unless you have playback issues with x265 ( and in 2019 that happens only if your hardware is quite old and weak, even phones can run it these days)
you have 0 reasons to not get a x265 rip if its the best choice available.
and thanks urotsuki XD
you mad?
urotsuki said x264<x265.
i said its best option^^
urotsuki’s old x264 encode was again the best actually.
it was never on nyaa, but was around for years now. y-f looked like doodles in comparison.
and i still prefered that over koby’s newer encode. not that the last one wasn’t good.
no, i think 720p was the original and only release…but for some reason even that had some strange quality, anything with greater resolution than 720p is an upscale, even if the source of the files is a BD
Comments - 19
Zoku Owarimonogatari when?
Are you going to do a 1080p version for this?
Good job!!
stop doing 265 shit plzz
No, I will not. The original resolution is around 483-540.
LOL what? x265 is better than x264 now.
unless you have playback issues with x265 ( and in 2019 that happens only if your hardware is quite old and weak, even phones can run it these days)
you have 0 reasons to not get a x265 rip if its the best choice available.
and thanks urotsuki XD
Thanks a lot.
Many thanks! Any plans for Fate/Zero and Fate/Extra Last Encore?
@Urotsuki, Best? In what alternative reality does this happen?
you mad?
urotsuki said x264<x265.
i said its best option^^
urotsuki’s old x264 encode was again the best actually.
it was never on nyaa, but was around for years now. y-f looked like doodles in comparison.
and i still prefered that over koby’s newer encode. not that the last one wasn’t good.
Ncop - x264, 9mb
Ncop2 - x265, 6 mb
Seed please D:
thanks for the torrent friend :D
Claymore never got a 1080p release, did it?
no, i think 720p was the original and only release…but for some reason even that had some strange quality, anything with greater resolution than 720p is an upscale, even if the source of the files is a BD
Seed please
please seed!
please seed
Lol x264 is dead guys. Hevc is better. If you don’t have equipment buy a cheap tv box, the cheapest ones have hevc support.