.
Format of File(s): MKV(s) for ALL of the MAIN stuff (Movies, SAC series, Tachikoma shorts, Arise, and LOTS of the extras)! I only used MP4(s) for videos (some of the extras and such) where there’s only ONE audio track with NO subtitles or anything like that…
Audio Format & Language(s): DUAL Audio (English AND Japanese) for ALL of the MAIN stuff BUT most of the “extras” and the TWO “ARISE: Pyrophoric Cult” episodes (which haven’t been DUBBED in ENGLISH just yet)! The Audio for like 90%+ of THIS pack is in AC3 (5.1 Channel -> 640 KBPs) and a small few of the tracks are in AAC 5.1 Format. When it comes to the “Extras”, MOST of them are in "AC3 2.0 2-Channel Format (224 KBPs)…
Subtitles: YES -> ENGLISH “Internal” SRT/ASS Subs MUXED into each MKV Video File.
Chapters: YES: for pretty much EVERYTHING.
Information Link(s):
Comments - 107
Ghost in the Shell 1.0 = best
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ ot4ku
It’s definitely MY personal FAVORITE as well :)!
Been waiting forever for a 1080p batch. love you <333
I will help seed this for at least a month, great package that everyone should have
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Apotekarnes
Love You…MORE :<3!
@ ot4ku
I really APPRECIATE this gesture from you as downloading, re-encoding, organizing, and then UPLOADING torrents is NOT an “easy” task…
this has been in my backlog for a while but i could never be bothered to download all the different parts because i’m super lazy, so thank you very much for compiling this
will seed to a 10 ratio like i always do
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Jiur
Well it’s a good thing that I’ve taken the time (rather a MONTH or so now, LOL) to COMPILE everything for my fans like YOU ^_^!
Oh, now I see. The 1080p pack has all the juicy extras, and not the 720p pack. Sucks for the 720 pack, but I just want the extras.
This is such a magnificent batch! Well, I’m just wondering that do you’ve any plans for Macross franchise? It not a request though. I just wanna know weather you’re interested or not.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ LeoEarlSpilner
It’s funny you ask as the MACROSS series has been on my QUEUE for the longest…
It’s just a matter of TIME, my man!
I’m glad to hear that. Thank you! I’ll look forward your upcoming encodes. :)
i’m not sure if this is a problem on my end or not, but qbittorent is saying it’s fully downloaded everything (66 gb) however only 34.7 gb worth of files have been downloaded https://i.imgur.com/4mLgHoC.png
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Jiur
I’m not sure why you’re having this problem on your end, my friend. Tell me, are you still having such issues?
yeah, i keep telling qbittorent to redownload / recheck and it keeps going to “100%” completion but i still end up with only half the files
this is the first time a torrent has done this to me
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Jiur
I’m honestly not sure why this is happening, either…
Can you try download it to another folder or even another computer? Let me know if you do…
i tried downloading it to another folder :that didn’t work, i put a post on the qbittorrent reddit so hopefully i’ll be able to get some help there
@Jur check the harddisc space, and I would recommend trying a different Torrent client and download to a differend HD on your PC just to be sure.
Btw. SEED Ratio = 110.0 !! (66x110= 7.2 TB) pfffffff, its not even 2 weeks!
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ ot4ku
YOU are THE Man, my Man!!!
BTW, how do you like the torrent itself (contents, video quality, and so on)?
I just watched gits 95 and the whole sac about 2 month ago again (every year at least once haha), so I have not yet checked it, I trust in the quality from your sources and I will give you feedback here after I watch it, but will take a while… sad that ther eis NOTHING compared to GitS nothing with that level is out there, I liked Psycho Pass, but still GitS is in a own league.
there is absolutely no problem with space at all , considering i downloaded it to a literally empty 2tb ssd , anyway qbittorrent is probably being terrible so i’ll try another torrent client for this
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ ot4ku
I’ll be awaiting YOUR review then ^_^! Yeah, so far when it comes to “cyberpunk” anime, NOTHING is as good as GITS, I agree!
@ Jiur
Did the other torrent client fully download this torrent?
i’m using deluge as the other client and it’s incredibly slow and the file size is even smaller when inspecting properties yet all the files are there this time, i went through each individual folder and they add up to the full size, except inspecting the folder as a whole shows it as smaller
turns out my pc was just busted, false alarm i guess sorry<.<
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Jiur
Now that it’s FULLY downloaded, how do you like my torrent and all that I’ve PACKED into it ^_^??!
This is the best Sci Fi series ever hands down. This torrent made my day ! Since I downloaded I have been binge watching ! Please do More Repacks !
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ vodoo_12
Yes, it’s definitely the GREATEST “Sci-Fi” ANIME series of all time, you’re correct!
Let everybody and I know what you honestly think of the overall quality of this pack, okay?
P.S: If you have ANY ideas or suggestions when it comes to future PACKS of series, let me know, okay?
finally some good freaking GIS
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ GoroHondo and lawliot
Thanks for downloading (and hopefully SEEDING ^_^) my torrent!
I’ve been wanting to get into this series for a long time
Finally some good fucking batch. Thank you
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Bineet
ENJOY this batch and let us all know what you THINK of its contents and quality, okay?
Created a Nyaa account just so I could say thank you for this. Amazing work :) Seeded to 13x for now, need to pause for a bit as close to my max upload allowance for the month aha
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ RamenNinja
It’s comments like YOURS that are WHY I “do what I do” for guys/gals like YOU ^_^!
@animepacks007 a thousand thanks! This (GITS 1995) got me into anime (and Manga - Shirow!!!). Masterful and a great torrent. As for requests - Detective Conan Films torrent of best quality would be nice :)
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ micronicos
Yes, I remember watching GITS (the original anime film) like in 2000 and ever SINCE then, I’ve been a FAN of the series ^_^!
I’ll keep your Detective Conan request in mind ;).
It’s weird because the total file size is only 20.4 GB why is that?
Why such an amazing pack and 8bit video?
@Jiur bro, qbittorrent seemed buggy for me, so I dropped it and using transmission, experiencing no problems ever with transmission
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Muxed
Be sure to read Jiur’s experience UP above as I believe he had to switch to another Bittorrent software to fully download this particular torrent ;). It sucks, I know, but some people have had issues with this particular torrent that I uploaded for whatever reason…
I don’t really get into the whole “8bit vs 10bit” debate as MOST of us can’t tell the difference between the two, anyways :D !
Thanks for GITS Collection!
@animepacks007 Difference can be seen on gradients without applying noise dithering. With dithering we just get more analog picture on gradients which does not equal original picture.
While with 10bit encoding we not just get “quality that cannot be distinguished from original with human eye” we literally get same picture in digital form comparing to blue-ray because no noise and dithering applied to gradients.
I asked why u did downencoding to 8bit cuz your sources are in 10bit. Anyway thanks for this pack, it could be just perfect if it was 10bit.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ SomaHeir
Thanks for the download!
Thanks for educating me on the differences because honestly, I definitely didn’t know such things!
To answer your original question though, another reason why I haven’t “grown” into uploading 10-bit torrent’s just yet is the fact that an overall Majority of hardware players (especially Bluray ones and such) STRUGGLE when it comes to playing 10-bit encoded videos whereas 8-bit ones are UNIVERSAL(-ly) compatible and decodable…
I always aim with my torrent’s to be as “ONE Size Fits ALL” as much as possible, honestly ;), which is probably why it may take me awhile to ever release an “HEVC/x265” torrent (due to the LOW compatibility that such torrent’s have with most hardware and software players still).
@animepacks007 Yeah perhabs it makes sense for players
However I personally dropped the idea of having any player or playing on TV and etc. Because I haven’t ever seen any player that can do popular codecs.
Either it’s an oldschool player and can do only avi xvid, either it can do MKV x264 but cant do FLAC for example and I get no sound on video, some of them support specifically AAC and dont support MP3 sounds and vice versa. And also another issue: impossible to switch subtitles or audio, no support for external files, and killer thing is USB flash card is too slow to play 1080p video.
10bit of course new awesome codec and not supported anywhere, also I believe HEVC not supported either
So much pain caused by using that players, makes more sense buying a PC connected for TV, or connecting laptop or at least android TV-set with MPV or VLC installed (these apps can be updated or new app installed on android)
What I mean 60% of people still wont be able to play your videos on hardware players cuz that players are mostly bullshit :D
Sorry for being a bore just cant cure myself from perfectionism
I suspect the really long and folder names are causing issues for bt clients. Shortening the root folder name helps.
As for encoding, my preference is 10bit x265 and then 8bit x264 (usually this is for something really old and no one is encoding it anymore). Both of these encodings are supported by most recent streaming devices (eg firetv) and phones. Hi10P (10bit x264) is just too pc-oriented for my liking.
I ran into a problem where half the videos in the folders wouldn’t open in VLC on Windows 10. I did a little digging and it seems like the extra periods in the filenames made VLC spaz out. I’m not sure why, I’ve never had this problem before. Anyway, I managed to get everything to work by replacing the “S.A.C” in the filenames with “SAC” (no periods). Just a tip in case anyone else ends up running into the same problem.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ badbob001 and radiantDolphin02
With my new torrents in the future, I’ll definitely remember NOT to have “.periods” IN the filenames as it’s definitely possible that THAT was the issue that a lot of our peers had when it comes to downloading this particular torrent.
THANKS for the suggestion!
Am I understanding this correctly?
Ghost in the Shell (ARISE) - Border 01 OVA - Ghost Pain (2013 - 1080p DUAL Audio)
Ghost in the Shell (ARISE) - Border 02 OVA - Ghost Whispers (2013 - 1080p DUAL Audio)
Ghost in the Shell (ARISE) - Border 03 OVA - Ghost Tears (2014 - 1080p DUAL Audio)
Ghost in the Shell (ARISE) - Border 04 OVA - Ghost Stands Alone (2014 - 1080p DUAL Audio)
Ghost in the Shell (ARISE - A.A) - Pyrophoric Cult, Part 1 of 2 (2015 - 1080p JAP Audio)
Ghost in the Shell (ARISE - A.A) - Pyrophoric Cult, Part 2 of 2 (2015 - 1080p JAP Audio)
The first 4 OVAs in that list are special 2 to 6 if you go by the tvdb https://www.thetvdb.com/series/ghost-in-the-shell-arise-alternative-architecture/seasons/0 convention and and the last two episodes in that list are episode 9 and 10 of the first season https://www.thetvdb.com/series/ghost-in-the-shell-arise-alternative-architecture/seasons/1.
May I ask why you didn’t include the 5th OVA and/or the first 8 episodes?
Hi. Asesome work. I had been fan of your first one i found on the piratebay but i just found about this site looking for LOGH stuff and it’s amazing.
I do hope to get an x265 version because of space issues haha. I don’t get why people don’t like it or if it is that way because i always keep a mid-high range machine.
Anyways great work. I would like to know how to get this stuff done and maybe do it also, always encouraging to buy the original material ;)!
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Fiddlel
The reason why it’s titled and order the way it is was because there hasn’t been a “Border 05” OVA released of the last 2 episodes as of yet :. Borders 01-04 contain 2 episodes each of the ARISE series (with some additional content, if I’m not mistaken) whereas those 2 “Pyrophoric Cult” episodes (the last 2 episodes out of 10) are what Border 05 would consist of (whenever it is released).
I hope what I wrote makes sense.
@ rubnduardo
LOL, I am NOT a fan of the x265 (HEVC) format as of yet due to compability issues with many devices :P! At least with x264 (AVC) it’s the UNIVERSAL format that most players and machines can play…
THANKS for your feedback though.
THANK YOU sir!!!
I have the arise Omake’s Here if you want to add them. I don’t remember where I found them.
I made an account JUST to thank you. Seriously this is the most amazing collection for this anime I’ve ever seen. I’m deleting my old one just to redownload this one. I’ll be seeding whenever possible!
Thank you again!
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ irontagger
THANKS for the inclusion of the Omake’s :)!
@ Bepe
Comments like YOURS are actually WHY I DO what I DO for folks such as YOU ^_^!!!
I compared your release with others more difficult to find
here’s the result = http://www.framecompare.com/image-compare/screenshotcomparison/DP67GNNX
you can find the better releases here = https://pastebin.com/S5PwPGWB
great job anyways
Thanks a ton for encoding and uploading this awesome pack! Also, do you take requests?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ heynando
Thanks for the other releases for those who want to download them :).
@ Pajeet
THANKS for the love <3!
YES, what do you have in mind?
@animepacks007 once all the new BDs drop, will you consider doing the City Hunter series?
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Pajeet
It’s FUNNY that you ask that as I’ve been wanting to do a CITY HUNTER -BluRay- release for quite some time now, and luckily for us they are releasing the series gradually over the years in BD format!
You’re my personal savior man I lost all my GiTS stuff in a catastrophic RAID6 failure from a power surge.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Eshi
I’m honored that I could play a small part in bringing restoration back into your life after that devastating hard drive failure!
thanks for the awesome collection its nice to have everything in one place. thank you
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ robo666
THANKS for downloading (and hopefully SEEDING) this torrent of mine’s!
This batch is insane. Thank you so much!! I’ll keep seeding as much as I can
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Justinyan
I really APPRECIATE you for downloading this pack of mine’s!
Let me know what you think of the quality, its contents, its organization, and so on, okay?
One episode has “with Director’s Commentary” in its name. Indeed it has a special audio track in Japanese, but it does not have the subtitles that go with it. :(
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ maxwellgauss
The reason why there’s no subtitles for the “Japanese” (Commentary Track) is because the original BluRays didn’t come with any, unfortunately, for THOSE particular audio tracks. It seems that with most JAPANESE director’s commentary tracks, either release groups don’t include the subtitles or the BluRays never came included with them in the first place…
Thanks you for this, really appreciate it :)
Do you know of an easy way to delete the english tracks from the files?
I’m no native english speaker so Japanese will do for me, and I’m kinda low on storage for now.
I lost my collection of older anime DVDs so packs full of love like this one are a tremendous silver lining. Thank you very much for compiling and seeding this! I My connection has been even shittier than usual for the past couple of months, but I’ll try seeding at least at night.
When it comes to the first movie, though, I think I’ll go with Judgment’s version.
Thank you so much for this splendid collection!!
what subs are being used in Stand Alone Complex 1st and 2nd Gigs?
@Dotelias here is a youtube tutorial that might help you delete the eng audiotracks:
(also people posted the command script from the video in youtube comments there)
MRL error keeps coming and I don’t think it’s actually my problem. I think it’s the torrent
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Airsaber
Thanks for showing love to my torrent!
@ hong_hua
I used the same subs that came with the SOURCE file for my re-cncodes of the SAC series:
“[philosophy-raws&VCB-Studio] Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX/攻殻機動隊 STAND ALONE COMPLEX 10bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [Fin]”
@ Akichan1221
Sorry for my LATE reply!
Are you still having “MRL error” issues with this torrent? If so (or not), let me know, okay?
This is a truly amazing accomplishment. I will have to stick around for your “Macross” release!
One question though. Is this torrent an upscale of your previous 720p release or was this encoded from true 1080p blu-ray sources?
Let me know and thanks for all the hard work!!!
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ John_Frum
I appreciate your kind words as it took AWHILE to research and compile a torrent such as this one!
Yes, hopefully I’ll cover the MACROSS series before 2020 is over with!
I listed this torrent’s “sources” up above so I can definitely say it was entirely encoded from GREAT sources (and not anything upscaled)…
Right on, my friend!
I appreciate the quick response, the content of the info and the hope for “Macross 2020”!!
Whoo Hoo!! lol
Thanks again and I’ll be keeping an eye out for it!!
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ John_Frum
Thanks for the support, John!
Most videos under “STAND Alone COMPLEX (2002-06)” seems corrupted. Anyone else having the same issue? I re-downloaded some them, but the issue persists.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ jacketcash
Are you still having such issues, mate?
@animepacks007 I also am having the MRL Error when I open the videos with VLC Player.
What is this problem? I’ve never seen it before, and a google search says it only should happen when you try to stream video from a url like youtube, not when playing videos that are downloaded to your computer. I also just noticed I Can’t rename or change the security settings for the files. What the heck.
Okay So I think I figured out the problem. The filename directory path was just TOO LONG.
After playing with it I decided to delete the "3 Movies, COMPLETE Stand Alone Complex SERIES, Arise OVAs - " from the parent directory folder name so now for me it just reads “GHOST in the SHELL (1995-2015) - 1080p DUAL Audio x264” and the videos play perfectly now!
I will continue to seed, cause this by all rights is a great torrent.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Foxer91
I’m grateful that you figured it all out, mate! Ever since this torrent, I’ve been very careful (as best I can) to make sure that the filenames are NOT “too” LONG, indeed!
Can anyone share the file uploaded by @Irontagger? https://gofile.io/?c=Zo35Vk
The link has become unavailable since he posted it. :/
holy bananas man you rock
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Troydere
Thanks for putting a SMILE ^_^ on MY face, mate!
I know this may sound tiring and there is less than 0.001% chance you may do it but can you this batch as HEVC ×265 and 10bit???
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ voidvamp098
LOL, I doubt I’ll ever do an HEVC release of ANY of my releases! However, you never know…
@animepacks007 is this a studio ghibli film i am missing 1 film from the studio ghibli set and i dont know the one i am missing
i have 24 out of 25 thank you for any responses
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ animenewby
The ONLY thing Studio Ghibli had to do with the GITS series is the “Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence” movie that they played a hand in Co-Producing. You can read more about it here, mate:
PSA for anyone downloading this nowadays. As of December 2020, Commie has done a v2 on the Arise movies. So if you want the latest/best version of Arise it’s:
You are an absolute legend. Thank you for uploading this. And thank everyone else for seeding it.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Aflac
Thanks for updating us, mate!
@ NoahBK
I appreciate YOU for the comment!
Honestly these are pretty crap quality rips, I don’t recommend them. Color banding and artifacting all over.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Twiz
Thanks for the constructive criticism, mate! I encoded and released this torrent 2 years ago when I was still a bit “green” when it comes to encoding, actually! If I were to release it TODAY (especially with even BETTER sources than what was available here back in 2019), those “banding/artifacting” issues would probably be all gone, indeed!
I wouldn’t say that the rips I did were “pretty crap quality” though. To each his own though, mate.
Just wanted to say thanks for making this even if it is older now. I do have an issue however. A lot of the videos seem to be unplayable in VLC. They play in the native Windows 10 browser alright, but for some reason VLC errors out.
animepacks007 (uploader)
@ Soultpp
I’m not sure why some users are having this issue with VLC (as I certainly don’t), mate :.
Let me know though if this keeps happening to you.
hey wanna ask in this pack is every ghost in the shell anime? i wanna watch this from scratch cuz never seen it.
@ animepacks007
Sorry this is a while after I last posted, was actually in the hospital lounging bored in a bed. I have something to add though. I use Plex to stream stuff from my computer to my TV, it’s usually easier than trying to set up a USB or external drive. And it can’t read any of the SAC files, doesn’t think they exist and the folders are empty. It’s everything except the SAC Specials directory. And no subdirectories within them show either, even ARISE doesn’t show the Extras and Shorts folders in Plex.
Just thought you might be interested in this development. It isn’t huge, can still watch the stuff on my computer when it comes to it, but it is more weirdness.
Beautiful, thank you very much.
No subs for extras (New Tachikomatic Days specifically)?
the main series is just 38 gigs!!!
I’m new to this series, what’s the watch order? I’m gonna spend my weekend watching this. please reply asap hehe
Damn. My weekends ended just like that :<
Finished it, thanks for a great release
Hey I’m New In This
Which Order I should Watch It???
I’m lost,so is this the best way to watch the series and movies ? Like are these the best versions ? Thank you.
IMO, this is the best GITS anime pack… animepacks007 even took care to rename the file to help us watching this anime in good order.
FYI, GITS anime contain 3 different universe and animepacks007 has kindly put them on appropriate folder.
You can choose which ever folder you want to watch first and it doesn’t matter.
Some says you should watch it as it released just like how this packs ordered by animepacks007.
But you want to watch it timeline wise, i recommend to watch it in reverse order. Arise > SAC > Movie.
Some says Movies should be watched after Arise since first scene of GITS 1995 is continuation from last scene of New Movie.
IMO, if you watch GITS in this order, you will feel awkward when watching SAC since you they can’t really be reconciled in that order.
And two scene mentioned above is telling different case altough with similar telling.
But let me tell you once again: they are on different universe… so you can’t really connect them
anyone know of a way for this to be properly sorted and recognized by plex? this has been a nightmare
This excludes making of material for the movies.
Thank you!