Greetings from **CaptainTsubasaFansub**,
Well It's time to wrap this up because none left. . .
*Let's do the thank you part first...*
Thank you Viz for doing pretty much nothing for this serie even though you have the rights,
Merci some random French simulcaster for the audio and video files,
Xièxiè Mango TV for the early release of Episode 40, you've a special place in our hearts...
I don't know what to write anymore,
Though I want to continue this at least some more...
Seems like serie won't continue but we're just hopeful to see more...
I've told you many things in these lines;
You may saw the names of Turkish footballers to Yeşilcam stars...
From Hürriyet Güçer to Cüneyt Arkın kinds...
I know these may seem nonsense to some of you,
Yet also I know some of you wished to see these more...
But for the sake of final I'll cut this short,
Cause I have to tell you the episode once and for all...
Tyger scored, Tsubasa flew,
Who knew that match would end with a draw...
If you didn't watch old series or read the manga;
You would ask yourself what the hell just happened here...
You could argue that they have to know that something called penalty shoot-out,
In the end they all deserved to be the victor of the tournament...
But that's the Captain Tsubasa for you,
Even though you argue...
You would have know that, is so true...
So you shouldn't be in no position to argue...
And that pretty much sums up what this episode is about. . .
And we’re here to take you to this last episode along with them. . .
Aria, burcu, sangofe, VachuShines
Translation Checkers;
Aria, burcu, nothingxs
Quality Checkers;
agaric1, Aria, burcu, MHiN
ByAus, Magnum357
## PS: We've prepared some surprises in the release, hope you like them as much as we did...
~~*ehem*~~ check the additional **subtitle** ~~*ehem*~~
**Sangofe's note:**
"This release marks a (current?) end of a project. A project I started solo on my side, and so did MHiN, too.
My goal had always been to recruit other people to do the job, so after MHiN accepted to team up, VachuShines, Burcu and Aria came along willing to help with translating, Touji wanted to time, and "the editor" wanted to edit, I was very happy! Because truth to be told, even though I put my heart into it, I hated it solo subbing this after many years of subbing Captain Tsubasa for Saizen.
And now that the project is done, I have only one thing to say : I'm damn proud of you guys! You're amazing people and workers!"
**Aria's note:**
"I just don't wanna get seperated from my fellow ctf members T_T That's why I need Jr Youth!"
"Sırf itlik hainlik olsun diye geciktirdim ben, bilin diye söyledim."
**burcu's note:**
"Like many people watching this adaptation, I grew up watching Tsubasa. Seeing this legend go unsubbed kind of broke my heart and I ended up subbing anime for the first time in my life. I’d like to thank everyone in the group for making this a fun ride, and a shout-out to all 80s and 90s kids!"
"Sabahları ~~okula~~ işe gitmeden önce yine Kaptan Tsubasa izleyeceğimi düşünüp sevinirken, bir seneyi gece yarılarına kadar Kaptan Tsubasa çevirerek geçirmiş oldum; ama değdi :smiley: Küçükken de Tsubasa-kun'ı sevmezdim, hâlâ sevmiyorum :D"
**Touji's note:**
"Even though it was hard sometimes, I always had lots of fun subbing Tsubasa, especially because of our great crew who made working on the episodes so hilarious. I hope we can work together again sometimes. Maybe on the sequel?"
**ByAus' note:**
"I didn't watch it back then, nothing has changed anyway"
"Küçükken izlemiyordum hala izlemiyorum. :D"
PS; Aria's note: "I'll make him watch billion times if ever we get the BD for HQ release"
**A fantastic French youngster who loves Oralet's note:**
"I'm tired about doing so much things for Tsubasa. It was very difficult for me. :D"
**MHiN's note:**
"Well It's been exactly a year that I somehow found myself in this project. Just like Sangofe said I started as solo but in time our little group and the project we're trying to take care of got bigger and bigger with new members. Every week I've been part of this project was a great adventure that we spent many hours in our spare times.
I know for sure that none of what we achieve in this time would have been possible without you guys and I'm so proud of what you guys did for me, for this project and for the sake of Captain Tsubasa in just 365 days.
Well It's time to end these arcs of CT *once again* and be hopeful for the future..."
"Bundan tam olarak 1 yıl önce tek başıma çevirerek başladığım bu serüvenin sonunu görebileceğimi düşündüğümü söyleyemem. Yola tek başıma çıkmış olsam da Sangofe'nin teklifi ve daha sonrasında aria, burcu, byaus, nothingxs, touji, vachu olmak üzere diğer ekip üyelerinin de katılımıyla bu 52 bölümlük mücadelenin sonuna gelebildik."
>Credits episode 52:
Translators: **Aria**, **burcu**
Translation Checkers: **Aria**, **burcu**, **nothingxs**
Editor: **nothingxs**
Quality Checkers: **Aria**, **burcu**, **MHiN**
Timer: **Touji**
Typesetters: **ByAus**
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