A Silent Voice - Koe no Katachi 1036p V1 [jhl][H265][EN51,JP51,CNT51,INS51,HX,COM]

2019-02-18 08:01 UTC
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2.6 GiB
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A film with a decent & cohesive plot (unlike your name). This release is comprehensive in terms of E/J Audio tracks. **日本人ようこそ。 5.1/5.0 英語、日本語、広東語、内なる沈黙。 2.0 ヘッドフォンX、解説。** V: 1036p H265. You NEED to watch this in >720p to get a 720p experience, cuz moeani added lots of BLUR. A: 5.1/5.0 vorbis English, Japanese, Cantonese, Inner Silence. 2.0 Headphone X, Commentary. Audio & Song edits (see below). S: Kametsu (restyled), 35mm Sources: qwert, Kametsu, ADC RAHK, 35mm. Screenshots & DDL on Animetosho. * I would make a 1440x784 encode, but qwert's 1036p H265 CRF 20 looks "OK" * The OP is now actually stereo! I got a 2016 stereo version. There are multiple stereo & mono versions around, I prolly used the worst one, (2014 might be better) but at least the vocals are prominent. * The ED changes per language cuz I don't like the aiko song. For EN, I used "Ao no Parade". For JP, the aiko song is now 20% less upscaled. For CNT, I used an Aga song. Unfortunately, the CNT song time-travels to 2018, but the film is 2016 & this film doesn't use time-travel (unlike your name). * Piano BGM is decreased from the back because piano should not be originating from the back. * EN_C was increased by 3dB to make dialogue more intelligible. * If Kametsu dialogue subs don't show, switch to the 35mm track. It's almost the same. Behaviour varies per-PC. I spent time troubleshooting this, but couldn't fix it. Also, I don't like serif subs. * If they A/V/S sync is off, or feedback, leave a comment. * If you want to help out, please seed for as long as possible. * If you use any main audio from here, you SHOULD credit me as jhl or junh1024.

File list

  • A Silent Voice - Koe no Katachi 1036p V1 [jhl].mkv (2.6 GiB)
Hello, can you explain in more details what > Inner Silence. 2.0 Headphone X mean?

junh1024 (uploader)

They're additional tracks included on the disc. See http://www.otakutale.com/2017/koe-no-katachi-blu-ray-dvd-details-revealed/
I really liked the kametsu ones styling (the sub is actually 35mm's, they just typsetted it). Though the subs are totally gone from 00.16.42 [extracted and checked]

junh1024 (uploader)

@lewdEmon Thanks. But the other sub track works the whole way, right? I guess I'll make a V2 when this torrent dies.