Manga Nihon Emaki (ANN offers the title translation of “Animated Japanese Picture Scrolls”) was an anthology series from that featured traditional and historical Japanese stories. The show’s chief director was Noboru Ishiguro, whose long resume includes Space Battleship Yamato, Legend of the Galactic Heroes, Sabu & Ichi, Future Boy Conan, Megazone 23 Part I, Macross (original TV series & movie), Orguss…you get the idea.
The series first aired in Japan in 1977, and was shown with English subtitles in the 1980s on KHAI-TV, UHF channel 20 in Hawaii. I shared some episodes in 2014, from a VHS tape provided by Laurine and digitized by AnimeSennin. Now Dougo13 has provided me with episodes from a second tape, recorded by the same trading pal in Hawaii.
So, here’s a new batch that contains all of the episodes I posted from the first tape, plus several new ones from this second tape. Massive thanks to Dougo13, Laurine, Dave, and AnimeSennin, for their work in preserving these subtitled episodes for so many years. Now they can be shared with the world.
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Hi Nanto, do you have discord server so I contact you there ?