Bungou Stray Dogs S1+S2+OVA [Impatience] And [DOit] Subs And Fonts Retimed For [VCB-Studio] 1080p BDRip

2019-04-09 19:41
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9.5 MiB
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Episodes 1-24 subs from [Impatience] Bungou Stray Dogs [TV 720p]
Episode 25 subs from [DOit] Bungou Stray Dogs - 25 OVA [BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC]
Retimed for [VCB-Studio] Bungou Stray Dogs / 文豪ストレイドッグス 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [S1+S2 Fin]
Also uploaded it to kitsunekko if you prefer to DDL it.

All used fonts are included in a single folder since I didn’t want to include repeats.
The folder of fonts is only ~5MB so you can just mux all of them into the the mkv files as attachments or install all the fonts onto your system.

First time retiming. I don’t really know what I’m doing tbh.
Just finished rewatching both seasons before Impatience uploaded the updated batch so I did minimal QC.
Just checked to make sure signs didn’t overlap, start/end on the wrong frames, and for dialogue subs to be relatively on time with the audio.
I’d appreciate it if you let me know what mistakes I made if you notice them while you’re watching.

File list

  • Bungou_Stray_Dogs_S1_S2_OVA_[Impatience]_[DOit]_subs_and_fonts_retimed_to_[VCB-Studio]_1080p_BDRip.zip (9.5 MiB)

Thank you for making this :)

Thanks for making this. Btw, how did you go about retiming the dialogue lines? did u do each line manually, or did u shift the lines all at once? and did you aegissub to do it?

RedHawk02 (uploader)


You’re welcome!


I opened the Impatience subtitle file in Aegisub and opened the video and audio files of the VCB-Studio bdrip.

First I watched a little bit of the video in 3 spots: near the start, middle, and end.
Just to see if “Dialogue” looked properly timed cause it was for some of them.
If it was off, I would choose one of the “Signs” and figure out how many frames it was off by.
IIRC, I chose the “Suicide… Submersion…” sign in Episode 1 and it was off by 25 frames so I shifted the entire subtitle file 25 frames forward.

Then, I would watch bits of the video in beginning, middle, and end, again, to make sure “Dialogue” was timed pretty close.

After “Dialogue” seemed fine, I checked each of the “Signs” and made sure they were started and ended on the correct frames and played through smoothly.

It took me a few hours to learn what I was doing (most of the time was because I couldn’t get fonts to line up and forgot that these usually came with fonts muxed and I didn’t have them installed on my system). Once I got the hang of it, I finished editing each subtitle file in about 5-10 minutes.

Thanks. I was just about to start this series.


Yeah I had downloaded Impatience’s updated version. Opened up one ep (cant remember which), the signs were fine but the dialogue subtitles where very early. Don’t know how they missed that. I was currently in process of adjusting subtitles I found to make a finalized version for myself. I did pretty much what you did except I just found a scene where one frame backwards would change the image, found that on both and compared what frame #s each were and adjusted the time for dialogue that way. I was then gonna go back thru to double check signs.

Good to know you were doing it the same, albeit slightly different XD.

If I happen to notice any timing adjustments when I get around to watching I will comment here again as you ask. I don’t know how torrents work (uploading and all that is severely foreign to me).

Thank you again.

RedHawk02 (uploader)



I never thought about doing that actually. Just checked with episode 1 of vcb-studio and of the impatience batch and doing it your way also gave me 25 frames difference. That’s pretty helpful for files that don’t have any signs instead of just listening to the audio to retime it.

What did you mean about their subtitles being early? Was it too early in the video of their own batch or too early when opened in a bluray rip video?
I didn’t notice any files where the timing was off in their own batch but it makes sense for it to be off when added to the bluray files.
But you’ll also have happy miracles like Ep 2 where the timing was near perfect with the exception of a few signs.

Enjoy the series! A few more days for S3. Can’t wait =D

@anubissev74 Can you offer any more details on the dialogue being too early? I briefly checked over every episode and I didn’t notice any mass-shifting of the times.

@arvon2 I retimed first ep for a friend https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/549631948377554946/564450853788844043/track3_eng.ass and I don’t think there are any early dialogues most probably @Redhawk02 messed some where. Though there were some timing errors on your script https://extraimage.net/image/1Ads https://extraimage.net/image/1AdS (could be due to the BD change). I haven’t checked all episodes and compared @RedHawk02 script so I could be wrong! But 1st episode didn’t contained any early dialogue

@gsk_ Looks like they were due to BD changes, thanks for looking into it! Glad people are doing BDs for the show.

RedHawk02 (uploader)


@gsk_ From what it sounds like, he’s talking about early timing in Impatience’s batch release and didn’t specify the episode.

Just like @arvon2, I didn’t notice any timing issues in the original scripts but I didn’t watch through the entire thing either so if there were any, then I definitely didn’t catch and fix it.

Btw, I checked the Episode 1 of the Impatience batch release at the parts you provided screenshots of. I didn’t notice it being mis-timed? Seemed fine to me. Is there something I’m missing?

@RedKawk02 There were scene bleeds in that screen shots. It means dialogue went past the key frame. As you can see that blue line went past the pink line(key frame) but I can assure you there isn’t any early dialogue, but subbing groups add lead in and lead out, may be @anubissev74 might be confused there.
@arvon2 Though I am not doing the BD. A friend of mine asked me how to time so I showed him.

RedHawk02 (uploader)


@gsk_ Thanks! That’s good to know. Something I would have never really noticed was an issue, if I’m being honest, I assume this only matters when the audio ends before the key frame, right? So in a dialogue line a few lines before the first linked image “My schedule for the day was just perfect,” the key frame changes but the audio doesn’t so it’s okay for the line to go through it?

If you showed your friend by making a video and sending it to him, I wouldn’t mind seeing it either >.> haha

Yes you are absolutely right!
I haven’t made a video though! It’s difficult to converse on nyaa. You can hit me on discord I can answer your questions there

Scenebleeding does not necessarily mean that it goes slightly over a keyframe, it means the subs bleeds into the next scene. Usually you’ll want them to end right before a scenechange unless the spoken dialogue continues into the next scene.

There wasnt any mass timing shifts in Impatirnce newest batch. It just the ep i checked, i was skipping thru checking timing an in one scene, a few subtitle appeared about 4-5 frames early b4 anyone spoke. Thats all. My eyes are sensitive to things cenrered around timing thnx to workibg on my own amvs in the past. Those things made me sensitive to things thay were off by a single frame.

If watching for enjoyment it most likely would go unnoticed, but my eyes have become a curse XD, and i was specifically looking at timing which made it easier to see as well.


I was never referring to ur retimed subs, I was referring to Impatirnce updated release.