Chaos;Head [English Patched, Di-Patch 2.5]

2019-06-08 21:46
File size:
2.1 GiB
Info hash:


Title: Chaos;Head
Year: Japan 2008-04-25, English Di-Patch 2.5 2019-01-22
Developer: Red Flagship & 5pb. Games & Nitroplus
Publisher: Nitroplus
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Related Anime: AniDB
Translation Team:

  • Translation: Dagger
  • Translation check: LoSs
  • Text editing: DeiExMachina , TinFoil
  • Image editing: EchoMateria , Edger , BlickWinkel , Soloista , Azaghal, M4xwellmurd3r
  • Hacking: Crass

Takumi is a high school student. He is withdrawn and is not interested in 3D things. In his town, a mysterious serial murder case happens and people get panicked. One day, when he chats on the internet, a man suddenly contacts him and gives him a URL. He goes to the website and finds a blog image that suggests a next murder case… On the next day, it really happens…


  1. You need to change system locale to Japanese.

  2. No need to install.

  3. Patch by Project Blue Sky. Fixes bugs and updates certain translation choices (including “300-man Committee” -> “Committee of 300” and “Giga-lo-maniac” -> “Gigalomaniac”).

  • Improvements over Di-Patch 1.0:
    -5pb’s logo has been restored during game start
    -Skip Mode stops at delusion triggers
    -Committee of 300 tip has been added thanks to ItsRigs
    -Bazellad has been changed to Baselard for consistency.
    -Glajioul has been changed to Gladioul, as this is a more correct localization.
    -Shogun’s chat message now has text in the textbox in English.
    -Takumi sleepwalking typing on the computer has been subtitled.
    -Fixed a line during Suwa’s and Ayase’s encounter in chapter 8 which didn’t make any sense
    -ItsRigs’ translation of the `Whose eyes are those eyes?´ essay has been inserted back into the game.

  • Improvements Over Di-Patch 2.0: -Remade Chapter Titles
    -Video Playback Fixed
    -Staff credit roll was remade and made transparent. The original English release screwed this up and made the background white.
    -Backlog has been fixed.

!!! Link for the original pre-patched version:


File list

  • Chaos;Head
    • dx
      • mvA.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvB.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvC.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvD.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvE.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvF.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvG.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvH.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvI.ngs (1.5 MiB)
      • mvINTER01.ngs (52.0 MiB)
      • mvINTER01.ngs.bk (47.0 MiB)
      • mvNH01.ngs (732.0 KiB)
      • mvNH02.ngs (556.0 KiB)
      • mvNH03.ngs (780.7 KiB)
      • mvOP.ngs (91.4 MiB)
      • mvOP.ngs.bk (56.6 MiB)
      • mvPC00.ngs (28.6 MiB)
      • mvPC01.ngs (3.8 MiB)
      • mvPC02.ngs (710.4 KiB)
      • mvPC03.ngs (778.4 KiB)
      • mvin.ngs (274.0 KiB)
      • mvout.ngs (217.9 KiB)
      • mvやられ01.ngs (882.8 KiB)
      • mvやられ02.ngs (882.8 KiB)
      • mvアイキャッチ01.ngs (542.4 KiB)
      • mvアイキャッチ02.ngs (381.3 KiB)
      • mvイメージ01.ngs (4.1 MiB)
      • mvイメージ02.ngs (4.4 MiB)
      • mvソード01.ngs (5.9 MiB)
      • mvソード02.ngs (5.0 MiB)
      • mvソード03.ngs (6.0 MiB)
      • mvソード04.ngs (3.5 MiB)
      • mvフリッカー.ngs (567.4 KiB)
      • mv体験.ngs (4.1 MiB)
      • mv掲示板.ngs (8.1 MiB)
      • mv楕円.ngs (1.2 MiB)
      • mv海.ngs (2.1 MiB)
      • mv消える01.ngs (2.0 MiB)
      • mv消える02.ngs (11.3 MiB)
      • mv爆発01.ngs (1.9 MiB)
      • mv爆発02.ngs (8.5 MiB)
      • mv目01.ngs (250.8 KiB)
      • mv目02.ngs (85.6 KiB)
      • mv目03.ngs (771.6 KiB)
      • mv砂嵐.ngs (608.2 KiB)
      • mv花びら.ngs (2.1 MiB)
      • mv軌跡01.ngs (340.4 KiB)
      • mv軌跡02.ngs (456.2 KiB)
      • mv雨01.ngs (1.4 MiB)
      • mv雨02.ngs (1.1 MiB)
    • ChaosHead.exe (3.3 MiB)
    • cg.npa (811.0 MiB)
    • ex.npa (494.4 MiB)
    • nss.npa (1.5 MiB)
    • sound.npa (124.4 MiB)
    • system.npa (1.3 KiB)
    • voice.npa (366.2 MiB)

Sankyuu for the prepatched version! A lot of the old links are now dead and I have mine on a broken HDD(Need to fix it asap).

I do vaguely remember some problems in my run like lines disappearing(you would have to go back to archive messages to restore it). Not too bad, but it’s something I experience.

Hopefully this new patches installed would fix that!

Sanks again!



hey @superelmo, think you can upload a pre-patched Great Ace Attorney for the Android version?it’s been a few months and I still can’t find anywhere on the internet.

It crash when I click on start even though I changed system local to japanese

superelmo (uploader)


It happens sometimes if you try to run the game while seeding it.
If the problem was system locale it will usually crash before you see the main menu. Did you get an error pop up message when the game crashed?

Nop. I fixed it using Locale Emulator

Any idea on how to disable the underwear? There’s no toggle like in the previous versions.

Thank you juicyyy for the Locale Emulator solution ! I had the same problem and now it works :)
Thanks superelmo for the upload, and thanks to every seeders !

As hind said, is there any way to disable the underwear?

superelmo (uploader)


Just tested and if you have save files from a previous version with the underwear mode enabled, it will trigger it here as well. After deleting the save files, the underwear mode is no more, at least for me.

@superelmo how do you delete the save files though?

I was able to disable the underwear mode by downloading an old 2012 torrent by fuwanovel here. It had settings to disable it, so I did and saved the game on my already existing save file. Opened the game with this version and now everything works normal.

opening movie appears all black, what’s up with that? cutscene from right before that also appears black if you reach it via skipping

superelmo (uploader)


Try updating your video codecs.