shiteatersubs presents Oishinbo episode 002 in Japanese with English subtitles.
Translated by: winstonjen
Edited & Timed by: shiteaterbubibinman
Special Thanks to: moryatee
A hearty thanks to winstonjen for his stellar translation. Special thanks to moryatee for sharing the raw encode.
“Newspaper columnist Shiro Yamaoka and his rookie partner Yuko Kurita continue their research into writing “The Ultimate Menu,” a series of articles on gourmet food. This time, Shiro is confronted with his past when his estranged father, a scholar and gourmet, challenges him to a contest to see if he can tell among an unknown group of tempura chefs who is the best before they even start cooking.”
Comments - 5
shiteater bless
Best fansubber on nyaa
Based as fuck.
Will you release the first episode as well?
Thanks, really hoping for a full release of Oishinbo!
shiteaterbubibinman (uploader)
I worked on episode 001 with ATTKC, you can find it here:
and again~ thank you~