Lossy encoding of the [Touhou lossless music collection v.19](https://nyaa.si/view/998031) (referred as "TLMC" next).
Encoded with the following options using Opus 1.3:
opusenc --vbr --bitrate 128 --title "$title" --artist "$circle" --artist "$artist" --album "$album" --date "$date" --comment TRACKNUMBER=$track "$wav_filepath" "$opus_filepath"
Why 128kbps? Because Opus [is considered transparent at this bitrate](https://wiki.xiph.org/index.php?title=Opus_Recommended_Settings#Recommended_Bitrates).
Title, Circle, Artist, Album and Track Number are taken from .cue files. Date is taken from the directory name. In the 8 cases where directory name didn't include the date, it was looked up from VGMDB. `[dizzic]/Vampire Night` is the only album with no date set as I couldn't find the date for it.
Filename is in `<track number> - <escaped title>.opus` format, where the `track number` is padded with zeros to two digits, e.g. `01` (there are no albums with >99 tracks), and the `escaped title` is the track title from the .cue with tab characters removed (yes, some track titles had them for some reason, likely by a mistake) and the disallowed NTFS characters replaced with `-`. `sed 's+[\\/*?:<>|]+-+g'` to be precise. Additionally, due to some track titles being way too long, the `escaped title` part of the filename was trimmed so that the whole filename takes at most 128 bytes, without counting the NULL terminator. It should have been enough to trim them to 255 bytes, which is the limit for ext4 and is compatible with NTFS, but some popular torrent clients (qBittorrent) couldn't handle 255 byte filenames, so they were been trimmed down to 128 bytes. An example of a track with an absurdly long title is the track number 9 in `[BLUE TRAIN]/2010.03.14 はなまるグラインド幼稚園 [例大祭7]`, its title is `レミリャの帽子一杯にうんこして、咲夜さんに洗濯させたい。できれば、おぜう様が急な便意により、トイレに間に合わず帽子に漏らしたこb轤オたことにして、パッド長に帽子の中身をカリスマの物と思わせて、俺の糞とも知らずにその帽子を使って咲夜さんがどんな変態行為に及ぶか射命丸に盗撮してもらいたい。`. The original track title is still stored in the metadata, so you can easily create renamed hardlinks/softlinks to the files in the torrent if you aren't happy with my naming scheme.
Directory structure matches the one from TLMC exactly, with extra directories added. In cases where there were multiple .tta files in the same directory in TLMC, a directory with the name of .tta was created. `[C-CLAYS]/2008.08.16 [TOCD-0011] 雪月花 ~SETU GEKKA~ [C74]` is an example of such a directory with multiple .tta files. The reasoning for this is that sometimes two .tta files have tracks with the same titles (one .tta is voiced, another is instrumental, but track titles are the same, there is no ` (Instrumental)` suffix), which would result in .opus files having the same name and overwriting each other. Also, having multiple files with the same track number in the same directory is confusing, e.g. `01 - a.opus`, `01 - b.opus`, `02 - c.opus`, `02 - d.opus`. Which 01 and 02 are from the same disc? You can't tell.
A single .tta wasn't encoded as it seems to be corrupt and the .tta decoder simply gives up on it - `[DiGiTAL WiNG]/2013.05.26 [DWCD-0008] BEST OF WiNG [例大祭10]/DiGiTAL WiNG - BEST OF WiNG Special Non-Stop Version.tta`.
You might be aware that there is certain domain-less Touhou music streaming website that has already made a torrent for Opus 128kbps encoding of TLMC v19 in the early 2018. It appears like no one has uploaded it to Nyaa yet. Well, that torrent has a few issues, namely:
- Incorrect or missing track metadata - in some cases the track number N had metadata of the track N+1, with the last track not having any metadata at all. A couple examples of this are `[ChaoticDawn]/2010.03.14 熱血紅白 [例大祭7]` and `[Innocent Key]/2012.08.11 [IK-22] TOHO Innocent Beat!! [C82]` albums.
- Incorrect filenames, e.g. `[COOL&CREATE]/2005.05.04 [CCCD-0008] 東方ホムーラン (東方アレンジセルフアレンジ) [例大祭2]/11 - ビートまりお - 博麗神社例大祭参加記念と称してこんなやっちゃった感あふれるCD作っちゃったけどどうしようという後悔の念を微妙に溢れさせつつだらだらと約8分間ほど喋っpus` has no extension. Some music players might not pick up these files.
These issues and the fact that it was encoded with Opus 1.2.1 and Opus 1.3 has come out later that year is what has made me create this new torrent. This torrent shouldn't have the mentioned issues, or any other issues for that matter. I also want to point out that I'm not the author of the 2018 torrent and have no affiliation with that website.
Leave a comment if you find some issues with the torrent, I will consider fixing them if I ever do a TLMC v20 encoding.
Note that TLMC is far from complete, it's missing a lot of albums even for the most popular circles, mostly due to it being hard to find lossless releases of albums in comparison to lossy. Consider contributing to TLMC if you can get a hold of the missing albums. Keep in mind that they have to be Touhou-related, as some circles have released non-Touhou-related discs too. Your best bet at contributing is making the dl links available and posting them to rwx at tlmc.eu, though my comments never show up on the website so they might get lost if you post just on there, so maybe also post them on DoujinStyle, here in comments and on some boards.
p.s.: Opus 1.3.1 sneakily came out while I was in the middle of encoding this. Seeing how 1.3.1 doesn't bring any big improvements and that it took me 4 days to encode all of this on a single CPU core, I have decided against re-doing it with Opus 1.3.1.
p.p.s: This is actually a second version of the torrent, [the first one](https://nyaa.si/view/1137154) had filenames limited to 255 bytes which didn't work out well for my torrent client, so I have limited them to 128 bytes in this one. Since I have seeded only 29GiB before I have noticed the issue I didn't feel like v2 in the name was warranted since no one has downloaded even a half of it. Sorry for the inconvenience to the 19 peers that started downloading the first torrent and are probably now confused as to why there is no seed.
Comments - 9
MahoHuh (uploader)
MahoHuh (uploader)
MahoHuh (uploader)