Circlet Princess - 09 [720p Eng-sub]

2019-03-28 15:19
No information.
File size:
316.5 MiB
Info hash:

I got tired of waiting so I decided to try subbing this.

I’m not native in English or Japanese, so some of the translations may not be very good. Some lines are guesswork (esp. those dialect lines from Yuuka’s grandparents), and there were a few lines I just couldn’t get at all. But I hope it’s better than nothing. (i.e., I know it’s not great quality, I just want to create a starting point that others can build upon, please don’t bitch about it in the comments.) The .ass file is also available in Pastebin. If RyuujiTK or any other subbers want to build on it, please feel free to.

Raw source: Ohys-Raws

Unfortunately this has taken me way longer that I expected. I don’t think I would have the time to work on other episodes. Unless no-one’s working on it after a few months (i.e. after my exams), in which case I may get back into it. Although at RyuujiTK’s current pace I suspect he would get to it soon anyway.

File list

  • Circlet Princess - 09 [720p Eng-sub].mkv (316.5 MiB)



waiting next eps

Anything that fills the gap is appreciated; also, getting tired of waiting is how everyone got started fansubbing in the first place, so you’re in good company!

Now that I’ve finished downloading and watching it:
Well done!
Yes, there was that stretch where you couldn’t figure out what was being said, but you realized that and moved on.
Where you were guessing, what you came up with does make sense within the context of the surrounding dialog; I’ve no clue as to where you were guessing.