These are the six Kemurikusa (2018) prequel vignettes that aired as ONAs and were released on Tatsuki’s official Twitter account prior to the full parent series ‘Kemurikusa’ - which is currently airing this Winter 2019 season. “They have an irregular episode count as follows: ep 0 (in actuality, it is unnumbered), 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9 for a grand total of six Twitter episodes.” ~ MAL
These are in RAW form, and are the same ones that were posted to Tatsuki’s Twitter account.
MAL Entry:
Parent Series’ MAL Entry:
I’ll seed for awhile, but not forever.
Comments - 5
finding my wife in the kemurikusa
Here all the Twitter shorts plus the Donbei collaboration with their respective English subs. If you go back from that folder you can also get the original 2012 short with English subs.
bless you
J_LEE_C (uploader)
I want to point out that this was uploaded before the 7th and final short (12.1) was released - as you’ll notice the MAL entry has been edited and specifies there are now (7) episodes - and therefore doesn’t contain it. If need be, I can reupload at some point, but its not hard to find.
principeinquisidor… Holy crap, thank you soooo much.I just found this.