What do you do when you, a loner obsessed with games, get asked to join the video game club by the most beautiful girl in your high school? Do you:
a) Immediately accept and bless your lucky stars
b) Consider accepting while being weary that this might not be legit
c) Seemingly refuse her because you weren’t really paying attention to what he was saying
d) Genuflect.
If you answered c) you’d be right at home in Gamers!. This series of a misunderstanding-based comedy. Everyone will get the wrong idea about everything. Period. Throw in some cute girls, some surprisingly sweet moments and lots of game-related humor and cameos, and you have a very enjoyable show.
Comments - 12
Wonder if ANN in this series is also one big misunderstanding ;)
Wow. Thanks ≧▽≦y
Dude, you’re older than my grandpa.
DmonHiro (uploader)
How the hell can I be older then your grandpa? I’m 32.
For that to be possible, Kamiyan’s gramps and dad were both likely victims of thicc busty lady who’s into shota ?
FYI Kamiyan93 is like 22-23 yo IRL.
there was a romance anime 2-3 maybe 4 years ago, can;t think of the name had a kind of stoic/pushy/tsun’ish older sister type lead female a normal dumb MC and a super beta 2ndarty male they were making a game or manga or something like Saenai Heroine no Sodatekata, can not for the life of me find the name of it 0-o
Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu? It’s been awhile so I’m not 100% it ticks all of those boxes, but it’s the only title I’ve seen that I can recall comparing to Saekano.
DmonHiro (uploader)
Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu is the one, and dear lord was it boring.
Thanks guys! That looks right, I half remember, half the things I see >< hell I recall the world builds more and the SOL ones kinda blend together unless its working or blend s since both have a few nut cases in them…
WTYM, the right answer is to hide your eyes behind your bangs and blackmail her.